Girls VS Boys

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When me and Twizzles got off the bus, we were pushed over by someone rushing out of the bus. It was Broken who pushed us over. She darted right into the school. While on her way in, I saw Mark put his hands over his manhood and cross his legs. Looks like he has gym with us then. I stood up and helped Twizzles up. Her glasses fell off so I got them for her. "Thanks" Twizzles said. "No problem. Why did she go straight inside?" I asked Twizzles. "We have gym first thing so she's getting ready" Twizzles answered. "I thought she hated gym" I said as we started walking. "You didn't hear this cause we were talking but, we're doing the Girls VS Boys thing today" Twizzles told me. "Are you serious!?" I asked. "Yup! Don't worry, not all of us are going to have to fight! Like last year, a kid named Freddy and Jack fought instead of this girl named Annabelle and Britney" Twizzles said with hate while saying the name Britney. "Who's Britney?" I asked her with a confused look. "She's that bitch over there" Twizzles said pointing at a girl. I looked over at the girl who looked like the regular everyday douche chic. "She shouldn't even be going here! She's obsessed with her own reflection and hates YouTube Class!" Twizzles said as her hands turned to fists. "You sure hate her" I added on. "Everyone hates her! Even her friends do too! There forced into being her friends!" Twizzles told me. "That's ridiculous!" I added. "Your lucky you weren't here during freshmen year! She got an idea to bully or embarrass everyone at the school! She's still attacking some people!" Twizzles told me looking like she was about to explode. We made it to the Gamers and Twizzles literally screamed. "Okay, I'm much better now" Twizzles said smiling. Everyone looked at her weird and I couldn't help but laugh. Once I stopped laughing, Ken then asked Twizzles, "What's wrong with you?". Twizzles turned to him. "We were talking about Miss. Douche Bag Chic" Twizzles answered. "Oh, that makes sense!" Said a female voice. I turned to the voice to see IHasCupQuack. "Oh! Y/N, have you met Cupquak yet?" Twizzles asked. "I think we have met" IHasCupQuack answered for me. Mark and Jack then came running with gym clothes on. "Why did you guys get ready already?" Pewds asked them. "Well, if Broken's going to be having gym with us, we're not going to take the chance so, if we're already dressed and she still has to get dressed then, the gym teacher well put us with different girls!" Mark explained. "I just came with him. Broken only beats him up rougher than anyone else" Jack told us. "Is that really true!?" Mark asked Jack. "Yup" Jack answered. "Wow, does she really hate me?" Mark asked. "She hates the way you act so sexy and turn her on" Pewds added smirking. "Wait, what!?" Mark asked looking at him disgusted. "I'm joking!" Pewds told him. "Oh! Did you guys hear that Cry's going to actually do the Girls VS Boys shit?" Pewds asked. "Oh, really? One word of advice, watch out for the crazy ones" Mark told Cry. Cry nodded. "Wait, did you say that part of your plan was to have Broken get changed later during class?" Twizzles asked them. It then hit me where she was going with that. "Uh, yeah, why?" Mark asked. "Turn around and you'll see why" I told him. He turned around followed by Jack turning around too. They saw Broken and FireBall talking as they walked out of the school. They were also wearing there gym cloths. "Oh shit" Mark said hiding behind Jack. FireBall then noticed us and waved. They came over to us and stood there looking at Mark and Jack. "Are you guys ready to have your twinkies smushed!?" I couldn't imagine who said that. It was FireBall. "Twinkies?" Ken asked. "She means your mother f**ken dicks!!!" Broken replied looking as crazy and excited as ever. "Hey, Y/N! Why don't we go get changed together!" Cupquak asked me. "I'm coming too!" Minx told us. I was now being pulled away from the group. It looked like Twizzles joined in on there twinkie destroying conversation. "Man those girls are crazy......" I thought as we were now almost at the change rooms. Minx opened the door to the girls change room and I was dragged inside. Cupquak and Minx went off to there own lockers and started getting there stuff. I, myself, had no clue where my locker was. "It's the same locker number as your locker outside of the change room" I female voice said behind me. I turned around to see Sabrina. "Sabrina!" I said smiling at her. "You can call me SinnamonBunn now! I finally got a YouTube name!" She said smiling back at me. "Well then, SinnamonBunn, I thank you for helping me" I said with a slight grin. "No need to be so formal my friend" Sabrina or now known as SinnamonBunn told me. We acted like posh people for a minute until we broke out into laughter. "Well, I gotta go get changed! See ya later!" SinnamonBunn told me walking off. I waved bye and said, "See ya!". I turned around and looked for my locker. Once I found it, the door opened to the change room and slammed shut. I looked at who was at the door and it was Broken, FireBall and Twizzles. They were all laughing really hard. I then heard someone bang on the door. "Let us in!!!" I could hear Ken from the other side. "You can't come in here!" Twizzles told him. "Then come out!!!" Ken yelled back. I tried to ignore them and opened up my locker. In the locker was a gym bag, the gym uniform and, a little bag. In the bag was a dove deodorant, a face cloth, a few tampons and, a few band aids. I pulled a tampon out and looked at it. I've never used one before. "I don't suggest using the tampons they give you" a female voice told me. I jumped and turned around to see Broken. I sighed and looked at her. "Why not?" I asked. "Just don't" she said walking away. "That was weird........" I thought as I turned back to my locker. I put the tampon back and grabbed the gym uniform. I walked over to one of the stalls and opened the door. "You don't have to get changed in there" I heard SinnamonBunn tell me. "I just don't feel comfortable yet" I told her. "That's okay" she said walking up to me. "If you need help, just tell me" she told me. I nodded my head and walked into the stall. I closed the stall door and heard her walk away. I then started getting changed.

