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Shahmir's POV.
I was looking at the card I was holding. My blood was boiling and my eyes were not believing on what they were looking at.

"Aabia and Shams." I read again that names

I felt my heart stabbed with something when I saw her name with someone else. Her engagement card was in my hand telling me that why she was not coming to office since two days. I felt restless seeing her name with someone else. I tore the card on next second and threw it aside.

"This cannot be happened." I shouted and ran toward my room

Zarnish's POV.

Today was the day when I was going to lose my Shams. My life was going to be someone else's. Shams was going far from me. It was evening and the lights turned on. The Jahan mansion start lightening and I could see every face smiling.

"Zarnish beta." I turned on the voice and saw zeeniya aunty standing.

"Beta you should start getting ready. And please check if Aabia start getting ready." Zeeniya aunty said and I nodded.

I made my way to Aabia's room.  As I opened the door I saw her laying on her bed reading a book.

"Aabia." I called her and moved toward her.

"Girl you are still laying. Hurry up." I said but she didn't move.

"Aabia." I called her and sat on bed and took that book from her hand

"It's your engagement and you are reading this stupid novel." I said and she smiled.

"I know it's my engagement. But see I'm..I'm feeling scared." I heard her.

"Scared?" I asked and she nodded.

"I'm scared." She said and held my hands.

"Why are you scared Aabia?" I asked worriedly.

"You sure this decision I took is good? I mean he's good,very good but still I'm feeling scared." She said and I smiled.

"That's okay. I think it happened to every girl. And about him,don't think too much. He's too good. And he loves you a lot. You'll stay happy with him." I said assuring her.

"He loves me!" She said and my heart broke down into many pieces.

"Of course. He's crazy for you." I said with a fake smile and my eyes start filling with tears

"Now don't think too much." I said while getting up to hide my eyes from her and went to wardrobe.

"Feel happy and start getting ready. The beautician would be here at any minute." I was saying and trying hard to control my tears.

"Zarnish you okay?" I heard her and I immediately wiped that tiny tear which escaped from my eye.

I turned to her with a forceful smile on my lips and nodded,tried to show myself happy. I went closer to her with her dress in my hand.

"Hurry up. Get ready." I said while passing dress to her.

She looked at me but I pushed her toward changing room and went out of her room. My tears were ready to come out. I was in my own thoughts when I bumped with someone.

"Sorry you okay?" I looked up at the voice.

My heart caught by someone as I saw my heart taker standing in front of me and his dark black eyes on me,concerned. I keep looking at him. Nothing was in my control. He was wearing a maroon shirt with black jeans. Beautifully cut hair,his thin bread,his sleeved folded on his forearms everything was so captivating. I felt myself losing in his that black eyes which were fixed on me. This man I loved since I came to know the meaning of love was now going far from me. He was going to be someone else's. This thought made my tears to flow out of my eyes.

"Zarnish you okay?" He asked and I lowered my eyes immediately and wiped my tears.

"Is it hurting?" He asked while his hand reached my forehead to check.

My eyes closed down for a second on his touch. The touch which was full of care and concern,which brighten my heart and increased its speed at the same time.

"I'm..I'm..okay." I took two steps back and walked back to my room.

Closing the door behind me,I fell down on floor and cried my heart out. I keep crying for few minutes to lighten the pain of my heart. After crying a lot,I got up to change. Got ready for the function where I was going to lose everything, even my right to love him,maybe.

I smiled weakly to myself and start combing my hair after changing into my dress.

Shams's POV.

Finally the day came I waited for. My happiness was overloaded. I was on ninth cloud. Today Aabia was going to be mine officially.

I was going to see Aabia as I was getting so impatient to see her. I couldn't wait to see her which lead my feet to move faster. And in that hurry I bumped with someone. I looked at the person who was lost in looking at me.

"Sorry you okay?" I asked looking at her.

But she was lost. Her eyes were not moving. Not blinking. And then I saw a tear slipped on her cheek making me worried. She was crying and that was making me concerned about her.

"Is it hurting?" I asked while touching her forehead.

I felt her face heated up. Her skin was warm under my touch. She took two steps back.

"I'm..I'm..okay." She said and turned back.

I saw her moving back and I was standing there lost in my thoughts. I was not understanding that why she always cried. What happened to her? Why her tears always ready to flow out? My all excitement to see Aabia was gone and I turned back to stepped down from the stairs. Lazily I moved out of the house and keep walking in the lawn which was beautifully decorated for night function.

