A Virus

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It was the end of the school day and I was now living in my bed, full of boredom. I waited for something to happen! I walked over to my desk and sat down. I pressed the power button and got my cameras ready to record. Once I was done, I looked at my computer screen. It didn't turn on. I pressed on the power button again. It still didn't turn on. I started to worry. I looked at the under my desk and at the cords and, saw that they were unplugged. Well I feel stupid. I plugged all the cords back in and looked back up at my computer. I slowly pressed the power button. I waited a few seconds. It didn't turn on. I checked the plugs on the back of the computer. They were still plugged in. "Is my computer broken.......!? I just bought it.......!!!" I thought as I hit the computer. The screen then turned on. It definitely wasn't my wallpaper though. Instead, it was a teal blue colour with, a bunch of codes all over it. I slowly stood up from my seat and stared at the screen. I hand then banged on the screen, making the part that it hit, glitch out a little. I stepped back terrified of what was happening. Then, the screen glithced. Once it was back to the codes, a person was standing there. There hand was still on the screen and, they had there head down. I stepped another step back still staring at the screen. The person slowly lifted there head up. I could then see the persons face. The person had a white mask on, similar to Cry's except for, the mouth was almost like a zigzag line. It started banging on the computer screen. I grabbed my phone and ran out of my room. I ran to the living room and sat on the couch. I turned on my phone, hoping not to have the person on my phone too. Luckily, they weren't also on my phone. I went into messages and started texting my friends.

Y/N: Guys! My computers gone cray! Anyone else dealing with the same stuff?
Twizzles: Yup!
Sinnamon: Same
FireBall: Same
Broken: Guys, come over to my place

I then turned off my phone and darted out the door. I walked all the way to Broken's house. Once I made it there, Twizzles, Sinnamon and, FireBall, were already there. FireBall knocked on the door when I came up to the porch. Five seconds later, Broken came to the door. "Come on in" she told us. We all came in. Her house was very different from what I've ever seen before. Her front hallway was small but once you walked into her living room, it was a wide open space. Her mother was in the kitchen, doing something. "Follow me" she told us as she started walking up the stairs. Her stairs went up like a spiral which I find pretty cool. We went to a door that had a grumpy cat poster that said "Go Away!" on it. She opened the door to a room that had white three white walls and, one teal wall. Up against the teal wall was her bed. Her bed had Captain America sheets on them. Her desk was the same teal as the wall and, the lamp and file cabinet were the same. Her desk was at the end of her bed. On the teal wall were actually a white square. It had all sorts of things on it. When I walked over to her desk, I saw a bunch of pictures. "You can look at them if you want" I turned to her and saw, that she was looking at me. I nodded my head and started looking through them. These were the pictures.

