3. Meet up

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Chapter 3

Meet up

Another day to start. Apollo is in the hospital, waiting for his appointment with the doctor. He really came early to avoid being in contact with people.

In his previous check-ups, he was told that his pheromones had become slightly stable. He was able to go out without worrying. It lasted for a month. He finished his remaining work outside in that span of time.

But yesterday, his pheromones became unstable again. Apollo doesn't know if he smells stronger or not. There's no one living in his house except for him. Cleo wasn't around, that's why he contacted the doctor to set an appointment.

“Mr. Soterios.” a woman's voice called him. He looked up. “This way,” the nurse said, assisting him.

He went in.

“What do you feel, Calli?” the doctor asked when he sat on the chair.

He sighed, “I don't feel anything, Kuya Pierre.” he answered to the doctor who was also his older brother.

Apollo isn't close to his older brothers that much. They rarely see each other when they're young. He was born when his older brothers are already 12 and 6 years old. When he became a ballet, Pierre was in the hospital practicing his profession to become a doctor. While his second older brother-Callum studying Law. That makes a huge gap between them.

When he was hospitalised and because of his condition, Pierre was taken in charge of overseeing his health. It's also the request of their parents. Before, they seldom saw each other. Now, for every check-up and family gathering, they're together.

He thought maybe his condition had become a way for him to get close with his brother.

“When was the last time you got in contact with an alpha?” his brother asked.

“Aren't you also an Alpha? ” he rebutted sarcastically.

Pierre glared at him because of what he said. ‘But he's also an Alpha though,’ he thought while rolling his eyes.

“When I had a photoshoot in Fashion Magazine,” he answered.

During the days when his pheromones are stable. He still kept his distance from everyone. It's kinda rude, but he explains the reason why he does that.

“The scent is weak,” Pierre said. “But the presence is still there,” he added while injecting him something. “Just stay in a private room for a while. This medicine will last for at least 8 hours. I need to know what's wrong with your body. And also to find a solution to cure your sickness.”

He didn't say anything. Just listening to his brother who's talking seriously. After checking him up, he was moved into a private room.

All he could do was to sigh. He's being isolated again. ‘Good thing I brought my laptop. I'll just write again to ease this boredom.’ he monotoned, taking out his laptop from his bag.

He knew this would happen. That's why he brought his laptop with him. Knowing his brother, Pierre wants to make sure that he's alright after leaving the hospital.

His phone vibrated, he took his phone out and checked. It's a message from Cleo.


From: Cleo

You're in the hospital?

He smiled. ‘I bet he'll nag again because I didn't bring him with me.’

He texted back, telling him where he was. In a few seconds, Cleo called him. He answered it right away.

Why didn't you tell me that you were going there?” Cleo asked immediately.

“You're probably still sleeping at that time. That's why I didn't call you.” he answered.

He left so early that he went to the hospital at 6 in the morning.

Cleo sighed in the other line. Apollo could tell that his friend was stressed out because of him. “Don't worry, I came here safe,” he assured him. “I'll stay here for a while. So, you can get rest.”

You really think that taking care of you is tiring, no?”

“Of course, I've been in your shoes before,” he said and laid his back on the headboard. “If only you didn't meet your mate, we'd probably stay together here in the hospital.” he added, giggling.

Cleo also had unstable pheromones before. He's the one who takes care of Cleo. He lived in his house during those times. His friendship bond with him is something that can't ever break easily, because they know each other's personality and way of thinking. Cleo treats him like his twin brother because of their similarities that can surpass an actual sibling. That's why he can relate to what he feels. He knows that Cleo is worried about him going out alone.

I'm going,” Cleo said.

“No need, I'm going to your house after this.”

Cleo sighed. “I'll see you later then,” he said.

He just hummed before dropping off the call. He went back to what he was writing.

This will do.’


After hours of waiting, he finally got released from the hospital. His brother checks him out from time to time. They had lunch together while talking about some stuff.