"What is the problem this girl?" I muttered.

I moved toward the backyard of the house unknowingly. My feet were just taking me there where I saw her first time crying. Standing in front of the swing, I held the string and keep looking at the swing.

"Why you always cry?" I asked again and closed my eyes to free myself from these feelings.

"She's crazy." I said to myself and stepped back from the swing and walked toward house to get ready as it was my engagement day.


I was standing in front  the mirror looking at myself. I saw the reflection of my mom,smiling, looking at me. She came closer to me and I turned to her with a smile of happiness on my face.

"How I'm looking?" I asked her.

"Mashallah you look handsome. Aabia will lost her heart tonight." Mom said and I laughed with happiness.

"You sure!?" I asked and she nodded.

I hugged her and stay there for few seconds.

"Bless you son. Now hurry up." Mom said and I nodded.

I stepped out with mom and saw my sister Zara and Shazam were coming toward us.

"Bhai ready?" Zara asked and I nodded.

"My brother is looking so handsome." She said and I smiled looking at my sister.

"Let's go now." Shazam said and I nodded.

We all stepped out. The lawn was filled with guests and reporters. The flashing lights of cameras were capturing every moment. I start meeting with my friends who also came to wish me. I turned on the voice and saw Aabia coming with Mehak bhabhi and Zarnish. My eyes stuck to her who was looking so beautiful in that tea pink frock with light makeup. My heart beat increased and I just keep looking at her. She came closer and stood opposite side of mine making me happy. We both look at each other and she smiled beautifully taking my heart. Suddenly the lights turned off and she held my hand in fear.

"Why lights turned off?" She asked still holding my hand.

"Relax. It will turn on any second." I said squeezed her hand to assure her.

"You are looking beautiful." I said while holding her hand fully.

"Thank you." She said and I could feel her smile.

"You're always welcome." I said and at the same time the lights turned on.

A spotlight was on us and I heard huge applaud for us. Aabia immediately leaved my hand and smiled looking at all guests. I looked at my parents who were smiling. My zee Maa who was having tears of happiness in her eyes. She came to me and I wrapped my arm around her.

"Don't cry zee Maa." I said and she nodded.

"Lets do the ceremony." Mom said and I turned to Aabia.

I looked at my brother Aarham who was standing a little far with bhabhi. He waved to me and I nodded smilingly knowing his wishes. I took the ring and my heart jumped when Aabia gave her hand to me. With beating heart I slipped that ring in her finger and I heard clapping on the act. It was now Aabia's turn. She took the ring and slide it in my finger. I felt so much happy.

All applauded and all family members start wishing us,hugging us. I was smiling and receiving wishes from everyone. I looked up and my eyes landed on her who was standing next to Mehak bhabhi and two tears slipped on her cheeks. I froze on my spot. Everything around me blurred and only her face was visible to my eyes. I couldn't see anything that moment but her sad face. She took  a step back and then I saw her running inside the house but I was still on place. I didn't see who was coming or wishing me but my all thoughts were on her now.

"Shams." Someone shook me and I looked at the person.

Mom was calling me and I brought myself out from that feeling. Clearing my mind,I again start receiving wishes and smiled with happiness. And then in a second,I heard a Gun shot.

Shahmir's POV.

I was looking around to find her. The huge Jahan mansion was beautifully decorated with lights and flowers and the gates were open for the guests. My heart was just calling her. I saw a man and thought maybe he was the one Aabia was going to engage. He was the same one whom I saw with Aabia on Aarham's wedding. My eyes moved here to there to find her. My restlessness was increasing.

And then my wait ended. I froze on my place when my eyes landed on her. She was looking so beautiful, gorgeous that I forgot where I was standing,what I was saying. I forgot to blink my eyes. In that tea pink frock with heart taking smile and a shy look on her cheeks was pulling me toward her. She beautifully walked toward that man. She stood next to him and I felt bad. Both looked at each other and smiled and I fisted my hand as I felt a sharp pain raised on my left side,in my heart. And then lights turned off. Few seconds it took to turn the lights on and then a spotlight on them showing them together. My eyes moved to their hands which were glued to each other. I really wanted to separate their hands.  No one can hold her hand. I took a step in anger toward them. But stopped on my place when they exchange the rings and their happiness could be seen on their face.

I felt my heart crying,shedding blood tears. Why? I asked myself. I took a step back defeated. She looked up at the guests and for once her eyes neet with mine and on next second she averted her eyes and looked away,receiving wishes from his family and friends. I couldn't see this all.  I thought and turned and walked out of there. Driving back to home,only their that holding hand of each other and their smile was roaming on my mind.

