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I was driven home by the principal. She was the only one who knew about my parents. I am now, lying in my bed with an ice pack on top of my ankle. I was on my computer watching YouTube. I decided to finally check out all the Outsiders channels. I started with FireBall who had 55000 subscribers. Then Sinnamon had 118000 subscribers. The Twizzles who had 139000 subscribers. Then there was Broken who had 451000. But even though some of them didn't have as many as the others, they did collab videos with each other. There were a few with Mark or Jack or, Pewds mixed in but, not as much as each other. FireBall did a lot of role play with everyone. It was actually really good! Sinnamon did gaming. She was really good at the games she played. Twizzles did a lot of gaming and some vlogs. She did fanart, animations and, fanfics too. It was pretty entertaining. Then there was Broken. She had other channels but, they were only for, art, music, vlogs and challenges. But I was on her main channel right now. The one that has 451000 subscribers. I just pressed on one of her Trouble In Terrorist Town videos. This one had Twizzles, FireBall, Cryaotic and, Pewdiepie in it. "Ello Fwends! BrokenSong here and welcome to Trouble In-" her character got head shot, right in the middle of her intro. Her happy expression changed to murders, while everyone laughed. "Okay, which one of you s**t heads did that!?" She was not afraid of swearing. "IT WAS CRY!!!!" Pewds yelled out. Cry was laughing a lot. "What!? What did I do!?" Cry asked, still laughing. "You interrupted my intro you, mother f**ker!!!" No fear. "Just say the dare!" FireBall yelled out. Broken always did these Dare things before her video. She always asks people to dare her. She picks one and does it, at the beginning, in the middle, at the end or, during the whole thing. "Ugh! Fine! Today's dare is from TheGoldenIdol! They said to wear boxers for a whole episode!" Broken told the camera. Her equipment wasn't bad. None of there equipment was bad. "So, me and everyone else is, sitting here in boxers!" Broken said. She then stood up and proved it. Must be a tuff audience. They were orange boxers with black outlines. It also said "Chocking Hazard" on the front part. That was disturbing. "Eww! You've blinded your audience, Broken!" FireBall told her. That obviously meant they could see each other. Skype, I'm guessing. "She bought those for her boyfriend that she's never had!" Twizzles blurted out. Broken sat back down. "I thought it was funny so, I bought them!" Broken explained. They then all laughed. Right before I could watch the rest of the video, I heard my window open up. I closed my computer and, looked at the window, terrified. There they stood, by my window. A guy in a black bear hoodie. He pulled out a book and, placed it on my bedside table. It said "Worlds Greatest Puns" on it. I looked at him shocked. "I heard laughter was the best medicine!" He smiled. "Chexter, right? What are you doing here!?" I asked him. "And how did you get in!?" I asked another question. "I came in through your window. You didn't lock it and, nobody answered the door. Plus, your doorbells broken" He explained. My doorbells been broken since I moved here. I should get that fixed..... "I also came to check on you! I was right there when you fell down the stairs! I felt really bad....." that was adorable. I've never had anyone break into my house just to check on me. Though, I've never wanted anyone too and, I never will. "Um..... you look a bit upset so.... I guess I'll go....." he said grabbing his book. "No! Wait!" I called out. He stopped and looked at me. "Come, tell me about yourself" I patted the end of my bed. He came over and sat down. "Uh, what do you want to know?" He asked. "Something that's supposed to be obvious but, it's not" I answered. He sighed. "You wanna know my gender, am I right?" He asked. I slowly nodded my head yes. "Well, I'm full on male!" He answered. So I was right. "Don't worry, a lot of people ask me that...... so, do you have any friends at the school?" He asked me. "Uh, yeah. My best friends would be Mark, Jack, Pewds and, Cry" I told him. I felt a knot tie in my stomach. "What about those girls you were hanging out with?" He asked me. I knew he was gonna ask. "Well, I guess there my friends......" I looked away. "What happened?" Man was he nosy. But it was nice talking to someone. "A couple days ago, I had a fight with Broken and FireBall. Broken started calling me a jerk. FireBall took her side. Twizzles and Sinnamon didn't even try to help with this fight. They just stood there" I came clean. Someone told Broken that I was talking behind her back. But I wasn't. Me and Broken still made up but, I still don't trust her, I don't trust any of them. "Wow...... well, I guess I should get going! See you later!" He picked up the book, waved and, left. I think I should get more ice for my ankle. Especially after he sat on it!