I stopped at the last picture and stared at it. "Wow......." I thought as I stared at it. I then shook my head and felt confused. "Why am I acting so guy crazy.......!?" I wondered. This only normally happens whenever- oh no. "That's my fav" I heard Broken whisper in my ear. "What!?" I asked as I turned around to her. "No need to hide it sister! We all want a guy who's got the right body!" She yelled. I then felt everyone stare at me. "She's not wrong" added FireBall. "FireBall!?" Sinnamon asked surprised on what she just said. "What? We all want the right guy for us and, I'm pretty sure most of us, teenagers are getting to that point in life were we're, wanting a good body with a good guy" FireBall explained. "I like this FireBall!" Twizzles said smiling. "Or bad guy. Ya know, bad boys in all. Those are the ones that are fun!" Broken commented. "You've only dated bad boys, haven't you?" Sinnamon asked Broken. "Not bad boys but, horrible jerks" Broken explained. "Okay! So what are we doing!" I said trying to change the subject. "Well, I texted all the guys asking if they were dealing with the same stuff or if they can help and, so far, there's been no responses" Broken told me. "Actually, Cry says he can help" Twizzles told us. "How did you grab a hold of my phone!?" Broken asked Twizzles. "It's a mystery~" she said wiggling her arms and making ghost sounds. "God dammit Twizzles!" Sinnamon said to Twizzles. "Well, what did he say to do?" FireBall asked. "He said to bring someone's laptop, Broken's" Twizzles said looking at Broken. "Oh, so I guess I'm supposed to volunteer now" Broken said with a hint of sarcasm. "Also, we have to go to his house. He said he has to do it there" Twizzles told us. "Do what?" Sinnamon asked. "Get ride of Virus!" Twizzles answered, rising her hand up like in, one of those dramatic movies. "A virus on my computer! Great!" I said thinking of who could have hacked into my computer. "Not a virus, or he could have been texting really fast......" Twizzles trailed off. "What do you mean?" FireBall asked her. "He said it like it was a name, I don't know" Twizzles answered. "Even better....." I mumbled. "Well then, let's go! He doesn't live that far away" Broken answered. "How do you know that?" Sinnamon asked her. "It's sorta like how I know where Mark lives, I just know" she said smirking. We then walked out of her room and out the front door. We started walking down the street in silence.
"Where here!" Broken said as we stopped at a house. Broken skipped up to the front porch and everyone else followed behind her. Broken knocked on the door. A minute later, Cry cam to the door. "How did you guys find my house? I didn't even tell you where I lived" Cry asked. "I just knew!" Broken answered. "Um, okay then, follow me" Cry told us. I saw a boy sitting in his living room watching TV. The others already went to his room but I stopped in my spot and starred at the boy on the couch. He then turned around and noticed me. His face lit up and, so did mine. "Y/N!?" The boy asked me looking at me in, surprise. "Nathan!" I said walking over to him. Nathan was Ryan's brother who was a good friend of mine and, Lucy's best friend. Lucy actually has a huge crush on him! He got off the couch and ran to me. He hugged me and, I hugged him back. "Why are you here?" He asked me. "Why are you here?" I asked him. "Well, I don't think he's told you yet but....." He looked over at the door that Cry and all of them went into. "Um, Cry's my uh, cousin!" He told me. It sounded like he was lying but I went with it. "Oh, okay" I said. "Now, why are you here?" He asked me. "I'm here with some friends cause Cry's going to help us with a virus" I told him. "So your friends with Cry?" He asked. "Yup!" I answered. "Wait, if your here, does that mean you live here?" He asked. I nodded my head yes. "That means Lucy lives around here too!" He said smiling. "I bit she'd love to see you!" I told him. "Hey, Y/N. If your done with your little chat with him, can you come in here?" I heard Sinnamon ask. "I'll be right there!" I told her. "I'll talk to ya later then!" I told Nathan. "Talk to ya later!" He said to me as, he got back on the couch and, I walked over to the door. I opened the door and walked into the room. His room was pretty blank. I mean, I couldn't really see since he had all his lights off. I walked over to the desk that they were all, surrounding. He had Broken's computer open and turned on. It had the same person on the screen. Cry was doing something with the computer.
After a while, Cry turned to all of us. "I got bad news" he said very calmly. "What's the bad news!?" Broken asked looking worried. He started laughing quietly. "What!? What's wrong!?" Broken asked getting mad now. "The, bad, news, is, that, you guys, are, such, idiots!" He said now laughing loudly. "What!?" We all asked in sync. "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry, I hacked you guys and, decided to freak you all out!" He said through laughs. I felt anger boiling up inside of me. "You jerk!" Broken yelled at him. She then started laughing quietly with him. Soon, it turned to laughter and, everyone joined in. "God you got us good!" Twizzles said through laughs. I was the only one standing there not laughing. "I promise I won't do it again" Cry said now claiming down. Everyone else calmed down.

"That was confusing......." I thought as I stared at everyone.

Ello Fwends!
I know, it was a stupid chapter! I'm sorry! The next one will get more exciting! Anyways, if you liked the, vote, comment or, follow! Thx!

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