"Water." I yelled as I stepped in my home.

"What happened Shah?" Badi Maa came with a glass of water.

I turned to her and just keep looking at her for few seconds.

"Why are you crying shahmir? What happened?" Badi maa asked and I touched my Cheeks.

I was crying. Why??

"Badi Maa I..I..don't know why!" I stopped as I felt a lump of tears in my throat.

"What happened beta?" She asked again and truly I didn't know why I was crying.

"Badi Maa I..I..never felt this before. I never cried you know na then why I'm...crying today." I said while wiping my tears but that didn't stop my tears from coming out.

"Its hurting here." I pointed toward my heart.

"This...that never happened to me. Its not me. Because shahmir never feel scared and broken. He never cried. But today I'm scared. Badi Maa what is happening to me? Why its hurting here?" I said and hugged her and cried my heart out.

"Shh..calm down." Badi Maa made me sit on sofa and made me drink water.

She keep caressing my face and I lay in her lap and closed my eyes. Beautiful face appeared to my eyes making me open my eyes. My heart beat quicken and I sat up. I ran toward my room and closed the door behind me. I sat down on the ground.

"What you are doing to me Aabia? I yelled as I could see her everywhere in my room.

"Shah." Her voice rang in my room and I turned to my right side where she was standing in that purple frock.

"Aabia." I whispered and stood up

"Am I looking like a purple fairy?" She asked smilingly and I nodded taking a step closer to her.

As I went closer to her,I tried to touch her but she faded away. I was shocked. And then I heard her laughter. I turned back and saw her standing next to balcony door. In the same tea pink frock,she was laughing. I took a step closer to her.

"Shah how I'm looking today? It's my engagement you know!" She said and I fisted my hand.

"Then what are you doing here? Go and enjoy your engagement." I yelled looking at her.

"Actually I came to tell you that.." She said and took a step closer to me.

Holding my shirt from front, she pulled me down to her level and I lost myself in her beautiful brown eyes.

"That Shah is in love with me." She said and I pulled myself back in shook.

"What? Love and me? Impossible. You..you are talking rubbish." I said taking a step back more.

"Accept it." She said and I saw her turning to her right side.

She smiled looking at something. My eyes moved to the direction where she was looking. Shams was coming with a smile. He offered his hand which she held happily. He pulled her closer to him and both hugged each other.

"No." I yelled and ran to separate them

As I tried to touch them,both faded and I keep standing there empty. Shocked. I fell down on my knees and cried.

"I..I..don't like any other reflection in your eyes. I want your eyes only to see me. The only picture your eyes imagined should be mine." I was saying and crying.

"And why is that?" I looked up at the voice.

Again she was standing in front of me in the same dress. She leaned on my face,fixing her eyes at mine.

"Mir." She called and my eyes closed in peace,in happiness as she called me Mir.

"Mir is in love with me." She said and I opened my eyes to see her.

"Mir loves you." And I accepted.

She smiled happily and moved back. Taking a step back,she never for once averted her eyes from me.

"Say it again." She asked and I stood up.

"Mir loves you."

"Mir loves Aabia." I shouted with happiness and her giggles spread in my room.

"Mir loves me." She said and start circling in the room happily while my eyes were just quenching it's thirst.

The thirst which was deep inside. My eyes,my heart which can never get tired of watching her.

"Mir loves me." She shouted again,still circling in the room while giggling.

I laughed with her and moved closer to her. She stopped,breathing heavily.

"Aabia." I called her and was about to held her and she giggled last time and faded away like smoke.

I looked around,turning here and there to find her but she was nowhere. I sighed and fell back on bed with a huge smile. Closing my eyes,my smile was not leaving my lips.

"Mir loves you Aabia. And no one can take what  Shahmir's." I said and laughed to my own self.

Zarnish's POV.

My heart broke into many pieces when both slide rings in each other's fingers. I hardly keep standing there and watching them together. I was happy for them but this pain was overwhelming me causing my tears to come out. He looked up at me and I felt that moment stopped. Everything faded away and I could see him only in front of me. Nothing else was present there. I couldn't see in his eyes longer and turned. I moved inside and let my tears to come out. I went toward my room and made my way to washroom. Splashing water on my face, I was trying hard to control my tears. Washing my face again and again, I was crying more.