We all sat on the bleachers in the gym. I glanced over at Broken to see her taping her feet on the bleacher. I was nervous. I was hoping that I didn't have to do it. Well, it depends on who I fight. The teacher then walked into the gym and stood in front of all of the bleachers. "I'm coach John as most of you know, anyways, today we're doing Girls VS Boys! I know most of you like doing this but, if I pare you up with someone you don't want to fight, just tell me" the coach told everyone. "Truth or dare, Mark?" I heard the guys behind me. They were playing truth or dare right before we started beating each other. What could go wrong? "Dare" Mark said sounding brave. "I dare you to fight whom ever you get pared up with!" The Swedish boy dared him. "What!? Pewds! Fine, I'll do it if you guys do the same!" Mark told them. "Then it's a challenge?" The Irish boy asked. "Jack gets it!" Mark said. "Put your hand in if your doing the challenge" Pewds told probably all the guys. I couldn't tell if anyone put there hands in but I had a bad feeling about there challenge. "And remember, go crazy! That's what we're looking for here!" Coach John told everyone. "This schools crazy......" I thought as a began to feel uneasy. "Okay, the first two will be...... Broken......" Coach John scrolled through the list. I glanced over at Broken who had her eyes full of excitement. "Please don't be me...." I heard Mark plead. "And, Mark!" Coach John said. "No!" I heard Mark say. "The challenge, dude! The challenge!" Jack told Mark. Broken then stood up and walked down to the mat on the floor. Mark got up and walked down after her. He stood in a fighting position that looked like it was from a video game. Broken did something like he did. "Ready, set," coach John started. "Go!" He yelled. Broken instantly leaped onto Mark, covering his face with her stomach. He was trying to get her off of him but she just kept hitting his head. He was trying so hard to get her off, he accidentally put his hand up the back of her shirt. Her eyes lit up and she slapped his head hard. Her face was pure red. He was then able to push her onto the floor but, with him following her. Aside from the fact that he was hovering over top of her, it didn't stop her from fighting him. She then smirked. His eyes then widened as his twinkie was smushed by her knee. He fell over to the side and she stood up quickly. The coach came over and patted her back. "You guys go sit back down" the coach told them. Mark just stayed on the ground holding onto his twinkie. "Someone come help Mark!" The coach asked the students. Jack then came down and helped him. Broken then came skipping up the bleachers and sat down with the biggest smirk on her face. "He almost got ya" FireBall told her. "It's not my fault that he put his hand up my shirt!" She yelled back at FireBall. "You totally have a thing for him" FireBall teased her. "I have a guy problem, that's what I have" Broken told her. "So, how hard did you hit his twinkie?" Twizzles asked. "Twizzles!" FireBall said to Twizzles. "It was different than last year" Broken responded. "Okay! Guys! We should watch the next people fight!" I interrupted feeling uncomfortable. "We can talk at lunch if you want" Broken told Twizzles. Twizzles nodded her head. "Okay! Next is......" Coach John started. I heard Mark sit down with a groan. "Jeez, that hurt" he managed to get out. "You at least stayed with the challenge!" Jack told Mark. "I'll beat her someday, at something" Mark managed to also declare. "Bro, she's the master of control!" Pewds told Mark. "Control, huh?" Mark asked. I knew what he was getting at. He just needs to take control instead of letting her take over. "Sinnamon and...... Jack!" Coach John finally said. I guess the coach already knows her YouTube name. Sinnamon and Jack walked onto the mat and stood in the smash bros positions ready to fight. "Ready, set," the coach started. "Go!" He yelled. Jack instantly tripped her. "Speed is key!" Jack told her. Sinnamon then tripped him so he was on the ground too. She then stood up and put a foot on his back. "Speed is key" she mimicked him. Jack then grabbed her leg and brought her to the floor. He then stood up. "I guess we're both right!" Jack said putting his foot on her back. She struggled to grab his leg or do anything. She then gave up. The coach then came over and helped her up. "You guys go sit back down" coach John told them. They headed back to where they we're sitting. "You guys talked to much" Broken told Sinnamon. "Sorry, I