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Meeting you was like listening to a song for the first time and knowing it would be my favourite.
I whispered this to myself before rolling the steering to the left reaching my destination which obviously leads toMs.Sharma only.

Today in afternoon i asked her for lunch. And in reply she said yes . And as soon as she said that I texted her the location which is near her work place . So that she can take her time to reach without any difficulty.

I parked my car to the side of the road. Before stepping out of the car , I last time look at myself in the mirror. "Hope I am looking presentable."

I entered inside the cafe. Shifting my eyes here and there and then my eyes meet at the most beautiful face in the world.

My legs automatically wandered towards the table.


Feeling the presence of someone I looked at it and there he was looking at me with his ever charming smile.

"I guess this is the first time, I am seeing him smiling which definitely reaching up to his eyes."

I just want to saviour this moment as long as I can but not to make things uncomfortable for her. I lift my hand forward , towards her for a handshake.

"Hope I am doing right she didn't take me wrong my subconscious mind said to me"

Looking at his hand i immediately got up taking his hand in mine for a handshake
"Manners Reva" this is what I uttered to myself before saying hello to rihaan.

I took my seat and before I understand anything he asked me.

"If you don't mind can you shift a little that side." I slowly nodded my head before shifting to my left.

A little space is there on the sofa.

And he sat there while maintaining a thread like distance.


Reva's Pov

We were sitting very close to each other, not that I have any problem with it.

This reminded me of an old stupid wish of mine. I always wanted my man to sit next to me like this.

"Reva what would you like to drink? " He asked me.

This made me snap out of my zone.

"What would you like to eat Mr. Maheshwari " i asked him back.

"Anything you like ."he answered me.

Signing to himself he asked me "Mam you can freely choose whatever you want , you don't have to feel shy."

"It's nothing like that Mr. Maheshwari I am not feeling shy at all" i replied him pulling my strand of hairs back to my ears.

"Okay as you say , then should we order some tea or coffee?" I mean it's already past lunch time .

I nodded my head smiling a little "Tea please, I am not a coffee person" .

"Well its a great start Ms. Sharma i guess we have a quite similar taste " saying this he waved at the waiter to take our orders .

He turned towards the waiter who is taking our order.

Giving him the details he narrowed his eyes on me and then back to the the waiter.

His adam apple moving up and down with each sentence he is saying . His brown eyes meet mine feels like it resembles the beautiful colour of a woody forest that pulls you in the more you stare.

I feel some hot breath near my ear. "Hope you like what you see Ms. Sharma?

My cheeks started warming up by his comments.

I heard him chuckle.

I looked at him clearing my throat. I asked "why did you call me here Mr. Maheshwari?"


"So what's your weakness?" He asked me this question as we were sitting on the cafe sipping the tea.

I looked at him taking the sip " I am sensitive, smallest things can hurt me.

He nodded his head sincerely looking at me and asked "And what is your strength?"

"Little things can make me happy too ". I replied honestly.

That's how it is to me Mr. Maheshwari.

Well Ms. Sharma you can call me "Rihaan " if you want no need to be this well mannered ma'am. I told in a teasing tone.

Even toh I won't mind if you call me by any nick name "Ms. Sharma".

"I respect you alot Mr.Maheshwari , and it won't be appropriate to call you by names after all you going to be my pati parmeshwar in future " I told him straight forward.

In return I heard a Chuckle from him side.

This made me realised what I said in flow.

Biting my lips "please god help me to go underground, god knows what will he think about it".

He moved a little closer to me looking in my eyes "I don't mind much if my would be wife calling me with names"


Here is the little update after a long time..

Please Pardon me for that as I found it a little difficult to write this part that's why I took time little by little day by day I write .

Please keep doing votes and comments (Tell me where I need to improve or which part you like. )

Keep loving me !

And share this book if you want.

Thankyou ❤️

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