2. Figure Skater

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Chapter 2
Figure Skater

“Why me? ” Blaze asked his manager.

“Everyone wants to know more about you.” his manager answered and sighed.

He was told to attend an interview and photoshoot for Fashion Magazine. Blaze doesn't have any problem attending. The only thing he doesn't understand is why they are still intrigued about the reason for leaving his figure skating career.

‘It was all in the past.’ he thought.

“Well, it's not only you they were going to interview.” Jylan said. “The former ‘DDG’ will be attending as well.” he added.

The former ballet? I see.’

He heard that the former ballet also left his profession due to a health condition. ‘At least his was reasonable enough to understand.’

Blaze was forced to leave his figure skating career to manage their business. It was a bit unreasonable for him because he has his relatives manage the business. But his parents are stubborn, it was written in the will they left that he's the only one who'll manage their business.

He's their sole heir to everything. Which made him despise them at their funeral.

“Fine, I'll go.” he said and sighed.

Meeting him again won't be bad, I guess’ he thought.

Blaze saw the former Danceur Doll Genius three years ago. When he was in Moscow, his colleague invited him to watch a performance.

That was the first time he watched a beautiful performance. It was like a warm light for him, every movement of the ballet was graceful and perfect. He can feel the expression that the ballet wants to convey. Plus, the face of the performer is gorgeous, he almost mistook him for a woman because of his face and tied-up red wavy hair.

He didn't have a chance to get the ballet's name. And Blaze didn't bother to ask because he knew that they would meet again.


“Fuck!" He cursed while walking inside the building.

He was supposed to be there 20 minutes before the exact time. But because of the traffic, he arrived just in time. Blaze doesn't like being late, he always wants to arrive earlier than the actual time.

He went into the elevator and pushed the floor button. He almost didn't notice the person standing a few steps away from him. If he didn't smell something, he wouldn't notice it.

A sweet mint scent?’ he frowned and followed the trace of scent with his eyes. The scent is quite strong that passed to his facemask

‘An Omega.’ Blaze fixed his facemask and sighed. “Can you calm down?" He asked with an annoyed tone. “You're releasing pheromones.” he added. The omega went to the corner.

For others, releasing pheromones in front of an alpha means seducing them. But for him, it's an insult. His pheromones have a better smell than anyone else's.

He's annoyed, but he also can't deny that these omega pheromones are relaxing.

“I'm sorry,” the omega apologized. When the elevator stops, the guy immediately runs out. He just sighed and went to the studio.

Too fast.’

He saw the stylist waiting for him. The manager wasn't here because he told him to watch the company first. He trusts his manager so much because they've been together since he was 14 years old. Jylan Lucas Chavez was his personal attendant back then. They only have a 2-year age gap, and his manager acts like a big brother most of the time.

His phone vibrated. He got it and answered the call.

“Your cousin is here.” Jylan said.

“Who? Herson?" He asked while buttoning his clothes.

Yes.” Jylan answered. “He's annoying.”

He chuckled. “Call Nicholas. Tell him to call Herson.”

“I called him earlier, he was with Terry.”

“Just call the guards.” he said, dropping off the call.

His cousin is the main problem for Jylan. Herson was the reason Jylan was hiding his precious nephew. If only his cousin wasn't a jerk. He's sure that those three will become a happy family. He can't defend his cousin because it was Herson's fault in the first place. That is not his problem anymore.

The photoshoot started. Pose after posing. Shots after shots, finally break time. Blaze was told that he would move to another studio for the last part. During his break, he answered the interviewer's questions.

“Thank you, Mr. Chand” the last thing he heard after he left the studio.

The studio is in the other aisle. He just walks slowly so the make-up artist can fix his make-up. The door was open.

“We already talked about this, don't breach the contract.” he heard someone say before going in.

‘What's happening?’ he thought and went inside the studio. He saw Marco's lover fighting with the photographer.

“But Mr. Chand is also here for the photoshoot,” the photographer says. “We can't delay anything just because of this issue.”

He frowned. Issue? He looked around the studio. A joint photoshoot? He wasn't informed about it.

“Ha! Just because? I think you're forgetting something, you didn't tell us about the joint photoshoot.”

“Enough.” Another voice butted in. He looked at that person. “Let's get this done, I wanna go home." the man added.

