Never be yours.

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Assalam-o-alikum readers.

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Shams's POV.
"Zarnish." I called her who was lost in her own thoughts.

She looked at me and came down from the swing. I went closer to her.

"What are you doing here?" I asked and she cleaned her face with her hands.

"Nothing just I was not feeling sleepy so came here." She said looking at me.

"Its 3 of the morning. Usually girls feel scared to come out of house at night but you are at the backyard in this darkness, enjoying the swing. You okay?" I asked.

Really I was amazed. What kind of a girl she was. She doesn't feel scared of coming out at this time.

"I'm not scared of anything." She said and took a step to home.

"But why you always cry?" I asked joining her steps.

She looked at me and smiled lightly.

"So you noticed?" She asked and I nodded looking at her who was looking straight.

"I hope one day you come to know." She said turning to me.

"Leave me. I'm sorry I didn't congratulate you. I'm so happy for you both. Many congratulations to you." She said offering her hand with a huge smile on her face but that smile didn't reached her eyes.

It made her eyes wet. I could see the shine of tears in her eyes. I held her hand to shake.

"Thank you. But still I want to know that reason that why you cry always?" I asked still holding her hand.

"I said na you'll know." She said and moved aside.

We both took steps inside the house but still I was tangling with the thought that why she cried. What would be the reason and when I'll get to know.

"Okay good night." She said taking stairs.

"Can you tell me now?" I asked impatiently.

"So impatient!" She asked and I gave a nod.

"Someone said that I'll never be yours." She said and walked up the stairs leaving me shocked.

Someone?? Who??

Did she mean she loves someone??

She gave me new threads of thoughts and went to sleep. I sat there on couch thinking who is that person. I could see how much she loves him that's why she always cry.

"Zarnish loves someone.!" I question myself and felt strange.

What it was I don't know. But there was something I start feeling in my heart making me restless.

"I'm thinking too much." I said to myself and walked toward my room.

I was over thinking and was making things complicated. I thought and nodded on my thought. I lay to sleep after coming in my room as tomorrow I was going back to Lahore where I had my own small office. I had started my own business of import export instead of joining Dad and Taaya g's.

"I better be stop thinking about Zarnish." I said while changing the side and closed my eyes tightly.

Aabia's POV.

"He was so excited." I said as we all came back after see off Aarham bhai.

Finally he went to his honeymoon alone with two bodyguards. It was 11 of morning when we come back and now I was ready to go office.

"Yes he was so excited. But where are you going?" Shams asked looking at me.

"I'm going to office. I'm very late today." I said taking my bag.

"By the way I'm also going." He said and I turned to him.

"You're going." I said looking at him and he nodded.

"Yes. But I'll be back soon. After all I can't stay without looking at you." He said making me smile.

"Have a safe journey." I said and he nodded his head.

Turning to Zarnish and Zara I hugged them. They were also going back to Islamabad today. I was going to miss all of them. Hugging my aunties and uncles I made my way out of the house and drove to office. That jerk was truly going to kill me as I was 3 hours late. Parking the car I rushed inside the office. As I entered,all staff turned to see me. I made my way directly to my cabin and took a breath of relieve.

"Finally I made it." I said and turned on the PC and start doing my work.

Only half an hour passed when I heard a knock on my cabin's door.

"Come in." I said looking at my monitor.

I looked up at the person who entered. I stood up as I saw Shahmir standing.

"Again late." Saying that he took steps toward me.

"Sorry. I went to see off my brother." I said while again looking at the work I was doing.

"Look at me while talking." He said and I looked up at him.

"Show me the file of detail about the software you're working on." He said and I nodded.

I took the file and went to him. I passed him file and waited for him to check but his eyes were on me and he was turning the pages.

"You're not looking at the file." I reminded him.

"What I'm looking is more important than this file." Saying that he threw the file away and took a step toward me.

I took a step back,scared of his that green eyes which were fixed on me. I keep moving back as he was not stopping.

"What the hell are you doing?" I said angrily.

"What I'm doing? No its you doing all this." Saying that he pushed me toward wall and came closer to me.

"Stay away." I tried to push him but he held my hand.

"So this ting..!" He looked at the ring I wore last night by shams.

"Nah! Its not worthy of you." With those words he tried to take my ring out.

"Stop." I said and freed my hand.

Pushing him harder I made distance between us. I looked at him angrily who was smiling and I was hating his smile.

"What's your problem? What you want?" I asked and tried to keep my voice low but still it was quite loud to be heard by everyone.

"What I want!?" He asked taking a step closer and closer until he was again a step far from me.

Chahon pass pass aana
Koi kar k bahana
Tum ko hai paana.

He sang the song and held my hand again. Keep looking at me for few seconds,he start leaning on my face making me scared. I could see his intension are not good. I pushed him back with my full force and slap on his face with all strength I had.

"How dare you to do that!" I said looking at him who was shocked on the slap he received.

But he deserve it. He deserve more of it. I mean how can he even think like that. He took me to the same category of the girls he spend his time with. The girls who roamed around him. What he think of himself.

"Listen Mr." I took a step toward him.

