The Betrayal.

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Third person's POV.
The atmosphere of the house filled up once again with sadness and tears. The act of Roshane shocked everyone. The question was first appeared in every heart that why Roshaane did that and when they got the answer that why Roshaane cut her wrist, their tension increased. Aarham was worried on his place not only for his sister but for his parents too who were shedding tears. Aabia was shocked too. She was not understanding what should they do now. Evety face was in tension. Every mind was deeply in thought. Aabia looked at Maliha and she could see fear on her face. Maybe the fear of losing her love. Aarib's face was also tensed and scared but Aabia could feel his helplessness too. Her heart arched looking at her beloved relations tangled this much with problems and every heart was trying to get happiness.  As Roshaane got stable, Aabia was sent home with Shams, Zara and Zarnish. In the car, there was only silence and nothing. All cousins were silent. Every one was lost in their own thoughts.

"What you think what Aarham bhai would do now?" It was zara who asked looking at all of them but no one replied and kept asking the same question to themselves.

They reached home but didn't talk to anyone and left to their rooms. Aabia was so much tensed on her place. In just three days, it was her marriage and Aarib and Maliha's Nikkah but now the situation got changed. Roshaane's act changed everything. Was the function going to be held? This question rised again and again in her heart  but there was no answer she could give.

Zarnish's POV.
Two days passed since that incident of Roshaane. I was still in shock.  No one can tell what's happening in other heart.  I could see the tense face of my btother. I didn't want anything at that time but my brother's happiness. I knew, I knew he loves Maliha aapi. Since childhood he was crazy for her. She visits our home every year and I knew it was only to meet Aarib bhai.  And why Aarib bhai choose to work at Turkey. I knew the reason. Because Maliha Aapi stayed there.  I knew his craziness about Maliha Aapi but now what. I knew he was stuck. I hope he wouldn't make any stupid decision. 

Roshaane was shifted to home as she was fine now but she was not talking to anyone and was mostly locking herself in the room. Only Aabia and Aarham were going in her room to meet her. But I was here in my room tensed. Tensed for me and for my brother. Only a day left of Shams and Aabia's  wedding functions to go start and i was going to lose everything.  My Shams my life. He was going to be someone else's.  This thought made me scared and I felt suffocated in the room. Taking my dupatta and sawal, I stepped out of the room.

Looking around, I didn't find anyone there. I thought you take zara with me but then i just took stepped out alone and moved toward the nearby park. Holding the shawl around my shoulders, I entered the park and looked at the people , children playing there. It was 5 of the  evening and this time most of the kids and people came to the park to roam around. The cool breeze was giving a good effect on my nerve.  Choosing a bench at the tree side, I took seat and closed my eyes to seek the peace around me.  But as i closed my eyes, his face appeared to my eyes making the tears come out of my eyes.

"So you love him?" Startled on the voice, I opened my eyes and turned to my left side.

A man was seated there.  He was the  same person stalking Aabia that day. And i talked to him on Aarib bhai's engagement.

"You! What are you doing here?" I asked as I wiped my tears.

"I came to solve our problem." He said and I looked at him confused.

"I love Aabia and you love her fiance right.  So I've a plan." He said taking my attention but I didn't say anything and I kept quite.

"I can't let her be someone else's. So I want your help to make her mine." He said, turned to look at me.

"And why you think I'll help you in this act? She's like my sister and you want me to betray her. Impossible." I said turning to other side.

"Then you can ever get Shams in your life."He  said making me turn to him again.

"Don't you want Shams in your life? Don't you love him? If you do, then help me. Its their mehndi and then wedding. We just have one night between to do anything." He said and i kept thinking about his words.

"Here is my card. If you decide to help me then give me a call." Placing a card on the bench, he left and I kept thinking, looking at the card placed on the bench.

What should I do??

I took the card and kept looking at it for how much time i didn't know. I couldn't decide anything. But one thing was sure that I was never going to betray my sister Aabia. It was true that I love Shams but getting him in this way was wrong. I couldn't.  I thought and stood up and walked back to home. As I enteted the house, I saw Shams coming with a smile.

"Hey girl." He said looking at me and I just could give a nod looking at his happy face.

"Hey." I said looking at his smiling face who was looking so adorable while smiling.

"Where are you going?" I asked looking at him who was in hurry.

"Actually I'm going to buy a gift for Aabia. Its our wedding in just two days and i didn't buy anything yet. So I was going to look a precious gift for her." He said and I felt something broken in my heart.

"Oh." All I could say.

