First Day

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I woke up to the screeching sound of my alarm. I reached out my hand and tried tapping on the snooze button. Of course, my hand was too week and it fell off to the side of my bed. I then had to lift my body up and press the snooze button. Once the sound of screeching stopped, I lied back down. That's not all the screeching I heard though. I then heard my little sister screeching at something. I groaned and got up. I shifted towards the screeching child and the screeching led me to the bathroom. I groaned and banged on the door considering, I was still tired. She screamed louder and shouted, "ZOMBIE!!!". I rolled my eyes. "I don't feel like brains for breakfast! Let me in Lucy!" I yelled at her. "Thank God it's you! The doors open! Wait, what was I freaking out about again......?" I waited a second after she said that to let her figure out why she was screaming. There was a little pause until she finally remembered. "Right...... HELP!!!!" She screamed. I opened the door and walked into the bathroom. My sister, Lucy, was standing on top of the toilet screaming and pointing at the floor. I looked to were she was pointing and laughed. "STOP LAUGHING AND KILL IT!!!!!" Lucy yelled at me. "It's just a harmless spider!" I said walking over to her. "Well, I don't like spiders!" Lucy said crossing her arms. I turned away from her and leaned over a bit. "Yay! Piggy back ride!" Lucy said with a smile on her face. She then hopped on my back and I carried her out of the bathroom and downstairs. I sat her down on the couch and walked to the kitchen. I was still a bit tired but still awake. I started cooking waffles. Once I was finished, I brought them out to my sister. "Do you like waffles?" She sang. Here we go. "Yeah I like waffles!" I sang back. "Do you like pancakes?". "Yeah I like pancakes!". "Do you like French Toast?". "Yeah I like French Toast!". "Do do do! Can't wait to get a mouth full! Waffles!" We both sang really loud. She started giggling and I just shock my head with a smile on my face. We then dug into our food.
After we were done, Lucy ran upstairs and started getting ready. It was her first day at a new school and she was going into grade 7. I, myself am going into my second year of high school. Isn't that great! No, no it's not! I don't know anyone and everyone else knows everyone else! Now I'm just confusing myself. I ran up to my room and started getting ready. I put on a red shirt that had 'YouTuber' on it. I slipped on some light blue jean capris. My socks were plan white. I did my hair up in a messy bun. One of my favourite styles. I slipped on my black and grey cat hoodie. I unzipped the zipper to show my shirt. I grabbed my cartoon bag and filled it up with the stuff I needed. I was told that I didn't need to bring that much, since they have it all at the school. I also shoved my schedule into my hoodie pocket.
I ran back downstairs. Lucy still wasn't done. "Hurry up!" I yelled. "I need to find a good outfit!" She yelled back. A couple minutes later, she came done stairs. She was wearing a yellow summer dress with, a white sweater. She was wearing black slip ons with white socks in them. She also had her hair in a braid with a rose on top of her ear. "Is it to much?" She asked. "No, I think you look nice!" I said to her. She looked over me once and then looked back up at me. "Wish I could say the same about you!" Lucy said. "What do you mean!?" I asked getting angry. "Oh, nothing!" She said skipping out the door. I swear to God, sometimes I could punch her.
I followed Lucy to her bus stop. Her bus comes before mine for some weird reason so, I decided to walk her there. When the bus came, I looked around to see that no one else was here. That's going to be hard. The doors opened and she hopped into the bus. She sat at a window and looked at me. I gave her a thumbs up as the bus drove away. I then looked at the time. I had enough time to get to my bus stop so I jogged there. Once I made it there, there were three girls standing there. "Great, people....." I thought. I walked up to the stop and waited there. Everything was silent. I was sorta freaked out. The bus finally came and we all got on.