"Don't ever cross your limits because Aabia Jahan Ahmad is not going to tolerate your this kind of attitude." With that I took my bag and made my way out of cabin.

My blood was boiling in anger. I didn't care who was looking at me or not. I just wanted to run out from this place where I was feeling him around. I drove to the beach to take some time alone with me. I start roaming on the wet sand feeling it under my feet. The coldness of water and sand was calming my nerves and soon I was anger free and now was enjoying the water and was playing with it.

"Hey sunflower." I looked back shocked on the voice.

Shahmir's POV.

I was standing stilled, shocked. Placing my hand on my cheek I recalled what happened. She slapped me. She slapped Shahmir Siddiqui. She slapped me. I laughed with the thought as I caressed my cheek and fall on the chair.

First time ever someone slapped me and it was non other than but Aabia. My Aabia.

"That's why I love you so much." I said and ran out of the cabin to catch her who just went out in anger.

What a girl she was. With her every mood,her every attitude she was pulling me more to her. I never tolerate anyone slapping me but here I was liking it that she slapped me. As her fingers touched my cheek, I felt tingles instead of pain rises in my cheek. The way she warned me God I was crazy for her and I can tolerate everything because she was all I wanted. When I reached in the parking I saw her driving out from there.

I chased her. I wanted to see where she was going. She stopped on the beach. I stepped down from my car and keep looking at her. She took few breaths,deep breaths standing with her car. Her hair tied in pony tail were moving with every stock of air. Some hair strands were teasing her face. She looked up at the sky and smiled looking at the sun. I looked up to see which made her smile but I didn't find anything. But I smiled because something was there which made her smile.

She took steps toward the beach and I followed her. I was just looking at her who was looking like a sun flower standing at the shore of the sea. I saw her playing with sand. Her beautiful pink feet were drawing lines on the wet sand. Sometimes she ran after the waves to catch them and then ran back to save herself from the water. Her anger faded away and I saw her giggling and I start smiling too as she was smiling. I took steps toward her.

"Hey sunflower." I called her and as she turned I saw her eyes going wide in shock.

"You." She shouted.

"You are looking a sunflower." I said going closer to her

"Stay far from me." She said taking step back.

"Don't be scared." I said and held her hand and pulled her to me.

"Leave me." I heard her and her protest again my hold on her wrist.

"I love you." Finally I said which was hidden in my heart.

Her jaw dropped for a second in shock and I enjoyed her condition. Coming back to her angry mode,she pushed me back.

"Love!" She laughed with the words she said.

"Do you even know the meaning of love?" She asked and laughed again..

"I love you. And that's all I know." I said looking at her.

"But I don't." She said making me angry.

"I don't love you." She repeated those words which burned me.

Taking a step toward her, I held her arm and pulled her toward me. She said she doesn't love me. This can't happen. I mean when I love her then she have to love me back.

"If you don't then you have to. Because you are mine Aabia and I don't like to repeat myself." I said pinning my fingers in her arm angrily.

She's mine and she has to understand it. She's made for me. Only for me.

"I told you,you don't know the meaning of love." She said and freed herself from me.

"Love comes never with hate or anger. And you are so far from the feeling of love. Only flirting is your passion." She was saying with pity in her eyes

But no I wanted to see love for me in those eyes which were my life. She caressed her arm I was holding.

"I'm..I'm sorry if I hurt you but I love you. I truly love you. You are mine. And I can't see you with someone else." I said going closer to her but she took a step back in fear.

My eyes went to her hand where that ring was shinning which Shams slipped in her finger last night. Anger came again and I held her hand again to take that ring out. She was my Aabia. Only mine then how can she wear someone else's name ring. I have to take this out. Only because of this ring,she was not accepting my love.

"Take this ring out and then..." I tried to take the ring out and she was trying to free her hand.

"Shah stop." She tried to pull her hand back but today I was not going to let this ring stay in her finger.

"I'm telling you,take this ring out and then you'll be mine. Only mine." I said trying to take the ring out.


I looked at her shocked who just slapped me again. Pushing me back,she bend down and took a stone.

"Stay away from me or else I'll kill you psycho." She said throwing that little stone on me.

"You called my love psycho. You think I'm mad." I took a step closer to her.

"Don't.." She stopped and took few pebbles from ground and threw them on me.

One hit my forehead causing it to bleed a little but I didn't moved and keep looking at her. The sun behind her was sending its rays of shines to her and she was looking like a emerging star coming out of the sun. I lost myself in looking at her.

"You're obsessed. You're mad. Stay away from me." She said and I laughed with her words.

"Yes your love made me crazy. I become an obsessed person only because of you." I said while taking my handkerchief from my pocket and placed it on my forehead.

"You know what..!" She said taking a step closer to me while throwing the pebbles she was holding.

"I'm wasting my time with you." She said and passed besides me but I held her wrist to stop her.

"But remember one thing you belongs to Shah only." I said,turning a little to see her.

"And mind you I'll never be yours. I'm not yours." She said and freed her hand and walked away from there.

I fall down on the ground and start laughing. Stretching my legs,I let the water to touch me. Laying back on the sand and bend my arms behind my head.