"Actually why don't you come with me and help me in selecting something for Aabia. I really don't know what to buy for her. I'm just excited." He said looking at me with hope.

"I...can't. Actually... I've some
work.  So I can't come with you." Holding my tears back, I said tried to form a smile on my face.

"Oh i wish you could come. Anyways, I'll see you later. I'm going." He said putting his hands in his jeans pockets.

I could see happiness in his eyes. Whistling, he stepped out while i kept standing there looking at the  door where he just disappeared. Tears found their way out of my eyes and heart arched with the thought that he went to buy something for some other girl. I was nowhere in his life. Nowhere in his thoughts, in his eyes. This thought hurt me badly that i rushed toward my room and cried my heart out closing the door.  This love was a bad bad thing. I never wanted to feel this in my heart but I was feeling it in my heart since years and now this hurt was unbearable. How i was going to watch him becoming someone else?.

"Ya Allah help me please." I prayed, prayed a lot to forget him to get some patience but nothing was happening.

All the night passed, I was not aware of What eat was happening around me. What the preparations were going on or what everyone was talking. I was just lost in my own thoughts thinking what should I do. Thr darkness of night disappeared with the new rays of sun scaring my heart hell. Like the past night, the day seem to be running. The prepartions the excitement, voices, laughters nothing had importance to me. I was dying inside. Dying badly. The coming night was going to take my shams one more step away from me. The Mehndi of  Shams name will be on Aabia's hands tonight. Looking at my empty hands i looked up again at Aabia who was smiling and there was no happiness in my life. There won't be any after Shams would be hers.

Finally the night came making my heart to feel the death near. My eyes widened when I witnessed the Nikah ceremony of Aarib bhai with Roshaane. I was shocked. For that second i forgot my pain and felt the pain of my brotger. I thought it was his and Maliha api Nikah.  I knew that they love each other. I knew my brother.  He was crazy for Maliha bht never showed and now this? He married to Roshaane? I looked at our parents who were smiling but I couldn't.  How could they? They made my brother to marry their daughter. I looked at Jahan papa and zeeniya Maa. They become so selfish.  Why this hurt of losing love came in our destiny? Why me and my brotger had to face the pain of losing our love when this Jahan family was trying to snatch happiness for themselves from others. The anger boiled in me and I just stepped out from there thinking what had happened and what should i do. Soon the Mehndi function of Shams and Aabia started while I was hurt badly. The hurt of my brother was also making my heart to feel the hurt and on this when Shams and Aabia sat together for the ceremony I couldn't see it anymore and ran from there crying.

Crying on the lost. I was going to lose him and this was hurting me more. Sitting on the swing, I took my pendent out of his name, I kissed his name hanging in my neck.

"Shams." Crying badly, I felt my heart breaking into pieces.

Shams." I cried more looking at his name.

"How will I live shams without you!?" I cried more with the words as my heart was about to explode on  pain,on the truth that he couldn't be mine ever.

"Shams I'll die." Mumbled, I kept crying holding the swing i was sitting on.

"Zarnish." Startled on the voice, I looked up and was shocked to see Aarhsm bhai there. Wiping my tears immediately i stood up and tried to hold my tears back.

"What..are you hiding!?" He asked looking at me but i didn't look up at him.

"No..nothing bhai. Its nothing." I replied looking away from him.

"Why? Why didn't you tell us about..!" He stopped his words and I fisted my hands stopping myself from crying.

"Its..nothing bhai. I'm fine." Tried to smile, I said.

"You love him right!? Why didn't you tell me earlier.!?" He asked and  just lost the battle of hiding my tears.

"I just couldn't." Saying, I cried silently and he placed his hand on my head to console me.

"I wish I could do something." He said slowly while resting my head on his chest to hug her.

"Your bhai is here. Don't worry." He said and I cried my heart out.

I was crying my heart out. The thought of losing my love was hurting my heart but suddenly my mind got that they beteayed my brother too. For their happiness, for his sister's happiness he made my brother suffer. Aarham bhai made my brother marry his sister Roshaane and now he was going to take my love away for his other sister. Such hypocrite people. My heart suddenly filled up with hatred for them all. For Aarham Jahan Ahmad who had taken my brother's happiness. His love and now was going to give my shams to his other sister. They had betrayed us. My brother and now it was their turn to get the betrayal.  I was not going to loose my Shams for any Aabia. Noddibg on my thoughts, I moved back and looked at Aarham bhai who was looking at me concerned. Maybe the fake concern. Snatching our hsppiness, he thought he could give us sympathy.

"I'm fine bhai. It happens sometimes. You don't worry. I'm very strong." I said and he nodded with a smile while now I knew what I had to do.

