Art Class With Idiots

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As I walked off the bus, I was greeted with a big smile with ocean blue eyes, and a white poker face mask. "Hey (Y/N)!" Pewds yelled. I smiled at him. "Hey Pewds, Cry!" I said waving at them. "What's up?" I asked them. "Just wanted to get to now you better" Pewds responded with a shrug. I then ended up walking with them. I looked over at the girls and they gave me a thumbs up. "So what do you do on your channel? I haven't checked it out yet" Pewds asked. I looked at Cry to see his head facing forward. He must not be a talkative person. "Uh, well I do everything" I answered. "So you play games, do challenges, vlogs, comic dubs, music videos, animations, how to does, speed paints, fanfic readings, all that kind of stuff?" Pewds asked. "Pretty much" I responded. "That's so cool!" Pewds said looking at me in awe. "Well, I'm not the best at all of it but, I try my best!" I said putting my hands on my hips and looking up at the sky. "That's sorta like what those other three girls do! You know, the girls that you hang out with" Pewds said pointing at the girls. "There called the Outsiders!" Pewds told me looking back at me. I looked over to the girls and then back at Pewds. "That's why they didn't say if they were in any of your groups......" I said out loud. "What was that?" Pewds asked. "Oh! Nothing!" I replied. He then looked at me confused. I tried to ignore him but his fabulous eyes caught me in his net. "It's really nothing! I said something out loud that was supposed to be in my head!" I said looking at him. He then grind. "And what exactly did you say? I won't stop bothering you if you don't tell me!" Pewds said as his grin got bigger. "She said, That's why they didn't say if they were in any of your groups. It really wasn't that important, Pewds" Cry answered. I looked over at Cry and he was still facing forward. I then looked at him confused. "Oh, okay. Sorry about that! It kills me when people don't tell me what they said!" Pewds tried to play innocent. "What ever" I said facing forward. I had a plan to make Cry actually look to the side. I'd mimic him. I then faced forward and had a plan expression on my face. He didn't notice. "I need to do more......" I thought looking around. The bell then rang. "Okay well, we have art first so see ya later!" Pewds said waving to me. Then, something hit me. "Hey, I have art too!" I said while running up to them. "Awesome! Then let's get going!" Pewds said fist pumping the air.
We got to the art room and me, being the excited one, was hoping for the class to be big too! Pewds saw how excited I was and he put his hand on the door and opened it slowly. I was ready to gasp when the doors were finally open but, it never came out. Instead, I stood there disappointed with Pewds laughing at me. The room was at least the size of a music room. That's it. "Were you expecting more?" Pewds asked through laughs. I turned and scowled at him. "Okay, sorry" Pewds apologized while he tried to stop laughing. "Well, are we gonna stand here all day?" Pewds asked when he finally stopped laughing. I shook my head no. "Then let's go!" He said grabbing my arm. He pulled me into the room and sat me at a table. There were no desks, just tables. Pewds sat in front of me and Cry sat next to Pewds. I looked around the class to only see a few people that I recognized. Most of the faces in the class though, were definitely new to me. Then, someone caught my attention. She was wearing a purple t-shirt and had black glasses. She was really concentrating on what she must have been drawing. She was sitting alone, but not for long. I then saw Broken walk over and sat next to her and start talking to her. Looks like a got another class with Broken. "Great......" I thought. "Wait, why am I upset!? She's a friend! Am I....." I quickly looked down at my pants. "Thank God......" I whispered. "Did ya wet yourself, (Y/N)?" Pewds asked. I looked up to see a smirk spread across his face. "No! I didn't wet myself!" I said, my face heating up. He then had a quick chuckle, until the teacher walked in. It was a girl teacher who wore, a white t-shirt that was covered in paint, she wore torn up jeans and had flip flops on. She also had an artist apron on with paint brushes stuffed into the pocket. "Okay class! Today, we're going to be painting what first comes to mind, and it doesn't matter what it is. This is to show who you are through art, to show people what kind of a person you are. Though it doesn't matter what people think, right?" She asked the class. Everyone nodded. "Oh! And I also forgot that we have a few new students in here so, my name is" she said writing her name on a white board. "Mrs. Kitman" she finished walking away from the board. "Now, let's begin!" After she said that, everyone went to the art easels. I just followed Pewds and Cry. I mean, Pewds did grab my arm and bring me to an easel beside him. Cry went to the easel behind Pewds. I saw Broken and the girl go to easels beside each other. Pewds elbowed me. "Sorry" Pewds apologized. I looked over at him to see him putting on a full on white apron and a red beret. I looked at him confused. "I now, I look, FABULOUS!" Pewds said doing something weird with his hands. "Sure, I just don't understand why your wearing it" I said looking over him. "Well, I want to look the part, is that bad?" He asked. I shook my head and said, "No, it's not bad". Pewds then smiled and picked up his paint brush. It had a really a dark navy blue dripping off of it. He started drawing out a females body. I looked behind him to see Cry was already painting. I then turned to my canvas. I noticed that the colours were already all set out for me. "I need to do the first thing that comes to mind......." I thought. Then the first thing that came to mind came up. I dipped my paint brush in the yellow and, started the base.
