Fourth Day

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I lied in bed reading over the conversation we all had last night. This is how it went.

FireBall: ok Broken wat is it?

FireBall: Broken!
Broken: lesson to me first
FireBall: fine
Broken: Y/N?
Y/N: ok
Broken: wat if this is really Cry?
FireBall: wat about him?
Broken: this is wat he looks like then!
Y/N: if it is him
Broken: ya
FireBall: Broken does have a point
FireBall: but why r we talking about Cry!?
Broken: cuz.....
FireBall: u disgust me
Broken: i love u!
FireBall: love u too
Y/N: uh wat?
FireBall: its a thing we do
Y/N: oh
Y/N: wait
FireBall: ???
Broken: ?
Y/N: Broken did u save that pic!?
Broken: yes......
FireBall: i sorta did too.....
Y/N: guys! He's me ex!
Broken: ME EX!!!!
FireBall: HE MINE!!!!
Y/N: 😑
Broken: 😂
FireBall: 😂
Y/N: anyway
Y/N: i now this is early but
FireBall: yes?
Y/N: have u guys thought about after high school?
Broken: of course
FireBall: already done
Y/N: really?
Broken: yup!
FireBall: ya!
Y/N: wat r u guys doing?
Broken: me and FireBall r going to go traveling together
FireBall: and then off to YouTube College!
Y/N: YouTube College!?
FireBall: yup!
Broken: its not that easy to be an official YouTuber!
Y/N: oh wow
FireBall: well i gtg to bed
Broken: same
Y/N: k night😴
FireBall: night😴
Broken: night😴

I then turned my phone off and turned to see the time. It was 6 in the morning. I turned back over and tried to go back to sleep. "Why is Broken so obsessed with Cry.......?" I wondered. "Why do I even care so much about her life?" I whispered to myself. I then knew why. "Cause my life's as boring as shit" I whisper answered for myself. "Half of it is......." I kept the conversation between myself going.
Time flew by and it was now 7. I got out of bed and slept on some random cloths. I kept my hair down. I walked out of my room and started heading downstairs. I walked into the kitchen and started making toast. Out of nowhere, I heard a bang come from upstairs! "What the hell........?" I wondered walking towards the stairs. I then heard Lucy laughing hysterically. "What happened!?" I asked her. "I rolled off of my bed while I was sleeping!" She answered though laughs. I smiled and shook my head. "You idiot! Are you okay!?" I asked. "Yup! I'm fine!" She said now, at the top of the stairs. "Hey, do you remember Nathan?" Lucy asked me coming down the stairs. "You mean Ryan's brother?" I asked. "Yeah, him" she answered. "What about him?" I asked as we walked into the kitchen. "I had a dream about him" she answered sitting down at the table. "Oh really?" I asked her as I walked over to the toaster. "What was it about?" I asked putting the toast on the plates. "It was about us going to high school. It was the high school back at our old town" she explained. "Go on" I told her. "The weird part was, after a while we eventually ended up going to YouTube High. He was facing away from me and, when I tapped his shoulder for him to turn around, he had a white pocker face mask on" she told me grabbing the butter. "Weird right?" She asked spreading the butter onto her toast. "Yeah....." I said grabbing the strawberry jam. "I guess we better hurry though! School starts soon!" She told me as she started digging in. I quickly spread the rest of the jam on my toast and started eating.
Once we were both done, Lucy ran up to her room and got dressed. I, myself, stood at the door waiting for her. Once she came down, we darted out of the house.
We made it to her bus stop and she hopped into the bus. I started running for my bus, like I normally do. I made it to my bus stop and stood there. No one was there. It was sorta weird. I then started to worry. "What if the bus already left......!" I thought freaking out more. I then heard a bunch of girls chatting. "Oh! Hey Y/N!" I heard Twizzles say. I sighed and turned to them. They had gym bags today. "Why do you guys have gym bags? Am I supposed to have one?" I asked. "No, you'll get yours today during gym today" FireBall answered. "I hate gym!" Broken added a groan at the end of her sentence. "Unless it's the Girls VS Boys wrestling" FireBall told Broken. "Then I love gym!" Broken said now smiling. "But they banned that, didn't they?" Twizzles asked. "No, it's just that they, thought that freshmen's shouldn't do it after I hit Mark in the dick" Broken answered. "I thought you said it was wrestling?" I asked repeating what Broken said in my head. "Uh, not really. The teacher just calls it that so no one freaks out" Broken answered. "Broken went crazy the second Tim ewe did it!" Twizzles told me. "Hey! FireBall also hit them in the dick!" Broken complained. "Broken! Stop saying that word!" FireBall told Broken. "What? Dick?" Broken asked. "Yes!" FireBall answered. "Fine......... DICK DICK DICK DICK DICK DICK DICK!!!!!" Broken yelled. "STOP!!!" FireBall yelled. "Okay, okay I won't say that word....... PENIS-" Twizzles cut Broken off. "Oh look! The bus is here! Let's go!" Twizzles said grabbing my arm and bringing me into the bus. We sat down beside each other. "I just saved you from the worst fight ever" Twizzles told me. "Why? How bad could it have gotten?" I asked looking at her. "Broken could say some pretty dirty things and then, FireBall could have bursted your ear drums" Twizzles told me pointing at the two girls. I glanced over to see them sitting beside each other. "They get along fine though, so it's easy to forgive each other" Twizzles added. I then felt the bus stop. "Are we already here?" I asked looking out the window. "Are you blinded?" She asked me. "No, no we're not here" Twizzles said with sarcasm in her voice. I punched her elbow as we stood up. Only these words were going through my head.

"Girls Vs Boys....... Dicks....... Fighting......." I thought as we got off the bus.

GIRLS VS BOYS IS GOING TO BE AWESOME!!!! Girls and Boys fighting! I'm so excited! Anyways, if you liked then, vote, comment or, follow! Thx!

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