"Come. Let's go." He said holding my  hand and as we turned, I saw Mehak bhabhi standing with tears in her eyes.

"Don't say anything to anyone." He said to her and she nodded while walking ahead with us.

We came  back to the function and again my eyes went to them who took our happiness.  The sad face of my brother and teary eyes of Maliha aapi burned my heart more.  Aabia was seated next to my shams making the fire burned inside me. These people snatched my brother's happiness and now I was not going to let it do it with me. I won't let Aabia to take my shams away. This time its their time to get betrayal. Nodding on thought, I went inside and went directly in my room to do what could stop this wedding.

Shahmir's POV.
I was moving here and there restlessly.  I knew her wedding functions started but I couldn't do anything to stop this. I was just hoping to reach her on time. Looking at mobile again and again, I was waiting for her call but it was not ringing. My head started to pain and my pace increased in my room moving here and there.

"Calm down Mir. I'll be yours." Startled on the voice,  I turned my head toward the voice where she was seated again eating a bowl of fruits.

"Why are you here again? Stop torturing me again. Where I'm stuck." I said looking at  Aabia who wa the result of my hallucination.

"I'm inside your heart. I know you want to see me so I came. Stop worrying. I'll be yours." She said looking at me but i ignored her and kept waiting for the call.

At 12 of night my mobile ranged and I took the call on its first ring. My heart was beating fast.

"Hello." I said as  received the call.

"Mr Shahmir??" The other sider asked .

"Yes speaking." I replied impatiently.

"I'm Zarnish. Aabia's cousin sister." She said from other side and a smile appeared on my lips.

"What she's saying?" Standing so close to me, putting her ear to my mobile she asked and i smiled looking at my Asbia standing in front of me.

"So will you help me?" I asked her.

"I'm ready to do anything.  I just want my shams." She said from other side.

"Great. I'll be there when everyone went to sleep. We have to do this tonight. Make sure to make Aabia unconscious." I said and cut the call.

I turned to her who was looking at me with a smile. Holding her handw,  I spinned her dancing with her in happiness.

"You're going to be mine Aabia." I sung with happiness and giggled with her who was dancing with me.

Finally i was going to get her. My Aabia was going to be mine. I start waiting impatiently for Zarnish's call. After a while, I left from my house and drove toward Aabia's house. My heart was beating hell. I didn't know how i was going to do this but i had to. I waited and waited. I thought for a second and took my mobile and called someone.

"Hey Rayyan." As he received my call i said.

"I need your help. Can you come to Jahan mansion." I said.

"Dude what's happening? Why are you there?" He asked from other side.

"Just come as soon as possible.  I need your help." I said and disconnected the call.

In just 20 minutes, my best friend reached there. Taking seat next to me he wiggled his eyebrows to know my intensions but I didn't say anything but waiting for the right time. At 3 of the night, I received the call and my heart jumped. Taking the call, I was hoping to get a good news.

"Hello." I said as i received the call.

"Come to the back side of the house with your car."she said hurriedly and disconnected the call.

"I'm going to kidnap Aabia Jahan Ahmad." I said looking at Rayyan who got shocked on what i said.

"What? Are you mad?" He said tutning to me.

"I love her man and its her wedding tomorrow. I can't let this happen." I said and drove the car to the back side of mansion. 

Stopping the car close to the wall, i stepped out of the car and looked at Rayyan who was already looking at me.

"I'm going inside. Stay here." I said and climbed the wall to jump inside.

As i jumped inside the mansion, i looked around to find  Aabia around but no one was there. Suddenly i heard footsteps and some voices too.

Third person's POV.

As the Mehndi function ended of Shams and Aabia. Aabia went to her room to take rest while Zarnish was waiting for everyone to go heir rooms. As she saw the place clear, she went out to the backyard of the house and placed a ladder, she already had taken out from the servants store. Placing it there, she went to her room to connect her system with the security system of Jahan mansion. Of course she eas best eith computers but no one knows about her this side. Looking at the camera footages running on her laptop screen she smiled and went out of the room. Her mind was planning for the next. She went inside Aabia's room where she was looking at her hands which had Mehndi on it. It was still wet that's why she couldn't change her dress.

"You're still awake." Zarish said looking at Aabia who smiled and sat on bed.

"Thank God you came. Actually i wanted to talk to someone but no one was here." She said and zarish Smilingly went closer to her and sat next to her.

"What happened? You look scared?" Said zarnish looking at her hands which had her Shams  name Mehndi.

