Love vs Hate.

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Third person's POV.

Few hours later.

"Aabia no please. Don't do this." Shahmir shouted looking at Aabia who was going crazy with anger while many tears were leaving her eyes drenching her beautiful face.

"You've made me do this. You've took everything from me. My parents, my family, my happiness everything." She yelled and threw all things down from the dressibg table.

"Dad broke every relation with me." Throwing the vase on the ground, she was going crazy.

"Aabia please listen we'll settle everything. I love you and my love would be enough for both of us." Shahmir said while taking steps ahead toward her carefully pushing the things away with the help of his feet.

"Stop there." She yelled looking at him and then looked down at the many broken pieces of glasses.

Taking a piece of glass, she warned him to stop on his place. His eyes widened and heart trembled in fear. What he could see in her eyes was scaring him. She was going to hurt herself and it was written on her face which made Shahmir more worried.

"Love right. Hell with your love. This wasn't love but your ego of claiming me as yours. Because of this face right you've ruined my life. This face is the reason right!" She said looking at her face in the mirror while that broken piece of glass was still there in her hand, scaring Shahmir on his place.

Her heart was empty of any emotions now. She felt defeated and it was all because of this person who was standing in front of her. Destroying every thing in the room couldn't give her any satisfaction but grew her anger, her grief more. Shahmir slowly tried to move toward her to take that piece of broken glass ftom her hand but she was more fast then him.

"Here." Guving a sharp cut to her left cheek she made him freez on his place while his eyes widened looking at the blood drops falling from her face to her neck covering her in red.

"You liked my this face. Here I've destroyed it." Saying, she gave another cut on the right of her neck just under her jaw line.

"Aabia stop." He yelled feared while he felt his heart will stop.

"I..won't let this game." As the blodd start to flow fastly from her face and neck her eyes started to get blurred.

"I..can yours." Saying, she cut her wrist of right hand and fell down on the floor while Shahmir ran to her.

"Aabia what have you done." Holding her in his arms, he shouted looking at her face covered in blood and her closed eyes which were scaring him more. 

"Now say" She uttered these words filled with sarcasm, with much diffuculties as she slowly opened her eyes to see his shocked face.

She smiled a little felt like winning as she thought that now his love will end with her beauty but Shahmir felt his breath stopping with her eyes closing down. She lost her senses in his arms and he felt senseless for few seconds and kept looking at her motionless body covered in blood.

"I won't let you go." He muttered and then came to his senses all of sudden.

"Aabia just hold on." Saying, he took her in his arms and ran out of the room.

He was not in his senses. He was going crazy while her blood was giving stains to his shirt while his face and hands already had her blood on them. As he stepped in hall running, Badi Maa came running to him as she saw Aabia in such condition.

"Manzoor bring the car hurry." He yelled to the driver while going out.

"Badi Maa hurry.  My Aabia." He yelled looking at her who was shocked on her place and then opened the back seat door of the car.

Shahmir got in with Aabia in his lap. Badi Maa followed him in and the car started to move toward the hospital. Shahmir had tied his handkerchief around her wrist while  the wounds on her face and neck were there in front of his eyes.  The drops of her blood were making his eyes wet. Her pain her blood her wound was making him cry and he knew it was all done by him. He had taken everything from her that broke her completely.  He just thought of his love but he knew he couldn't live without her and now she tried to go far from him like this. This was killing him. He couldn't let her go. Nothing was going to happened to her.

As they reached the hospital, Aabia was taken for the treatment immediately as Shahmir was one of the trustees of this hospital so no question answer were asked but immediately Aabia was taken for the treatment and Shahmir fell back on the bench, placing his both hands in front of his lips, eyes closed down as many tears left his eyes. Badi Maa was crying too on her place and she witnessed too his deep love for the girl who had tried to end her life.

On other side.
"You've to say no to this marriage." He said looking at her while she got scared as she saw him.

His red eyes, serious look, and the anger visible on his face made her scare. He took steps ahead toward her and she got scared. He was the one she loved but he never did. And now he was hurt because of her and he didn't know.

"Shams." She said, her eyes looking back in his eyes scared of his anger.

"You will say no to this marriage Zarnish. You understand?! I can't say no to Zee Maa but you've to." He said holding her from her arms.

"W...Why?" She asked .