He was stunned for a minute. Looking at the man, who looks like a porcelain doll.

“He's gorgeous, isn't he, sir?” His make-up artist said. He just smiled and nodded. ‘He's more gorgeous now than before.’

“Callisto!" The man snapped, he remembers that guy, he's Marco's lover “Are you out of your mind? This is dangerous!”

So, Callisto is his name.’

His make-up artist left. He was just watching them from the corner.

“I knew this would happen. Outfits are a sign that we have another photoshoot. Plus, I saw that man earlier.” the guy replied.

He smelled a familiar scent. It was coming from the ballet. ‘So, he's the omega earlier. That makes sense. I've heard he become an Omega and his pheromones are unstable, maybe that's the reason why his pheromones smell.’

The photoshoot started after the break. He was sitting on the carpeted floor, while the other one was on the couch. Blaze's head is lying on the ballet's thighs. They were like that in a few shots. It's more challenging for him because of the omega pheromones.

“Pardon me.” he said, moving his head. Looking at the guy.

Seeing the former ballet up close is more interesting for him. Those beautiful brown orbs and fox-like eyes, beauty marks in different parts of the face, small straight nose, and plump red lips attract him more.

When the photographer told them to exchange positions, He became more alert and did his best to restrain his alpha instinct. Blaze doesn't want the ballet to feel uncomfortable around him.

He was sitting on the couch, while the ballet was sitting on a carpeted floor. The man copied his pose earlier, laying his head on his thighs.

The difference between them is that he's wearing figure-skating shoes, which made the ballet adjust a bit. It's more different when he was sitting on the carpeted floor earlier, the ballet was wearing pointe shoes.

“You're gorgeous.“ he blurted out, which made the man look at him. “Thank you.” the ballet said.

“You don't seem pleased," he added, holding the guy's chin.

"I already heard that before. Plus, I wanna go home.” the ballet muttered, enough for him to hear.

He chuckled. Blaze expected him to flirt back, but the guy just shut him up with his sassy tone.

Snap after snap, changing clothes and poses. The photo shoot ends. He went back to the studio, where he was taken first to change his clothes.

He knew this sounded desperate, but he wants to know more about the ballet. He rushed to the parking lot because of the stronger smell of the ballet pheromones.

 “Wait! Mr. Doll!” He shouted and jogged towards the ballet.

The guy looked and frowned at him. He can see the other guys looking at the ballet with interest flashing in their faces. He sighed and released some pheromones to comfort and shield the omega. This will probably help the guy a bit to keep away the other alphas.

"I know this kinda late, but, may I know your name?" He asked. If Marco were here, he would probably tease him for being lame. Asking for the name is easy for others, but for him, it's nerve-wracking because he might be misunderstood as a stalker.

The guy removed his mask and smiled. “I'm Apollo Callisto Soterios” the guy answered. “It's nice to meet you, Mister?”

Apollo Callisto Soterios, it suits him very well.’ he thought before accepting the Omega's handshake.

“Aster Blaze Chand.” he said, smiling. That was the first time he felt genuinely happy, knowing the name of the person he's interested in.


“Enough, Marco.” Blaze said to his friend, who's been tapping the table since earlier they got in.

His friend looked at him. “How am I supposed to stop when I'm thinking about how to convince Leo's friend.” Marco hissed.

“Why do you want to convince them?” he asked and stopped what he was doing. “For what reason?”

Marco sighed. “You know I love filming, right?”

He nodded. “Yeah, that's the reason why you chose to be a film director.” he answered.

“Remember when I told you about the novel that became the talk of the town recently?” 

He nodded. He hasn't read it yet, but the feedbacks of the book is great.

“I found out that the writer was Leo's friend.” Marco said. “You see, I rarely pick interest in any kind of novel since I'm a film director. I pay more attention to the impact and contents of the story. My assistant and some of the staff told me to read this novel. I've finished reading it. I know it sounds overreacting, but this one really piques my interest.”

“Yeah, I can see it clearly.” he said, drinking his coffee.

“That's why, after reading it, I sent an email to the writer. I was expecting him to come, but his manager met me instead. His manager was Leo. Leo told me that his friend doesn't want to meet anybody in the meantime. That he has personal reasons for that matter.”