~Time Skip Through Bus Ride~
Once we got there, everyone got off the bus. I was the last one to get off the bus. Once I got off and walked towards the entry, I was stopped by one of the girls at my bus stop. She had dark brown hair that had a hint of red growing up her one bang. She had blue eyes with hints of green in them. On her smile were normal metal braces. She was wearing a white t-shirt with a picture of a girl falling. In the bottom of the picture was the initials BS345. She wore navy blue jean capris that were torn on the knees. She also had red high top converse on with tall striped socks. "Hi! I'm Rowan! You can call me Broken!" She said putting out her hand. I shock her hand and responded, "I'm (Y/N)". She stopped shacking my hand and looked at me. "So your the new girl...... You look different from what I imagined" she said. I looked at her confused. "Don't worry about it! I always try to imagine what people look like!" She said smiling. Two other girls walked up to us. They were the other two girls that were at the bus stop. One of them had long brown hair. They had teal eyes. One of the eyes had a little brown spot. She was wearing a periwinkle Phenix Drop High shirt. I didn't know what that was from. She was also wearing black stretchy pants. She was wearing blue sneakers with white socks. The other girl, had short curly dark brown hair. She had bright black, almost like a dark grey, colour for her eyes. Over her eyes were teal glasses. She was wearing a black shirt with an FNAF logo on it. She was wearing blue jean shorts.
Rowan looked at them then at me. "Oh! And these are my friends!" She gestured towards the two girls. "I'm Molly but call me FireBall" the girl with the brown spot in her eye said. "I'm Twizzles! My real name is a mystery....." The girl with curly hair said wiggling her hands and making ghost sounds after she said that. I giggled a bit. "Anyways, we should introduce you to our other friends!" Rowan or, Broken said. She grabbed my hand and pulled me over to a group of people.

"These are the Minecrafters! Well, that's what we like to call them!" She said gesturing to the group of people. They were all mostly on there laptops. "That's, Mithzan, over there's RedVactor, right beside him is YourPalRoss, then there's ThatGuyBarney, don't forget Skydoesminecraft, and the lovely Aphmau!" Broken listed them out.

Mithzan: Mithzan had red hair. He also had black eyes, almost like Twizzels' eyes. He wore a black hoodie and grey jeans. He also had a necklace with a golden Z at the end of it.
RedVactor or BlueVactor: RedVactor had bright red hair. He had red eyes to match his hair. He wore a red t-shirt hoodie with the Flash symbol in the middle. He wore red jeans that had a bit of mud on them. At the end of his pants were red sneakers. He also wore a red dinosaur hat.
YourPalRoss: YourPlaRoss had light brown hair. He had light blue eyes that had black glasses covering them. He wore a grey hoodie with a big light grey line down the middle. He wore light blue jeans with black sneakers. He also had squirrel ears and a tail on. I could tell that they wear costume pieces though.
ThatGuyBarney: ThatGuyBarney had brown hair. He had one brown eye. He's other eye was covered up by a black eyepatch. He wore a purple hoodie unzipped to show a green shirt under it. He wore navy blue jeans with purple sneakers.
Skydoesminecraft: Skydoesminecraft had brown hair. He wore shades over his eyes so I couldn't tell what colour of eyes he has. He wore a black t-shirt with a few grey designs on it. He also wore black camo pants with reddish brownish sneakers on the end. Around his neck was an amulet of some sort. The amulet was a yellow kind of gold with purple around it.
Aphmau: Aphmau had really dark drown hair that it actually looked more like black. She had bright brown eyes. She wore a bright purple tee with white capris. She had dark grey converse high tops on. She also had a grey hat on with some pink on it.

"These are the 'Minecrafters'! There really awesome people and I bit you'll become friends with them easily! Anyways, no time for chatting! Let's go meet some more people!" Broken shouted and grabbed my arm again.

We ran to another group of kids. They were all chatting. There were only four of them. I'm hoping there not the only ones in the group. "These, are the rebels!" Broken yelled out. She was a bit loud. "Broken, we're not actually rebels or vloggers! We just don't play games!" One of the people said. "That's why I call you guys the rebels! Any who! This is Casper Lee, and there's Joe Sugg, and over here is CutiePieMarzia, and right here's Zoella!" This Broken gestured towards all of them.

Rebels actually Vloggers, not even that either so, People:
Caspar Lee: Casper Lee had blonde hair that was done in a style I couldn't name. I'm bad with style. He had blue eyes. He wore a grey t-shirt with white in the middle. His jeans where navy blue. He also wore black sneakers.
Joe Sugg: Joe Ssugg had bright brown hair that was in a style I couldn't also name. Again, bad with style! His eyes were blue. He wore a light grey t-shirt with brown shorts. He wore lime green sneakers.
CutiePieMarzia: CutiePieMarzia had long brown hair with blond tips. She had brown eyes. She wore a white button up shirt that had short sleeves and was tucked into her yellow shorts. She wore white slip ons.
Zoella: Zoella had long brown hair. Her eyes were blue that looked the same as Joe Suggs. She wore something like CtuiePieMarzia but she wore black shorts and grey slip ons and had a black bow around her neck and under her collar.