His brother said, maybe he'd be better if he met his mate. It sounds cringey to him, but it works with Cleo. ‘Fated mate my ass, even a serious relationship is rare to see these days.’

Pierre told him to take suppressants before going out. It's a bit different from what he has taken before. He felt better than earlier after having an injection.

Apollo went out of the bathroom after changing his clothes. He was just wearing a white turtleneck sweater, pants and a brown blazer. He fixes his hair, after putting all of his things inside the bag.

He needs to buy ice cream. Cleo texted him that they would be having an unexpected early dinner with their friends. Apollo doesn't want to come, but he's worried that Cleo will sulk if he doesn't show up. Plus, he told him that they would meet after staying in the hospital.

“I'll take you to your friend's house,” his brother said when he reached the exit.

“No need. I'll just take a cab, Kuya.” he said.

“I don't trust cab drivers,” Pierre said and took out his keys. “I asked my friend to cover my shift for a while, so I could take you there safely. Don't be stubborn and wait here.” his brother added, and left.

A black motorcycle stopped in front of him. Pierre gave him an extra helmet for safety. He hopped in. Apollo told his brother to stop at a convenience store. He bought different flavors of ice cream before hopping on the motorcycle.

“Do you eat too much sugar?” Pierre asked with an annoyed tone.

“Nope, this is just for today,” he answered. “I'll eat this with my friends.”

“Why don't you get a lover? You're getting old.” his brother changed the topic.

He rolled his eyes, “The sincere one hasn't come yet,” he answered. “I don't want to rush it. I love what I'm doing right now,” he added.

Who knows when that one will come? I honestly think that there's no one.’

“Remember what I told you last month? About the pheromones that linger around you?”

He nodded “Hmm?” that one didn't harm him.

“It's from an Alpha,” his brother said, which made him look at him. “Your body is supposed to react to his pheromones because they're strong. But seeing you look comfortable and unbothered made me want to meet that person,” his brother added.

He frowned. Alpha? If he's not mistaken, he was with the figure skater at that time. ‘So, it's his pheromones all along? He helped me a lot.’ 

Apollo couldn't help it, but he smiled a bit because of the thought. 

“The audacity of him to cover you with his pheromones,” Pierre hissed.

“You sound like a jealous man, Kuya,” he commented. 

“Jealous huh? I'm actually mad right now. I just can't bash your head 'coz I'm driving,” his brother said.

He just smiled. 

When they finally reached Cleo's house, Pierre helped him carry his things. 
“Visit the house. Kianna wants to see you,” his brother said, giving the things back to him when they're in front of the door.

”I will,” he answered back and smiled. “See you then.” 

His brother just nodded and left while he entered the house.

“Finally, you came!!” Cleo said heartily when he saw him. He smiled. “I brought desserts.”

He noticed that they weren't the only people inside. Some of their friends are there as well.

It's been a while.’ when he recognized the three people sitting beside each other. Terry, Nicholas, and Herson.

“I'll take this,” someone said, which made him jolt a bit. He didn't notice the person. To his surprise, he saw the former figure skater standing in front of him. “Oh? You're here.” he surprisingly said to Astin, who took the paper bag away from him.

“He invited me,” Astin said, pointing at Cleo's lover.

They're probably friends,’ he thought.

“I see,” he said, sitting on the vacant chair. “Cleo also told me to come. I thought, I'm late because I just came from the hospital,” he added, removing his blazer.

Astin smiled. “You arrived just in time, I guess,” he said, sitting beside him.

They started eating. He didn't bother to join the chat. Just eating silently while listening to his friends.

Astin, help him get some food. He's pleased because of the man's actions. He was able to enjoy the food because of the person beside him.


“Stop bickering, you two! You're not children anymore.” 

Apollo just smiled while watching Cleo try to stop those two drunken visitors from leaving his house. After dinner, Nicholas suggests that they drink since it's been a long time since they got together. 

But after drinking, Cleo's house started to look like a pigsty because of their friends. Nicholas, Herson, and Terry (Nicholas's lover) are wasted. Jylan (Herson's partner) decided to take those three home since he's the only one who didn't drink.