"Don't you get it. You've to say no. I can't do this marriage but I can't say no to Zee Maa." He roared in anger looking deeply in her eyes.

"I can't do this.  I'm hating this thing  marriage now. I'm hating this world. There's no place for anyone left in my life.  I don't want you to ruin your life with me. I can't take the burden of any relation of marriage on me now." He said rudely looking at her again and left from there.

"But I had done all this to get you Shams.  I can't move back and one day I'll win your heart." She said to herself and closed her eyes letting her tears to drench her face.

Few hours ago.

Aabia's POV.
"Shall we now?" I said looking at Shahmir who was waiting for me.

Giving a nod, he walked ahead and I followed him with many thoughts running on my mind. Thinking what i had to do what i had to say at my home. This all was done. My fate had played its turn cruelly.

"Let's go." I said going out of the room and i felt him following me.

Our journey started toward my home. My home which was now never going to be mine. I was somewhere going to end everything for the sake of Shams, for his happiness.  I hoped that everyone understood me. I was going to break everything but hoping to get forgiveness for the mistske i hadn't done intentionally.

Standing at the entrance of the hall of my home, I was looking at the faces which were my life and they were tensed. Maybe about me. I saw Mom Dad worried, Shams tensed standing aside. my twins brothers looking worried and sad while my big brother trying to understand the  situation. Trying to stop the tears, I kept looking at thew for few second when Shams took notice of me being there.

"Aabia." And he called me taking everyone's attention towred me while I fisted my frock, trying hard not to break down into tears.

"Where did you go? can you leave me!" He asked looking at me, his face toward me while I could see his eyes filled with tears.

Oh Shams!

I thought with grief. These tears were for me. He was my best friend but i didn't know that he loves me that much. He was a brilliant man but maybe there was no future of us together. I became the reason of his pain who always tried to make me happy and it only happened only because of tgat girl standing few steps far from Shams. My eyes moved on her with hatred.  She did all this. Made me a culprit in front of my whole family.  Made me the reason of his pain who was asking me the questions.

"Aabia come inside." Holding my hand, Shams tried to pull me in bringing me out of my thoughts but I  didn't move.

"I can't. I can't Shams." With tears flowing down on my cheeks, I said and looked at Shams and then at Aarham who moved back maybe he understood what i was going to say.

"I'm sorry but I belong to someone else now." I said and looked at Aarham who held the staircase to stop himself from falling.

" mean?" I heard Mom and looked at her who was coming closer to me.

It was difficult. Difficuot to break every heart. Difficult to see disbelieve in their eyes. Difficult to see tears in those eyes which were once filled for love. And this was only happening because of two person i was never going to forgive.

"I..I married to Shahmir because him." I said looking at Mom who stood just infront of me and as i completed, her hand raised and slapped me harder on my face.

"Mom." Aarham went to her who was looking so weak while i kept looking down crying silently.

"Aabia how can you do this?" Aarham asked but i had no answer of any of their question.

"Leave me Aarham. How dare she to do this." Pushing Aarham back, Mom said and came to slap me again but hiding me behind him, Shahmir came in front of her, received the slap.

Wao! He thought his this act would change something in my heart but it was not goung to. The hatred in my heart grew more for him because of him I was receiving this hate from my mother.

"Aunty listen please." Covering me behind him, he tried to say but Aarham stopped him.

"No need." Saying, Aarham held mom and took her to sofa and made her sit.

"Dad please take care of mom." Said Aarham to Dad who went to mom to console her who was crying so badly while i was just looking at them with love with sorry in my eyes.

I wanted to hug them tightly and wanted to tell them the truth but this would end everything for Zarnish maybe or she'll get forgiveness for her act.  But I choose punishment for her. The punishment of living under the fear. The fear of get her truth revealed in front of everyone. I had to take the revenge on both of them for hurting me and my parents.  And I was going to start this revenge game now.

"Shaz take Dadi Sahib to mom."Aarham said to Shazam who was standing at a distance shocked.

Nodding, he held Dadi Sahib and took her to mom and made her sit next to mom. Coming to me again, he looked at me while I looked back in his eyes crying silently, tried to tell him my untold story with my eyes.  Maybe he read what i wanted to tell him. I knew he was the only one to understand me here. He knew i couldn't never do this.

"Bhai listen to me please." I said taking a step closer to Aarham.