"Let the time come and I'll tell you that who you belongs to." I mumbled and laughed again.

Third person's POV.

Zeeniya with her Jahan and his parents were seated in lawn. Jahan 's brothers and sisters took their leaves and they went to their homes as the wedding was done.

All were having evening tea. Shazam and sameer were playing cricket on the side while roshaane was busy in her tab playing games.

"I was thinking." Mr Ahmad started and all looked at him.

"What dad?" Jahan asked.

"I want to see my Aabia married with Shams in just two months." Mr Ahmad said making everyone startled.

"Two months? Dad its so Hurry. I mean we didn't start preparing." Jahan said but Mr Ahmad cut him.

"Preparations would be done but now I want my granddaughter to settle down in her life." Mr Ahmad said making Jahan think.

"I'll think dad and I'll ask Aabia too." Jahan replied.

"Let it happen when it has to Jahan." Zeeniya said and he nodded.

"Okay I'll think." He said and all start talking about other things.

Zarnish's POV.
We reached home and I went directly in my room. Taking some loneliness, I took deep breaths to lighten the burden of my heart which I always carry. Laying back on my bed,I took my pendent out of Shams name and keep feeling it with my fingers.

"You can never be mine but I'm always yours Shams." Saying that I kissed his name and closed my eyes with  his picture in my eyes.


Three days passed since we returned to our home. I was missing him badly. I was feeling his absence around me. Every night when I went to have something to eat in kitchen his memories haunted me.

I got up again at midnight to have something to eat. I went to kitchen and made Noddles for me. I took the bowl and walked to my room as today I didn't want to eat it here in kitchen.

Sitting on my bed,I start eating my Noddles. My thoughts were fixed on him who was always beating in my heart. Suddenly my mobile start ringing. I checked the number and saw Shams's name flashing. My heart jumped. I looked at the clock which showed me 2 of the morning.

Why he called??

I thought and picked his call.

"Hel...hello." I said as I received his call.

"Hi." His voice came and a wave of peace ran in my heart.

Closing my eyes I felt him on other side. I could hear his breaths. My lips stretched into a smile as I heard his sigh.

"Zari." He called and my eyes snapped open.

He never use to call me like that. He never called me with nick names. But today he did. He called me Zari.

"Huh!" Only that I could say.

"I..I..mean Zarnish you okay now?" He asked and I recovered from the shock.

"I'm good." I replied and waited for him to say something further.

"Eating Noddles?" He asked and I smiled looking down at the bowl I was holding.

"Yes." I replied.

"Me too." He said and again there was a era of silence.

The endless silence between us. Non of us talked. I keep eating my Noddles and I think he was doing the same but I was feeling him. His breaths, his move,his blinking I was feeling everything.

"So good night." I said as I end the bowl of Noddles.

"Good night." He said and I cut the call.

"You can never be mine Shams." Looking at the cell I said and lay down with his name on my heart and in my hand.

Shams's POV.
"What I'm doing?" Asking myself I lay back on my bed.

"Why I'm so concerned about her?" I thought and turned to other side.

Hugging my pillow, my thoughts were tangling just around her.

"Why even I'm thinking about her?" I question myself again.

"Maybe its just that she's my cousin and I'm concerned about her life. Yes that's the reason. There's nothing more in it." I said and hide my head in pillow to lost in sleep.

Someone said I'll never be yours.

Her voice rang in my ear making me get up in frustration.

"That's the limit now. Shams you better stop thinking about this all." I scolded myself and again hide myself in blanket to run away from these voices and thoughts.

Aabia's POV.
"Yes." I said as I received the call.

"Why are you not coming to office since last three days?" His voice appeared.

I threw my bag on couch and start removing my shoes while with other hand I was holding my cell near to my ear. I was not going to office after what that psycho did.

"And why you think I will come after what you did that day?" I asked and sat on my bed stretching my legs on my bed.

I was so tired. Since three days I was doing only one thing and that was shopping. Throwing my anger out this is the only way. Shopping was only way which can made me smile again. So I was busy these days in shopping.

"So you mean you're not coming to office?" He asked.

"Look shah I can't work like that. You're obsessed with something and throwing all your frustration on me. I can't do this. I can't work with you anymore." I said clearly.

"But you can't quite as you are under contract with our company." He said an I sighed.

"I know. How much fine I'll have to pay. I'll pay but now I can't work with you anymore." I said while sipping the water.

"You can't quite Aabia. You have to come to complete this project as it's going to be launch next week and you're the one supervising it. So you can't back off. I want you in my office tomorrow at any cost." With that the cut the call.

"Jerk." Mumbling that I threw my mobile aside.

"I'm not going to come to tolerate your obsession." I said and lay down to have some peaceful sleep.

A/N:: Assalam-o-alikum readers.

How are you all???

How was the chapter??

Going good right??

Poor Zarnish and obsessed Mir isn't.? But what's going on with Shams? He's really not sure of his own feelings.

But really that mir scared me with his madness. I'll be waiting for your views.

And please readers do vote. If you can read them you can vote too. It merely took a second to vote. So please do vote.

Till next update Allah Hafiz.

Keep reading...
Keep smiling...

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