Apollo and Cleo on the other hand, are a bit tipsy but still in their right minds. The other two, Marco and Astin, are both drunk and still awake. They were too loud and were still bickering like two kids.

“I'll go home, Cleo,” Apollo said, making the three go silent.

Cleo shakes his head in disapproval. “No, you'll stay here,” he said, walking towards him. He held his arm and placed his cheeks over his shoulder. “Just sleep over here.”

He sighed. “I can't,” he said. “Kuya Pierre just gave me a signal earlier before I got here. He said, Anytime now, my heat cycle will come. So I can't stay here,” he explained.

He really can't since the two alphas are also staying overnight. Too dangerous for him.

They found out that the two used one car to get here and both got drunk, they can't let them drive. So, they are going to stay at Cleo's for tonight.

“You can sleep in the room beside the library. I'll just take these two on the third floor,” Cleo said. “I'll take care of you, you don't have to worry about it,” he assured.

Apollo didn't respond. Just watching Cleo carry Marco on his back. He stood up and helped his friend.

“Ari, Ari, Ari.” Marco mumbled enough for them to hear. 

“Stop smelling my nape, Quin!” Cleo scolded.

Apollo just shook his head while watching the two. He's supposed to walk, but someone put their arm on his shoulder, which caused him to stumble back on the couch. 

“Fu--oh?!” Apollo gasped when he realized that it was Astin who's behind him. The man wrapped his arm around his waist.

“Take me home,” Astin whispered. “Let's go home,” then he snuggles on his neck.

He was stoned in his seat. He looked at Cleo, who was also looking at him. Surprise is evident in his face. 

“This is a disaster,” Cleo said, and he decided to put his lover back on the sofa. He walked towards him and tried to remove Astin's arm from his waist. “Let go of him, Blaze.”

”No,” Astin said stubbornly. “Mint, mint, sweet mint,” he mumbled while snuggling between his shoulder and neck.

They tried again to move Astin away from him. But drunken Astin didn't budge, he just kept on hugging him from the back. They gave up. There's no way that this man will let go of him.

“Please remind me next time to not let these two drink,” Cleo said problematically. “What should I do? I can't leave you alone like this.”

“Hit that nerve on his neck,” Marco suggested. The two looked at him. He's awake, but his face is still red because of the alcohol. “Blaze has a habit that when he's drunk, he'll just hug the person next to him.”

“No, don't!” Apollo said in disapproval when he saw Cleo try to do what Marco told them. “Don’t hurt him. I can't let you do that,” he added.

It will hurt him.’ he thought. Apollo can't stand it when someone tries to hurt anyone beyond his watch. 

“Then you'll sleep with him,” Marco said . “This is embarrassing. That fucker, I already told him to not drink too much but still do.”

Sleep with him? What if my pheromones come out? ’ He sighed because of the thought. ‘I'll just stay awake for the whole night, I guess? Pay for what he did for the whole month. That would do.’

“Please get us some pillows and blankets. We'll just stay here,” he breathed out. Cleo shook his head in disbelief and went up with his man.

He just dug his own grave. He prayed for his safety from this Alpha behind him. ‘Just be different from the others, please.’

Astin laid down on the couch with him.He was lying on Astin's top, and the man was still holding him tightly, like anytime he would leave.

He was wondering why Cleo took so much time getting a pillow and blanket. He didn't know how long he had waited for his friend. It was so silent. Only the breathing of the man beneath him is the sound he can hear.

A couple of minutes later, he began to doze off. His eyelids are getting heavy, the only thing he heard were Astin's last words. 

“Don't go. ”


Hi! Sorry, it took me a long time to make an update on this story. I just have to finish something before I can write again. Thank you so much for your support and patience. Again, English isn't my native language. So expect a lot of grammatical errors. I'm still learning, hehe.
I dedicate this chapter to my new friend. Hi! en-king thank you for your support 💜


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