“Maybe it's also hard for him to make decisions on your offer,” he said, sipping his tea. “There's a risk in every decision you make, and your offer is not an excuse," he added.

Marco just sighed while looking at his phone. Blaze looked out the cafe's window and watched the people outside.

It's been a month, and he's busier than usual. Photoshoots for brands, his company, and the offer to cast in a series made him want to take a break. Well, he's taking a break from being an actor. The scripts that were sent to him don't pique his interest. That's why he doesn't accept any offers right now.

“Do you have any appointments after this?” he heard Marco ask.

“Nothing, I'm straight to my home.” he answered.

It's still early for him to go home. He doesn't have any paperwork to do since he finished it all when he took overtime.

“Then, how about having an early dinner with us?” Marco asked. “My lover said he's going to one with his friends. They want me to join them, since I told them that you're the last person I'm meeting today. I can't refuse.”

“You want me to be your shield?” he deadpan asked.

Marco shakes his head in disapproval. “I want you to go because I want to.”

He smirks. “You sucks at lying, Marco. Why don't you just tell me that you want me to come? So you won't feel out of place?” he said sarcastically.

“I knew you'd notice.” Marco chuckled. “Wanna come? ”

“Where to?”

“I'll tell you later.” Marco said while looking at his phone. “You can go home and change your clothes. I'll just pick you up later when we go there.”

He just nodded before they left the place.


“This is a house.” Blaze stated when they arrived at the place. Marco just smiled and removed his seatbelt before going out of the car.

“Isshhh” he hissed, removing his seatbelt and following Marco, who's going into the house without any hesitation. ‘That fucker!’ 

He was expecting that they'd eat in the restaurant. He's not fond of going to this kind of stuff. When he went inside the house, a loud chatter welcomed him.

“Blaize!/Boss?” said in unison. He saw Herson and Jylan sitting together at a table.

He frowned and looked at Marco, who's hugging his lover. He's confused, to be exact, because he also saw Nicholas and Terry sitting beside Herson.

Blaze, just sit beside Marco. He wanted to curse him so badly because of this set-up. He was tricked. All of them are couples except for him.

He just sighed. Him being single doesn't bother. But sometimes it irritates him because of his friends.

“Finally, you came!!” Leo happily said this when someone came in.

“I brought desserts”

That voice.’ Blaze looked at the person who just came in. He saw Apollo holding a big paper bag. He stood up and walked towards Apollo, taking the paper bag from him. “I'll take this.” he said.

“Oh? You're here.” Apollo surprisingly said when he saw him. He just smiled, putting the paper bag on the kitchen countertop. “He invited me.” he said, pointing at Marco.

“I see.” Callisto said, taking the chair beside him earlier. “Cleo also told me to come. I thought, I'm late because I just came from the hospital.” he added, removing his blazer.

“You arrived just in time, I guess.” Blaze said, sitting on his chair.

“Since all of you are here, let's eat!” Leo said.

All of them start eating.

He and the person beside him were eating silently. While the others are busy chatting with each other. Blaze noticed that Apollo was having a hard time getting food. He moved and got food for him.

“Here.” he said while holding the plate. “Thank you.” Apollo said. He's helping him put food on Apollo's plate.

“What else do you want?” he asked.

Apollo pointed the dish next to one he got earlier. He got it and placed the food on Apollo's plate. He smiled a little while watching Apollo enjoy his food.

Someone cleared his throat. He realized that he was paying more attention to Apollo than his food. He just went back to eat.

“Try this.” he heard Apollo say. He looked at him. There's a spoonful of green vegetables in there. He doesn't feel like eating it, but he still ate Apollo's offer.

He glared at Marco, who's silently laughing beside him. “That's a first.” his cousin commented, which made the others look at them.

“Someone is whipped.” Nicholas added, smirking.

He just ignored them and went back to eat. Enjoying the presence of the omega beside him.

‘I guess coming here isn't a waste of time after all’


A/N: This chapter was supposed to be posted on February 3, but my phone's screen broke. It took me a couple of days to wait for it to be fixed. I just got this yesterday from the repair shop. And earlier, I was typing the remaining scenes I wrote in my notebook. I didn't notice that I wrote a lot in this chapter. I was wondering if I would post it now or tomorrow. But I guess I'll just post it now, so tomorrow I'll type the next chapter.


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