YouTube Class

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I entered the big room. The class room was really big! I looked around. There were desks that went up like stairs. On every desk was a laptop. The teachers desk was at the front of the class which was by the door. Behind it was a huge smart board. Over in a corner I could see a recording room it looked like. In fact, there were a bunch of recording rooms. They all had a desk in it, a bunch of monitors and a few cameras. I also saw in another corner that there were more recoding rooms but they only had a camera, a green screen and, a seat in front of the camera in them. I looked at the desks again to see a girl. She had her hair pixie cut and it was dyed all mint. To be honest, it looked pretty cool. She wore a galaxy t-shirt with a black hoodie. She had headphones on that I think were skull candy. The headphones were plugged into her laptop. Her laptop had a sticker of a green eye on it. The green eye had a pink bow on the top of it. It was cute! I decided to see were I sat and hopped to be sitting beside her. I looked at all the laptops and found one that said, (Y/N) on it. Lucky enough, it was beside the girl. I sat down beside her. She didn't notice me and was still on her laptop. I looked from the corner of my eye to see what she was doing. She was on some website I couldn't name. Some other people came in and sat down. Soon the whole class flooded through the door. I couldn't make anyone out because they were all so close. I then noticed that Jack, Mark, Pewds, Broken, FireBall and Twizzles were in the same class as me. I girl sat beside the girl next to me. She tapped on the girls shoulder. The girl looked up from her laptop and smiled. I then recognized who that other girl was and it was CutiePieMarzia. The girl took her headphones off and started talking to her. I was surprised that the two of them were friends if they are. I then felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around to see a guy I was introduced to today. "Your the new girl right?" He asked. I nodded my head. "And your Skydoesminecraft right?" I asked. "Please, call me Sky. It's easier than Skydoesminecraft" he answered sitting down next to me. "So, your new to the whole YouTube Class thing aren't ya?" He asked. I nodded my head. "Well, it's probably the funniest class you'll ever take!" He said smiling. "What's so awesome about it?" I asked. "Well, there's no homework, no making your brain work hard, just fun and more fun!" He answered me. I nodded my head and looked at the front of the class. I saw that Broken sat beside Jack and Mark sat beside Pewds. Above me, sat FireBall who was next to, Aphmau was it? I then looked around more and noticed that Twizzles sat on the other side of CutiePieMarzia. "Interesting....." I thought. "Trust me, she moves people around on the first day so don't expect everyone around you to stay around you" Sky told me. "She? You mean the teacher?" I asked. He nodded his head. "Her names Miss.Alla. She's an awesome, young teacher! Just what we needed at this school" he told me more. "This teacher better be awesome! I've had to deal with a bunch of grumps for teachers today!" I said acting like it was the biggest deal in the world. He laughed at me a bit. The door then opened and everyone looked at who walked in. It looked like the teacher. She did actually look very young. "Well, how is everyone?" She asked when she got to the front of the class. Everyone responded with a 'good'. I felt like I was in elementary school again. "Well then, most of you know who I am but for the newbs in the class, I'm Miss.Alla. I am apparently the best teacher in the school, since I have been voted best teacher twice. Actually that's not that much to prove but I've only been at this school for two years so I guess it's good?" She said to the class. She seemed to be confused on what she just said. I couldn't help but giggle a bit. "Anyways, today we're going to do something I should have done last year but didn't. We're going to make YouTuber projects!" She said excited. I looked around at everyone and noticed that they had there hands on there desks and were sitting up straight. They also had worried looks on there faces. I didn't know what to do so I joined in. I just didn't have the worried look on my face. Miss.Alla then turned around and looked at everyone. "Wait a minute..... You guys never act like this......" She said glaring at everyone. "Oh! I remember! I forgot to change the seats!" She said grabbing a piece of paper. Everyone sighed. Some of them were disappointed sighs, and some of them were sighs of relief. "Okay..... So, Jack and CutiePie stand over here..... Mark, come join them and....." She listed off a few other people that weren't that important to me. "Okay now, CutiePie, go sit next to Pewds, Mark, beside Broken, Jack beside Sabrina....." The other seats didn't matter to me. They all went to there spots and the teacher smirked. "Great, the teachers got an idea and it doesn't look good" Sky said. Then one of the other people at the front sat next to Sky. "Hi I'm Alesia! You are?" She said putting her hand out to shake Sky's. "I'm Sky but you can call me what ever you want" he told her shacking her hand. "Okay, Butter King" she said to him. They then started chatting. I didn't want to interrupt there bonding. I looked over to see the girl next to me blushing. She was staring out to the front of the class. "Okay class! Now that you guys know each other, let's start the project! One thing is that you have to work with your elbow buddy cause we don't have enough supplies for a separate person to have all to themselves. You have two elbow buddies so choose wisely!" Miss.Alla told the class. I looked over at Sky who was already pared up with Alesia. I then looked over at the girl next to me. It seemed that Twizzles and Jack were already pared up. That means that me and this girl are going to have to be partners. I looked over at her. She was just staring at the front. "Hi! I'm, (Y/N)! You are?" I asked putting out my hand for her to shack. She looked at me and then at my hand. "I-I'm Sabrina" she said shacking my hand. She must be a shy girl. "So, do you want to get started?" I asked. "S-Sure" she answered. I went over to the table with all the supplies on it and grabbed a few things. I walked back up to my desk and put the stuff down. "Is this all good?" I asked. She looked at the pile and nodded her head yes. She grabbed some stuff and started her project. I looked around the class. FireBall was partners with Aphmau. Twizzles was partners with Jack. CutiePieMarzia was partners with Pewds. Sky was partners with Alesia. Broken was partners with Mark. I heard Broken laugh and a snort came out. She covered her mouth at the sudden sound and her face turned red. Then, Mark and Broken started laughing. I noticed that Aphmau and FireBall were laughing with each other too. Jack was acting like an idiot around Twizzles. Twizzles looked like she was trying to hold back laughter as hard as she could. Jack then tripped over a step and Twizzles started laughing hard. She then ran over to help him while laughing. They then both started laughing. I saw that Pewds and CutiePieMarzia were sitting in silence working on there projects. They both had red on there faces though. I looked beside me and didn't really have to fully look at them to know what they were doing. I could hear Sky flirting and making Alesia laugh. I looked at my partner. "Yours looks good" I said to her. She looked at me and smiled. "Thanks" she said. I then turned to my supplies and wished that we  were laughing or at least chatting. I started my project.
After a while I was half way through my project. "Sorry if I'm a boring partner" Sabrina said. I looked at her. "I saw you look at everyone and heard you sigh when you started your project" I didn't even notice that I sighed. "If it helps, we can chat if you want?" She asked. I then nodded my head and we started talking.
Once we were both done we then knew each other pretty well. I got a few laughs out of her which was good enough for me. "Okay class! Hand in your projects if your done them but, if your not, then your going to have to finish them tomorrow! Remember, no homework though!" Miss. Alla shouted out to the class. I thankfully finished my project and handed it in. "Is that everyone's?" Miss.Alla asked. Nobody said anything. The bell then rang and everyone left the class. "See you all tomorrow!" Miss.Alla told everyone. I then looked at my schedule. Only a few more classes before schools over.