"That's the rebels! There always on the latest fashions so don't try to keep up! Plus, Joe and Zoe are brother and sister if you were wondering! Now, where's the last group.....?" Broken said. Once she spotted a group of people, she grabbed my arm and ran.

We made it to the other group. The group was scattered everywhere. Some of them where playing with a foot ball, a few were chatting and, some of them were on there laptops. "The dudes playing with the football are PewDiePie, Cinnamon Toast Ken and, Cryaotic. The two chatting are Markiplier and Jacksepticeye. The one on the laptop is Minx!" Broken said gesturing towards the group. They all stopped and waved.

Markiplier: Markiplier had black hair with red died in his hair. He had brown eyes that had black rimmed glasses covering them up. He had a bit of hair on his face but not much. He wore a black shirt with a red pixelated M in the middle. He wore blue jeans with white sneakers on his feet.
Jacksepticeye: Jacksepticeye had brown hair that had a light green died in it. He had light blue eyes. He had a bit of hair on his face but not much. He wore a blue hoodie with navy jeans. He wore green sneakers too.
Cryaotic: He had messy brown hair. One thing that was interesting though, was that he wore a white poker face mask with a little curled hair. I couldn't tell what his face was like because of the mask. He wore a green hoodie with the word 'Sup' on it. He wore blue jeans. He also had red converse on.
Minx: Minx had short brown hair with purple died at the front. She had purple eyes. She wore a purple sweater with grey capris. She also had black sneakers.
Cinnamon Toast Ken: Cinnamon Toast Ken had really dark brown hair. He had blackish, greyish eyes. He had a bit of hair on his face but not much. He wore a light blue shirt with a piece of toast in the middle. The piece of toast had a face and headphones. He wore blue jeans with white sneakers. He also had a brown bear hat on.
Pewdiepie: Pewdiepie had a caramel like colour of hair. He had bright blue eyes that sparkled. They were eyes meant for a fabulous person. He wore a light blue shirt with a dark blue fist on it. He wore greyish, brownish shorts. He had grey sneakers.

"Well, these are the gamers! Gotta be honest with ya, these are my favourite people to be around! And of course my friends too!" Broken said. "AAAAAAnd, that's everyone! Everyone important that you should know!" Broken said. Zoe or, FireBall and Twizzles sighed in relief. "What's wrong with you two?" Broken asked. "Your finally done! Do you know how hard it is to not talk!" FireBall yelled. "Why is it bad for you guys to talk while she was doing this?" I asked. "She would literally pop our heads off!" Twizzles shouted too. "Hey, what can I say? That's why I'm called BrokenSong!" Broken said shrugging. "Wait, why do people call you Broken?" I asked getting freaked out. "Cause, she's insane" some one said with a deep voice. It was the Markiplier guy. "H-Hey! No I'm not!" Broken shouted at him. Her face was starting to turn red. Wonder why. "Your right. Your not insane, your really insane!" He said. I could tell he was only trying to bug her. "I'm only insane sometimes! I swear to God! If you say something like that to me again, I'll burn your house down!" Broken yelled. I was getting a bit worried. "You don't even know where I live" he said. She looked away from him with the biggest blush on her face. "You actually live a couple neighbourhoods away from me......" Broken answered back. "Hey! Broken! I gotta go to the washroom! Why don't you come with me?" FireBall said pulling Broken away. Once they were a distance away from us, I could hear Broken scream. I was going to go run over but I was stopped by Twizzles. "Don't worry, it's normal" she said really calm. I nodded my head. "Well, let's get to know each other! You can talk to these guys later!" Twizzles said smiling. I nodded my head and followed her to a bench. We sat down and started talking.

~Time Skip~
The bell rang and everyone started heading into the school. "Well, what class do you have first?" Twizzles asked. I remembered the schedule that was sent to me. I put it in my hoodie before I left. I pulled it out and looked. "I got math. You?" I asked hoping she'd have the same. "English. Well then, I guess I'll see ya later?" She asked me. I nodded my head a little disappointed. We got up and walked to the school.

"Here we go....." I thought entering the school.

Sorry about all the description and not that much story! If you guys want me to continue this story right now then I promise that the next chapter will have more story then description! Don't also freak out cause I didn't add your favourite YouTuber in! I'm planning on adding more YouTubers in later! Plus, my friends, FireBall296 and Twisty-Twizzles where in here plus me! I suggest following them! Also, if you'd like to be in the story too, then please tell me what your character looks like and there name and if your lucky enough, you might be in a chapter! Anyways, if you liked this story, vote, comment and follow! Thx!

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