"I'm nervous.  Tomorrow is a big day for me and I don't know how to control my beating heart.  A new change in my life. I'm.. just scared and nervous. Hope everything goes well tomorrow." Aabia said looking at her Mehndi filled hands.

"Don't worry. Everything will be okay.  I thought to talk to you for sometime." Said zarnish and Aabia gave a nod.

Both kept talking. Many things about their childhood and then looking at their picture albums which had their a lot of memories. Zanish brought coffee for both of them and turned the computer to see a movie with her but actually she was trying to wake her up and her eyes were going again and again toward the clock to see the time. Her own heart was beating in fear. Whatever she was going to do she had to be succeeded in that. She looked at Aabia who was smiling looking at the comedy movie going on. As the clock turned to 15 to 3,she got up and went toward her room and did something with the laptop keys looking at tge security system and ran another footage on the comera screens playing in the secutity rooms . After doing that she went to the kitchen and prepared two cups of coffee again and put some sleeping pills in Aabia's coffee and went to the room again. And also informed Shahmir.

"Stop this movie here. Come lets go out." Said zarnish passing her cup of coffee.

"This time?" Asked Aabia while getting up.

"Let me show you my favourite place." Saying Zarnish held Aabia's hand and dragged her out with her.

Both stepped out of her room sipping the hot coffee while Zarnish's heart was beating hell in fear. Both stepped out and waked toward the backyard of the mansion. Zarnish went to the swing hanging there and sat there swinging it with a happy smile. Aabia was smiling looking at her.

"What was that voice?" Suddenly Aabia heard the voice and turned toward the voice.

"There's nothing." Replied zarnish while going closer to her.

"No there was some voice. Let check ahead." Said Aabia but felt all of sudden sleepy but stil moved ahead to see.

Shahmir was waiting for both of them when he saw Aabia coming while zarnish behind her. Asbia was holding her head as it was getting heavy due to pills added to her coffee. Her eyes were blurring but blinking her eyes again and agsin she was trying to keep her sense wake up.

"What doing here?" Holding her head, she asked looking at Shahmir who took a step ahead to hold her but she pushed him back.

"Hurry up. Take her before anyone come here." Zarnish's words shocked Aabia and she turned toward her tried to keep her eyes open.

"Zarnish." Shocked Aabia said.

"Shahmir we don't have much time. She'll be unconscious in few minutes." Said Zarnish again ignoring Aabia but Aabia went to her angrily get the hold of her arm.

"What rubbish are you saying? How this?" Asked Aabia angrily but her closing eyes were not helping her to stand on her position.

"Yes I'm doing this because I can't see Shams with anyone else. He's mine. Only mine. I loved him since childhood but you snatched him away. What you siblings think that you can decide everyone's life. Only you people deserve love and happiness. First your brother Aarham took my brother's happiness his love Maliha away and now you think you can take my shams away. No ways. He's mine only. Go to him." Pushing her badly, zarnish growled angrily looking at the shocked face of Aabia and before Aabia could react she lost her senses and fell back but holding her in his arms, Shahmir looked at her pale face.

"Go hurry. The cameras would be activate in just next 5 minutes." Said zarnish while putting a ladder near the wall which helped Shahmir to climb the wall off with Aabia laying unconscious on his shoulder.

Zarnish looked around and ran inside the mansion and went directly to her room and cried.

"I'm sorry but I had no choice." She mumbled and wiped her tears and opened her laptop to see the hacking system on her laptop where sge just hacked the cameras of Jahan mansion.

Ofcourse she was expert in it. No one knows but these computers more than anyone in this family. Sighing she stopped the hacking system and looked at the current situation of the mansion. Every place was clear. Shahmir wa successfully took Asbia with him to his world and now Shams was going to be only Zarnish's.  This thought brought a smile to her lips and she happily went to her bed to have a peaceful sleep after many days.

A/N:: Assalam-u-Alikum readers.

How are you all??

After a long long tome I'm back with the update you all waited for.

I'm so so sorry for being such late but this chapter was really difficult to write.  I hope i didn't miss anything.  Hwo will you judge Zarnish's character? You think she did the right thing?

Ignor my mistakes in this chapter.  I want your views on ths chapter. Next update will be soon. But mow as ypu get an uodate of Yours I'll write  now a chapter of His and Our Journeyof love. After tgat I'll be back on writing Yours. I hope you all will wait till that 

Don't forget to give your lot of love to my this story too like you've given your love to BE MINE & OUR ARRANGE MARRIAGE.

Leave a bunch of comments and votes. Do share my stories and do follow me.

Till update Allah Hafiz.

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Keep smiling...

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