"Don't." We all turned on the voice as I was about to step inside, Dad shouted giving me shock.

"Such daughter is not allowed to enter my house who made her parents ashamed in front of all. Get lost." Dad said harshly standing in front of me and I looked at my father shocked.

"Dad listen.." I  tried to say but Dad didn't let me complete.

"I'm not your Dad. I'm breaking my all relations with you. You're no one to us from now on." Said Dad and turned to other side.

"You can go now. Live like you want to." Saying, he walked to Mom who was crying so badly while Aarham with twins looked at me shocked on Dad's words.

"Api." Sameer tried to come to me Dad made him stop too and i cried on the hate of my father i could see in his eyes.

"Sameer one more step to her then I won't talk to you ever." Shocked, Sameer stopped on his place and i looked up at Dad.

"Jus 2 minutes." I pleaded.

Saying, I took steps ahead while my eyes went to Shams standing there lost, like he lost his world. I looked at my brother who was looking at me and I could see the trust for me in his eyes. Stopping in front of him, I kept looking at him.

"You trust me right!?" I asked and Aarham gave a nod.

"Please take care of all of them. And don't hate me." Saying, I hugged my brother.

"Aabia tell me please." Asked Aarham in a whisper but i couldn't tell him

"Bhai listen okay." I slowly said, still hugging him.

"Take care of Shams. Don't let him break down. You know what you've to do." Slowly, I said to him and moved back to see him.

"You know what's best for him and we've a debt to pay. We can't let him stay in pain. You know what I'm saying." I said looking at Aarham in hoping to understand and he understood and gave a nod to me.

"Bhabhi." Calling Mehak, I went to her who was crying.

"Never leave my bhai alone. Take care of everyone especially my parents." Crying, I said and hugged Mehak bhabhi.

"You'll be okay?" Asked Mehak bhabhi in a whisper while hugging me back.

"I've to fight alone." I  said and moved back.

"You can leave now." I heard Dad once again.

I looked at my all family members for the last time and my eyes stopped on her for a second . The hatred grew in me looking at Zarnish who was standing there shamelessly speaking nothing. Who was reason of depriving me from my every relation. Looking at her with hate, I walked out of the house with the person I never wanted to walk with but i had to because I had no choice.

Sitting in the car, i couldn't stop my tears and break down into tears crying loudly. I lost everything. My parents, my siblings, my home,  their love everything. I had nothing left and it was just because of their selfishness that i was here empty handed.

"Aabia please stop crying." I heard his hateful voice.

I took his mobile and dialed a number still crying with hiccups. With a wait, i again dialed the number and this time it was received.

"Hello Aarham." I said as he picked the call.

"Aabia what happened?" He asked from other side and i controlled my tears.

"You know what you've to do. Make Shams marry to Zarnish. At any cost." I said wiping my tears.

"Its not that easy. He will not agree." Said Aarham and i rested my head to the seat while closing my eyes.

"Then made him agree. He won't say no to his Zee Maa." Saying, I disconnect the call and recalled the moment when Dad broke every relation with me.

Once again tears found their way out of my eyes. As the car stopped, I stepped out of it, boiling in anger, I stepped in that house which was not mine but this person had pulled me here forcefully.  I walked to the room crying angered and with hatred. Destroying each and  everything of the room couldn't give me satisfaction. There was nothing left for me. Life as his wife who was hateful person for me was like a hell to me. Rather then lovibg eith him I choose desth over it and I did what I thought.

Zarnish's POV.

Locking the door behind me, I covered my mouth as many tears left my eyes and i cried felling down on the ground. Cried for the hatred, I witnessed in Aabia's eyes for me. What was not there for me. And i knew I desrved it. I deserved maybe more but I was hepless in front of my heart in front of my love for Shams.

"I'm sorry Aabia but I had no choice." I cried more with the words.

There was a relieve for me too as Aabia didn't tell anyone about what I did.  Now the only thing i had to do was to get my Shams.  I had to be his, his only destination. But how?

This thought made me think and wiping my tears i stood up. I had done which was written in our fates maybe and i had to turn my and Shams fate to each other. Aabia's mother was not in good situation and i had to think a way to get shams. All the day passed i kept thinking about a way to become his. But there was nothing coming in my mind.