guess?" Sinnamon sorta apologized. "Next time, don't focus on brilliant things to say and just do it!" Broken was now complaining. "Okay! I get it!" Sinnamon told her. "Sorry" Broken apologized. "Speed is key guys! That's how you win!" I heard Jack say behind me. "Next up is....." It didn't take him as long as before. "Pewds and Britney" he yelled out. Pewds didn't hesitate to stay in his seat. "Why is he so eager?" I asked FireBall. "Everyone wants to beat up Britney" she replied. "Oh, okay" I said now turning my attention to the mat. They both stood on the mat. "Ready, set," coach John started. "Go!" He yelled. Pewds instantly took her down. She didn't even fight back or get up. "IM FABULOUS BITCH!!!!" Pewds yelled at her. "Okay, go sit down" coach John told them. "Is no one going to help me!?" Britney asked. No one answered. She then stood up and walked over to her seat, but she did it very slowly. Once she sat down, coach John called out two other people.
I few groups have now gone. There were only six more people to go. "FireBall and Sky!" Coach John called out for them. FireBall and Sky walked down to the mat. FireBall stood there and Sky got ready. "Ready, set," coach John started. "Go!" He yelled. Sky was about to charge until FireBall stopped him. "Wait, one second" FireBall told him. He then stood straight and looked at her confused. I looked at her confused. I'm pretty sure everyone else was too. "Now, before we beat each other up, I have a question" she told him. "Okay" Sky answered. "You like Super Smash Bros, right?" She asked. "Yeah" Sky responded. "You know that one character named, oh God what was it?" She asked herself. "Right! Captain Falcon? You know him right?" FireBall asked. "Uh, yeah" Sky answered. "I'm sorry" she apologized to him. "Sorry for what?" He asked her. "For this! FALCON PUNCH!!!!" She yelled punching him hard in the chest. She even made it look like the actual Falcon Punch animation. Sky then fell to the floor holding his chest. "That's new. You can go sit down now" coach John told them. FireBall walked up and gave Broken a high five before sitting down. "I knew it would work!" Broken told her. "It was a good thing we played Super Smash Bros yesterday!" FireBall added. They then did some weird handshake and then turned to face the mat. I was still looking at FireBall confused. I shook it off and faced the front too. "Twizzles and Freddy!" Coach John yelled out to them. "Oh shit" I said releasing who the person was that I was going to fight. Twizzles and Freddy walked down to the mat. They stood in piston and got ready. "Ready, set," coach John started. "Go!" He yelled. "I really don't want to hurt you" Freddy told Twizzles. "That makes it easier for me then!" Twizzles told him. She then charged after him. She elbowed him in the stomach and he fell to the floor. "That want fun" Twizzles pouted. "Go sit down Twizzles. Fred, you need to want to fight her next time, okay?" Coach John asked him. He nodded his head and slowly got up. Twizzles sat down and my heart raced a mile a second. "The last two are, Y/N and, Cry!" Coach John yelled out for us. Broken gasped and, Fireball whispered "oh no....". I slowly got up and headed down to the mat. Cry followed behind me. I stood there with my fist out. He did the same. "Ready, set," he started as my heart skipped a beat. "Go!" He yelled. I instantly tripped him. He fell to the side causing his mask to fall off. A pair of glasses followed his mask, and he instantly covers his face with his hands. I stood there in shock of the face I got a peek of. "Ryan...." I whispers to myself. Pewds then came down and grabbed his glasses and mask for him. They then headed to the boys change room with, Pewds helping Cry since he was still covering his face. "Well, I guess it's a tie then" coach John told me. I didn't need him to tell me to go sit down. I walked back up to my seat and sat down. "You okay?" FireBall asked me. "Yeah" I answered still in shock. "You know what I still can't believe?" I asked her. "What?" She asked. "I cannot believe this school does this stuff!" I said pointing at the mat. All the girls then laughed.

"Girls VS Boys...... Something that would never happen at a normal school......." I thought as I joined in on there laughter.

I really badly wanted to write about fighting! If this actually did happen in real life, I would us the same tactic as in the story. Idk. Anyways, if you liked then, vote, comment or, follow! Thx!

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