~Time Skip To The End Of School~
The finale bell rung and everyone dashed outside. I walked outside instead of running with everyone else. I walked all the way to my bus and got on. I saw the three girls get on but Broken sat at the very back of the bus. Her face was pure red. "What's up with Beoken?" I asked the two girls in front of me. "Don't know" Twizzles told me. "I think it had to include the project that we had to do in class" FireBall told us. "Why would that have to do with anything?" Twizzles asked her. "She did the project with Mark" FireBall answered. Twizzles looked surprised. "What? Were you too busy with your Jack?" FireBall asked Twizzles. "Oh! Shut up!" Twizzels said with a bit of red on her face. "You better make your move cause, I think Sabrina's got a HUGE crush on him!" FireBall said flailing her arms around. "Wait, go back to Broken. Why does it matter that Mark was her partner?" I asked confused. "Here, I'll explain it later" FireBall said giving me a piece of paper. I unfolded it to see her phone number. It then said on the bottom, 'text me'. I looked up and nodded my head.
Once the bus stopped, we all got off and went our separate ways. I got home and opened the door to see Lucy was already home. "You left the door unlocked!" I shouted out. "Sorry! Was too excited to start texting my friend!" She shouted back. I turned around and closed the door and locked it. I went straight up to my room and pulled out my phone. I put her phone number into my contacts and then into messages and started texting her.
(Y/N): hey u home?
FireBall: yup!
FireBall: you ready to hear what I have to say about Broken?
(Y/N): hit me
FireBall: well, Broken really likes Mark and he was her partner
FireBall: though they seemed to be getting along I was told by her that at the end of the project he said this to her
FireBall: I hope we do a project together again
(Y/N): and that's bad cuz she has a crush on him?
FireBall: it's not bad it just broke her
FireBall: that's another reason why we call her Broken
FireBall: cuz when she's confused she needs to think it through and she completely breaks until she talks to someone
(Y/N): ok then
FireBall: anything else your wondering?
(Y/N): first can you put me in a group chat with Broken and Twizzles and second Jack Twizzles and Sabrina
FireBall: I'll add a group chat right now
FireBall: ok that's done now what did u want to now about Jack Twizzles and Sabrina?
(Y/N): any love blossoming between any of them
FireBall: ur stating to sound like Broken when she's having one of those moments
FireBall: ok sorry
FireBall: Sabrina has a HUGE crush on Jack and I think Twizzles likes Jack too
(Y/N): that's trouble just waiting to happen
FireBall: irk?
FireBall: gtg dinners calling
(Y/N): k ttyl
I turned my phone off and laid back in my bed. I was never good with these types of situations. I shock it off and opened up YouTube.

"First day finished......." You thought falling asleep.

Third chapter already!? Wow I'm on a roll! So much drama is already coming! I'm sorry if I'm only talking about me and my friends a lot! I promise it will change, I just need us to add drama! DRAMA!!!! Plus, the thing about me breaking when I'm confused is actually true. Only when I'm confused about something really hard. I'm hoping that everyone's enjoying the story! Thx



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