I fell down on ground and hide my face in my hands and keep crying for few seconds. Wiping my tears,I got up with new courage in me and I washed my face again to show myself normal. I knew my heart was hurting. It was killing me to see my Shams with someone else but that someone else was not other than but my sister,my friend. How can I hurt her. I had to show myself happy for her. I couldn't tell her anything or let her know anything. I turned to go and then I heard s gun shot. My feet freeze on the spot and then fear took place in my heart. I ran out to know what happened. My heart was beating in fear. I was praying to Allah that nothing should happen to anyone.

"What happened?" I asked Mahnoor who was shocked on her place.

My eyes went toward Aarham bhai. All family members were around him and bhabhi was hugging him. Me and Mahnoor ran to them. Zeeniya aunty was crying and I saw  all tensed.

"Someone shot at Aarham bhai." Mahnoor said and I was shocked..

"Is he okay?" I asked and she nodded.

"Thankfully nothing happened." She answered and I thanked Allah(SWT).

Soon we all headed inside and I could see how much bhabhi was worried. Love is the thing which scared the little hearts, beating inside.

"Bhabhi he's okay. Don't worry." I consoled her and she nodded.

Me and Aabia went with her to her room. I could see how tensed Aabia was. We walked out bhabhi's room. I held Aabia's arm and hugged her. She start crying and I let her cry to lighten the burden of her heart.

"Its okay. Nothing happened. We should thank Allah." I said and wiped her tears.

She nodded and we both stepped down. We saw Aarham bhai coming. Aabia hugged him and he consoled her. Ho looked at me for help to calm his sister and I nodded. He walked to his room and I held Aabia's hand and walked toward her room.

"Calm down girl. Bhai is okay." I said and she nodded.

Taking seat in front of her,I saw her sad and worried. I keep looking at her for few seconds  then leaned and placed my head in her lap.

"I'm so angry with you." I started and she startled.

"Why?" She asked.

"How mean you are. You didn't show me your engagement ring." I said and moved from there and lay on bed fully.

"Here you can see it." She said while forwarding her hand.

My heart arched in pain but I keep myself normal. I turned to other side to show my offence.

"No way. I'm not going to see your...your Shams's name ring that you hide from me." I acted to cheer her up.

"Such a drama queen you are." She said and pulled me back.

"Here." She said and placed her hand in front of me.

A beautiful diamond ring was shinning in her beautiful hand. For a second,I felt a wave of pain raised in my heart but I shook my head to get ride of it from now. I held her hand and kissed it with love.

"So beautiful. May Allah give you all happiness in the world. Bless you. Stay happy with your Shams." I said and hugged her.

My own eyes were getting wet with pain but truly I was praying for her happiness.

"Such a emotional girl you are." Aabia said while moving back and I giggled.

"That I'm. Now change and sleep. Its too late." I said and made my way out of her room.

Sham's POV.
I was thankful to my Almighty that He didn't let happen anything to Aarham. I got so scared. But thankfully nothing happened to him. It was 12 of the night when we all made our way to our rooms. I changed and laid to sleep but as I closed my eyes Zarnish's face appeared to my eyes and I opened my eyes immediately.

"How this happened?" I asked myself and turned to other side to sleep.


"Not again." I muttered to myself and turned to see the time.

3 of the morning and I was awake because of my empty stomach. It start making noise and I made my way out of my bed lazily and stepped out of my room after wearing my slippers. As I stepped down the stairs,my heart beat increased. I don't know why!. I increased my pace toward kitchen but the lights were off telling that today no one was in the kitchen. I went in and turned on the lights. Taking some fruits, I enjoyed them alone.  After eating I went out and as I was going to stairs,I saw the main door of hall was opened.

"Who open this door?" I asked to myself and then I knew the answer.

I ran out and for a second I was amazed on my own reaction. My feet keep moving toward backyard and as I reached,my feet stopped and a sigh realised from lips as I saw her seated on the swing and she was moving it slowly. Her eyes were fixed on something and she was lost. I took few steps toward her but she didn't noticed me.

"Zarnish." I called her.

A/N:: Assalam-o-Alikum dear readers.

How are you??

I made you wait a lot and I'm so sorry for that. And I hope this chapter was enough as a sorry.

Your views!??

I just want you to tell ma about two persons only. Zarnish and Shahmir. Both crazily in love and their condition on losing their love. So what would you like to say about them?

And about other books give me sometime. I'm working on them. Soon I'll update other books too.

Do vote and comment

Till next update Allah Hafiz.

Keep reading...
Keep smiling...

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