Markimoo and Jakaboy

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I walked all the way around the school and I couldn't find the math classroom or the office! I knew were my home room class was but no one there had math! I stopped walking down the hall. I stood there looking down at the floor. A sigh escaped my mouth. The second bell hasn't rung yet so I'm okay but still! I want to find my class! "Do ya need help?" I heard an Irish male voice ask from behind me. I turned around to see Jacksepticeye. "Jacksepticeye!? Shouldn't you be at your class!?" I asked with a surprised tone in my voice. He laughed at me then said, "Please, call me Jack and yeah, I should be". "Then why are you here!?" I asked him. "Well, me and Jack found out that you had math and knew you'd get lost! Plus, we got math too so there's no harm in helping you!" A deep male voice said walking up to me and Jack. It was Markiplier. "Markilpler!?" I said surprised. He laughed at me as he walked over. "Call me Mark! It's a bit easier" he said with a wink. "So he's one of those guys who thinks he's really hot, huh........?" I thought rolling my eyes at him. "Mark! No more flirten with girls! You just broke up with yer girlfriend!" Jack complained. "Your just jealous that I'm not flirting with you!" Mark said looking at Jack. They were glaring at each other and I couldn't help but laugh! They both looked at me confused. "What are you laughing at?" Mark asked. "You guys are having a cute bromance!" I said through laughs. "Oh no, what have we done to this poor child!" Mark yelled out. "What do you mean?" I asked while I stopped laughing. "We've made her a Septiplier shipper!" Mark yelled out acting like its a big deal. "Not another one!" Jack yelled. They started running around like chickens with there heads cut off. I started laughing all over again. Once they stopped running around and I stopped laughing they came up to me. "Time for math! Let's go!" Mark yelled out. Mark grabbed my right hand and Jack grabbed my left hand. They ran through the halls with me following. I started giggling at the two of them. There both idiots. Once we finally made it to the class, I tried to control myself. They let go of my hands and opened the door for me. Right when I sat down, the second bell rang. The teacher then walked in. I swear to God, he was the most scary teacher I've ever seen. He was bald and had pure black eyes. Not all his eyes were black but you get what I mean! He wore a white button up shirt with long sleeves. He had a red tie around his neck. He wore normal blue jeans and had black fancy shoes on. The scary thing about him was, the look on his face. The look he had on was serious and anger. "Alright! Let's begin!" He shouted out.

~Time Skip~
The bell rang and everyone launched out of there seats. "Don't forget to do your homework!" He shouted out to everyone. Once everyone got out of the classroom, they all jumped for joy. Couldn't blame them. I pulled out my schedule to see what I had next. "Science....." I said quietly to myself. "That sucks! Well I guess I'll see ya later!" I heard Mark say behind me. I jumped and turned around. "See ya!" Jack yelled out to me. I waved bye as they both left. "Science! Yes.......!" I thought. I loved doing science for some weird reason. It took me a while to find the classroom but I eventually did.

~Yet Another Time Skip~
The bell rang telling me it was lunch. "Class dismissed!" The teacher told everyone. I leaped out of my seat and ran to the cafeteria. I loved lunch cause that's when I can see my friends. I don't have that many yet but I do have some! "Hey, (Y/N)! Over here!" I heard a familiar voice call out to me. I turned to the voice and saw Broken at a table with FireBall and Twizzles. I walked over to them and they instantly smiled at me. "Sooooooo, how were your first classes?" FireBall asked me. "They were great! I especially loved before math class!" I said with a big smile on my face. "Math really!? What happened?" Broken asked. "I ran into Mark and Jack and they acted like idiots and then took my hands and pulled me to math! I did get lost so it was a good thing they were there for me!" I answered. "They did that to you too......" Broken asked with sadness in her voice. "What?" I asked. "Nothing......" Broken said looking down at her food. It was an awkward silence for a while until a couple of familiar voices broke it. "Hey guys!" I heard Mark say to us. We all looked over to see all the gamers coming over to our table. "Sup bros! Scootchy!" Pewdiepie said sitting next to me. We all moved down so there was enough space for them. Pewdiepie sat next to me with Cinnamon Toast Ken next to him and then Cryaotic and then Minx sat at the end. Then, on the other side sat FireBall, who was in front of me, then beside her was Twizzles, then Broken, then Mark was at the end of them all. When Mark sat down next to Broken her face instantly started turning red. Jack had no place to sit so he pulled up a chair at the other end of the table closer to Mark. Everyone started talking to each other as I went to go get some food. When I was walking back to the table, I noticed Broken doing something weird. She was taking pictures of Mark and Jack laughing together. I looked at her confused. I sat down and started eating. "Sooooo, anyone you fancy, (Y/N)?" I instantly looked up from my food to see a red Broken looking at me. "Broken! She's only been here for a day! Stop asking people this!" Fireball yelled at her. "Sorry! You know I'm a sucker for romance" Broken said. She had a grin on her face and was still looking at me. "Is that so?" Mark asked her. "Yup! It's true!" She said proudly. "I especially love it when people confess there love! It makes my heart flutter knowing that people have done what there hearts are telling them!" Broken said putting her hand over her heart. "I don't see you confessing to anyone" Cinnamon Toast Ken said to her. "My heart hasn't told me to do anything about it yet!" She said throwing an empty soda can at him. "Hey! Okay I get it!" He said to her. "I don't see you confessing to anyone" she mimicked quietly. "But seriously, (Y/N). You can tell me anything! If your lucky, I can even help ya get the guy or gal!" She said with a smile on her face. "Thanks" I said to her. I looked around to see everyone now busy doing something. "By the way, you can call me Pewds!" Pewdiepie said to me. It was really random but I nodded my head. "You can also call him CTK it's just easier, and then you can call him Cry, she stays Minx, he's Jack and he's Mark! It just makes life easier!" Pewds said. I nodded my head and looked at all of them. "So, do ya got homework?" CTK asked. "Sadly, yes" I said dramatically. "Bummer" Cry said. "I know right! I just got to this school and your already giving me homework! It's not fair!" I crossed my arms. "Okay then? Are you lost?" Twizzles asked. "What do you mean?" I asked looking at her. "Well, your in a high school and kindergarten is in the other school next to us" Twizzles answered. "Haha, very funny" I said rolling my eyes. The bell rang to tell us that lunch was over. Everyone said good bye and walked off. I then looked at my schedule. "YouTube Class? That's new......" I thought. I then started walking down the hall till I found a door that had the YouTube symbol on it. I looked over to the wall. It read YouTube class. I put my hand on the door and took a deep breath in.

"This will be new......" I thought opening the door to a big room.

Two chapters in one day! Awesome! I think some drama might go down too depending on if you guys want there to be some! If you guys licked this then please, vote, comment and, follow! Thx!

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