All the night passed and i just kept thinking praying to get my love. Next morning came and i didn't know that it was going to bring such happiness for me. The happiness of getting my love. Of becoming my Shams. Zeeniya Maa was better now and she had asked Shams to marry me. I got this news from Zara and it was really a surprise for me. I was speechless.  Prayers could be heard like this. I was just wondering how would it feel in become his. To be Mrs Shams Waqas. But my happiness faded when he came in my room asking me to stop this marriage. He couldn't say no his Zee Maa I knew and that's why he was asking me to do this. But no i was not going to lose him. I loved him. I love him and that's why i betrayed my sweet cousin. I took this huge step betraying her and giving her to a person i didn't know then how i was goung to stop our union. It was not going to happened. I was thinking about his words when my mom entered tge room.

"Zarnish." I looked up at her who smiled and sat next to me on bed.

"Yes mom." I said and held my beating heart as i knew why she was here.

"I want to ask you something.  You've full right to tell me your decision. It will be your choice." Mom said and i gave a nod.

"We want to tie you with shams. We want you both to get married." Said mom and my heart jumped  with happiness.

"So what you say about this?" Asked mom holding my hand and i gave a nod while looking down.

"I've no problem mom. I'm ready." I said looking at her who smiled on my words and hugged me.

"Bless you." Saying, she kissed my forehead and left from there while I smiled closing my eyes as if i had won the world and now i knew Shams was mine only mine.

Shams POV.
"Do you Shams Waqas Son of Waqas Ahmad accept Zarnish Hammad daughter of Hammad Ahmad as your wife with the mahr of 50,000?" And the question was asked I was escsping from.

I never thought that the day i waited for would be like this. A bad dream like day which had gulped my all happiness and dreams. This moment how many time I've had imagined hearig Aabia's name as my bride but today it was totally opposite.

My heart ached, eyes filled up with tears and lips trembled, words lost. What should i say? What could I? This was not I wanted. I wanted my Aabia there sitting as my bride but I lost her forever.  She left me. I was seated there lost, tangled with what i had to do. This was the wish of my Zee Maa.  She wanted me to marry, to settle down in my life but she didn't know that i was broken completely.  This heart broke down into many pieces that it couldn't be mend ever. But now i had to do this. To do this marriage only to save my Zee Maa from any other shock. For her happiness. I looked up at her who was standing at distance waiting for my reply and I recslled her words when she called me yesrerday night to talk

Thirdperson's POV.

"You called?" Shams asked as he entered zeeniya and Jahan's room.

"Come son." Sitting up  said zeeniya while Shams reached her and took seat in front of her and held her hand.

"You okay son?" Asked zeeniyah and Shams looked down but gave a nod to her tried to hide the pain his eyes were showing.

"I know you're not. I'm sorry. My daughter hurt you a lot. She broke a beautiful heart. She won't be happy ever." Cried, said zeeniya  and Shams looked up at her.

"Don't say like that. She's your daughter.  She deserve to live happy. With me or without me is not important. Yes its true I'm hurt. Badly hurt. My heart is yelling and eyes wanted to shed tears as this heart is still not accepting what Aabia did. But this doesn't mean that i will pray for her grief or pain. I never want this. She's your daughter. She'll remain respectable and lovable for me." Shams said as a tear slipped on his cheek.

"Don't hate her because of me. My offence will be her only punishments." Saying,he wiped her tears.

"You love me?" Asked Zeeniyah and Shams smiled.

"Is this a question to ask?! Of course i love you." He replied kissing her hand.

"Then you'll do what I say." Said Zeeniyah and Shams gave a nod still smiling with tears in his eyes.

"Then marry Shams.  Marry with Zarnish.  I want to see you happy. " He looked at her shocked as the words passed from her mouth.

"What?" Shocked, he said and moved back but Zreniyah stopped him by holding his hand.

"For my sake. Forget her who didn't think about us once. Move on in your life. For my sake Shams." Said Zeeniyah.

"I..can't do this Zee Maa." Standing up, he said and turn to go.

"If you want to see me happy then do this martiage." Said zeeniyah from behind and Shams walked out of the room.