"Okay, class! 5 more minutes!" Mrs. Kitman yelled out to the class. I was almost done, I just needed to fill it all in. I put so much detail into mine. I wanted to look over at Pewds' painting but, the last time I did, he was drawing nipples. I don't even want to now where they were or what he was drawing. I looked at Cry who seemed to be just looking over his work. Still couldn't see what it was but I bet it's great! I hope it's not like Pewds' though.
I looked over my work and was pretty satisfied. "Okay class! Leave your paintings and go back to your table!" Mrs. Kitman told everyone. We all left our work and walked back to our tables. She then walked around all the paintings. She shared different expressions for each painting. I was worried about my painting for some weird reason. It seemed a bit simple when everyone looked like they all went crazy. I mean, some students had paint all over there arms! Some were actually clean like me. Pewds on the other hand just was covered in paint. "Okay, class, you may come look at everyone's paintings" my heart skipped a beat when she said that. I didn't want other people to see my painting! I stood up and started looking at everyone's paintings. I noticed that everyone signed there's. I forgot to. I then came to Broken's and the girls paintings. Broken literally painted an insane person covered in blood with a knife in her hand. The girl drew an anime version of Dipper and Mabel from Gravity Falls. I really liked her's, not sure about Broken's though. I mean, if an insane person is the first thing that comes to mind for her then, that makes me a bit uncomfortable. I then moved on to the other paintings. I then came to Cry's. It was Pewds looking back with the paint brush up to his chin. In the background it showed Cry with boobs. "Now I know what Pewds painted....." I thought turning around. There it was. The horribly painted drawing of Cry with a breast. I shiver ran down my spin. "Pewds is weird....." I thought turning away from the painting. I then turned to mine and saw that there were two girls adoring it. They then turned to me and told me I drew the cutest thing on Earth! They then walked off and I looked at my picture one more time. "You drew a duck!?" I heard Pewds ask. I turned to him to see him staring in awe at my painting. "I drew a duckling but yeah, pretty much" I answered. He then squealed. I looked at him confused. "Ducks are my thing!" He said noticing my face. I then noticed Cry was talking to Broken. They were looking at her painting. "I ship it......." Pewds whispered to me. "Who are you talking about......?" I whisper asked him. "Broken and Cry, I mean, there both crazy and they talk a lot......." Pewds whisper answered me. "Cry, talks a lot to her.......?" I whisper asked. "Yup! But I'm the only one who knows what he looks like without the mask.......!" He whispered. "Why are we still whispering?" I whisper asked. "I don't know?" Pewds said not whispering. "Do you ship anyone?" Pewds asked. I shook my head no. "I mean, I actually just found out what shipping was so I guess I need you to help me with this stuff" I told Pewds. "Trust me, you need Broken when it comes to ships" he said pointing were Broken was. He looked at were he was pointing confused. "I heard you guys talking about ships" Broken said behind Pewds. Pewds jumped and turned to her with a scared look on his face. "Broken, you are scary as shit!" Pewds told Broken. "I know..... So, you guys talking about shipping? Who are we shipping?" She asked rubbing her hands manically and looking around the class. "We were talking about you and-" I was cut off by Pewds' hand covering my mouth. "We were talking about Foxy and Chica!" He said quickly. He then covered he's mouth as if he said something wrong. "You. Ship. FOXICA!?!?" She asked as her hands turned into fists. Pewds then took his hand off of my mouth and started backing away. "No! I don't!" Pewds tried to defend himself. "This is going to be good....." Cry said now standing beside me. "LIER!!!!" Broken yelled. Pewds then hit the wall and he closed his eyes. "YOUR COMING WITH ME MISTER!!!!" Broken yelled grabbing Pewds ear. She then pulled him out of the classroom and me and Cry followed. She then lead him to were the lockers were. She opened up her locker and then looked at Pewds. "SAY IT AGAIN, I DARE YOU!!!!" Broken was on full rage mood. "I don't ship Foxica!!!" Pewds said struggling. "THEN WAHTS THE BETTER SHIP!?!?!?" She asked still screaming. "ITS FANGLE!!!!" Pewds yelled. "Okay, we're good" Broken said smiling. She then turned around and skipped her way into the girls bathroom. "God, I'm glad I didn't get the locker again...." Pewds said rubbing his ear and walking over to us. "What happens when your in the locker?" I asked. "She literally traps you in her locker! You get tied up and you can't talk either cause she puts a cloth in your mouth! Your stuck in there for a whole period or more! Depends how mad you make her!" He said looking at the girls bathroom. "Like I said, she's insane!" Pewds said looking back at us. "Well, I guess we should get to class, shouldn't we?" I asked, looking at the guys. They nodded there heads yes and we started walking back to class.

"Well, that was art class with idiots and an insane psycho......." I thought as we walked back into the classroom.

True fact: I do go crazy if anyone misses with my ships.
Who is this mysterious artist girl? We'll we ever find out? Will trouble be around the corner? Are any of these questions even important? Maybe. Anyways, if you liked then, vote, comment or, follow! Thx!

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