All the night, he passed in the lawn roaming here and there thinking about the words Zeeniyah said. He was not getting a way to get out of this trouble now. He didn't want to offend Zeeniyah neither wanted to do this marriage. Thinking and thinking he reached on a decision to talk to zarnish about this. If  she refused to marry him then it will be solved and Zeeniyah won't be upset with him. That's why he went to her to ask her to say no to marry him and was much relieved that now Zarnish will say no to this marriage but he got shocked when he was told about Zarnish approval for the marriage and now he was sitting as a groom accepting her as his wife for the sake of his Zee Maa who was looking at him with hope.

Shams POV.

Looking at my Zee Maa, I gave a nod and looked down.  I knew what now I had to do. There was nothing I could do now.  I couldn't move back now. I had to do this.

"I do." I said closing my eyes tightly.

"I do."

"I do."

Saying, I accept her as my wife but was I going to accept this relation our families tied us into? There was no place for anyone left in my life. My heart, my dreams, my emotions, everything was broken so badly that now I couldn't imagined to live it with a partner. I didn't had a place for any one in my life but they forcefully tied me with someone. I didn't know how I was going to bear this burden.

The hall filled up with congratulations.  Aarham came to me and hugged me. I could see tears in his eyes and so were twins were looking happy. I could see their eyes filled of love for me. Aarib bhai came and congratulate me and hugged me. I was thankful for their love but i felt empty inside me. I fekt I couldn't breath. I was betrayed badly. I was left broken and now everyone was expecting me to smile to move on. This was not so easy. Excusing myself, i walked out from there to breath in the fresh air.

"Why?" Looking up at the sky, I asked the question from the Almighty who was looking everything witnessing my pain, my heart break.

My eyes filled up with tears, breaths got heavy. I let my tears to flow down on my cheeks to lightened the pain of my heart. 

"I won't forgive you Aabia. For breakin my heart. I won't forgive you." Crying, I uttered these words snd wiped my tears.

Taking a deep breath, I walked back in the house where my family was waiting for me. I had to smile tonight for them.

Third person's POV.

That night was so heavy for many hearts. That hearts which got broken down, which got stabbed, which got hurt and filled with pain. The hearts which were not at the peace for a second. Hearts which were connected to each other but still were causing the other to bear the pain. Four lives, four hearts were at the stake wanted to feel the relief but all were in pain.

Shahmir was seated outside the operating, waiting for the doctors to come with a news which could give peace to his restless heart. With lower head, arms on his knees, fingers tangled badly with each other while mind was thinking so much thoughts. The thought which were scaring his soul. His eyes had the wetness which could drench his face any time. His heaet was trembling in fear and for the first time his heart was praying. Praying in front of Amighty for the life of his love. For the life of his girl. The girl who was his only world. His only family and now only relation. He never loved this much anyone but now this girl was running like blood in his veins. His beating heart was just praying to get his Aabia fit and fine like before.

On other side, Shams was restless. Didn't know how all this happened in his life. How he was tied with a girl who was not in his heart. His heart was still not accepting what Aabia did. And Zarnish on other side, was thinking about the coming life. The life which was going to be with Shams.  The one she loved. The one for whom she betayed her love ones and now was scared. Scared of his anger as he didn't want to do this marriage. Wanted her to say no to this marriage but she accepted him, this relation and now was praying for happiness and his love. But she didn't know that it was just a start. It was going to be more difficult. This life was going to be filled with Shams hate and revenge. It was going to be more difficult than she thought.

Aabia was fighting against life and death. She didn't want to live in this world where she had lost everything. But his love was going to pull her back. Pul her back to the life and love which was waiting for her. The smiles and happiness on her door but she was not going to accept it so easily.  She was Aabia Jahan Amad and this she had to show to Shahmir Siddique who had turned her life ups and down in just a night. He had to pay for what he did. And it was going to be Aabia's turn now. Its going to be her revenge now and hate now which he had to face.

A/N:: Assalam-o-Alikum readers.

How are you all??

I'm back.  Thank you all for your wishes and prayers. Allah blessed me again with a baby girl Alhamdulillah. A big thanks to my all readers whom I received the prayers and wishes from. We're thinking a name for the baby girl. Any suggestions??

Coming to the story, after a long time the chapter is updated. Hope you all enjoyed it. What aabia did to herself? You think she did right in anger? And about Zarnish? Hating her right? Don't worry she'll get what she deserve. Any guessess for the coming chapters??

Tell me your views about this chapter in the comment box. Do vote and share.

Till update Allah Hafiz.

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Keep smiling...

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