~Skip To Friday~
(Twizzles POV)
"Really!? We're invited!?" I asked Broken. "Yup! It's gonna be huge though! The whole schools gonna be there!" Broken told me. I smiled. We've never been invited to parties before! "This is crazy!!!" I smiled. "No, we're crazy!" Broken laughed. "True, true!" We both laughed. This was our first party. Well, with all of us together! Half of us wanted it to be a crazy party when I, on the hand, wouldn't mind if it was like a birthday party or, a crazy party! "Hold on, if it's crazy, you promise you won't drink, right?" I smirked. Broken was always talking about how she would make mistakes during parties. She didn't care. She says, mistakes are what makes it fun. Plus, you'll learn from that mistake. "Mistakes are what makes it fun. Plus, you'll learn from those mistakes" She told me. Told ya! "Unless....." I could tell she was smirking. I decided to finish her sentence. "Unless it makes Brokiplier come true?" I smirked. "Shut up!!!" She yelled. I laughed. I knew she had a love, hate relationship with that ship. Mostly love though. "Oh! By the way, you'll get to meet some of my friends who are just enrolling!" She told me. "Are they YouTubers?" I asked. "Uh, duh! We go to YouTube High!" She laughed. Well I'm stupid! "Hey, I gotta pick out an outfits, wanna come over and help?" She asked me. "Sure! As long as you help me!" I told her. "Sure! Just bring over the outfits. We can have a sleepover if you want!" She offered. She always had sleepovers. They were every week either on, Friday or Saturday. It was crazy! And guess what today was. "That would be awesome! I'll just ask my parents!" I told her. "Kk! See ya soon then!" She said. "See ya!" I then hung up. I put my phone to the side. I grabbed the outfits and, asked my parents. They said I could so, I grabbed my bag too. I then walked over to her house.
I rang her door bell. "YO!!!! IM HERE!!!!" I yelled. I knew she was home alone cause, her parents cars weren't there. They must both be working. I then heard someone running down the stairs. The door then swung open. There stood Broken. She was wearing short shorts and a white t-shirt. "Just for your information, I was shaving my legs, thank you!" She yelled at me. She hates it when you interrupt her washroom business. "Sorry but, you should've done it yesterday!" I laughed. She glared at me. "Just come in and, let me finish!" She moved to the side. I walked in. There were boxes everywhere. "Uh, what's happening?" I asked her. "Oh s**t, I forgot to tell you!" She closed the door. "I'm moving!" She told me. I felt a pain shoot through me. My eyes started to tear up. She noticed my face. "No! No! No! Not moving, moving! Moving houses!" She flared her hands around. I sighed of relief and rubbed my eyes. "That's good...." I smiled. She then hugged me. "I would never leave you guys! So don't worry!" She reassured me. "You mean you'd never leave Mark?" I smirked. She then pushed me away and, started walking upstairs. "Nope! Nope! I'm done!" She yelled out. I died laughing. "I-I'm sorry!" I laughed. I followed her upstairs. We walked into her room. It had boxes everywhere too. All she had was a mattress with white sheets and a pillow. She also had her computer and her TV out. All her cloths seemed to be out. By out I mean, all over the floor. "Sorry about the mess" she apologized. I just smiled. "What about your camera and everything?" I asked her. "New house, my own office" she told me. My mouth dropped open. "No way!" I said, shocked. She just nodded her head and pushed some cloths to the side. "I'll go finish up and, you can, do whatever" she told me. I nodded and sat on her mattress. She walked off and closed the door. Five minutes, she comes back. "What took you so long!?" I asked her. "I decided to also shave some other stuff! So shut up!" She told me. I laughed. She sat down next to me. "I see you were watching Jack~" She smirked. Oh God no. I closed her computer. "N-No!" I stammered. "Jackizzles for life~" she sang. I felt my face turn red. "W-Wait, but I though you shipped Jack and Sinnamon more" I told her. That hurt to say. She looked at me. "Maybe" wow, that hurt. It was silent. "Anyways! Let's get our outfits!" She broke the silence. I smiled and grabbed my outfits.
"YES!!! That one!!!" She shouted. I was wearing my last outfit. It was a bright green skater skirt with a galaxy hoodie. I also had knee socks that were purple and black stripped. The outfit was topped off with grey converse. "Are you sure?" I asked. "Totally! We'll do our hair after my outfit!" Broken smiled. I moved out of the way of her closet and let her in.

(Broken's POV)
To be honest, I already had an outfit picked out. I just like doing little fashion shows! My first outfits looked really bad on me. That was the point. Twizzles looked at me concerned when I was going back into my closet. Last outfit. Hopefully this one isn't weird to Twizzles too!
"Oh, my God......" Twizzles said. Crap! I always fall for this! Don't say anything..... don't say a word..... it's a little prank me and Twizzles do. Normally we would say something that people would take in a good way but, then we'd completely twist it! It's sorta funny sometimes. "You need to change your mint streak to a red streak and, it'll be perfect!" Told ya! I thought that at first she was gonna say I looked good but instead, she tells me to fix something. I smiled and threw a flip flop at her playfully. She laughed and, so did I. Wait, where did the flip flop come from!? Oh,whatever! "I'm kidding, you look good! But seriously, your wearing white, black and, red! You should change the streak!" She told me. I was wearing a white button up shirt, both sleeves rolled up, with a black sports bra. I don't give a f**k so, shut up!!! I also had a red and black quilt on. I had it from one of my old schools. I also had knee high socks that were black. Black chucks to go with it all. "Well then, if your so concerned about my hair, let's head to the bathroom!" I smiled, pushing her out of my room. We walked into the washroom and, got our creativity on! "Green is not a creative colour~" I sang. Twizzles hit the back of my head. I laughed.

(Third Person POV)
Y/N walked up to the front door. She didn't like how the party was at a sorority house. Especially after watching both Neighbours 1 and 2. She was about to knock on the door when someone did for her. She looked at who did and saw Sinnamon. "You ready for this?" She asked me. She was wearing a mint dress. It was about up to her knees. Don't know why she was wearing the dress though. She also had white sneakers to go with it. "I-I don't know....." Y/N said, looking at the house. "Neighbours?" Sinnamon asked. Y/N nodded her head. Right before Sinnamon could say anything else, the door opened. At the door was some older guy, Y/Ns never seen before. "Sabrina! What's new!?" The guy yelled. "Nothing much. Plus, I go by the name Sinnamon now" Sinnamon told him. The guy smirked. "Okay miss, Sinnamon..... And, you are?" He asked Y/N. "I'm Y/N" she answered. "Oh! Your the new girl! Well, I'm Stan! Do you know who Shaun is?" He asked Y/N. She shook her head no. "He's my brother! He's soon gonna be enrolling at your school! That's why he's throwing this party!" He told her. She smiled. "Well, come on in!" He moved to the side, inviting both ladies in. Y/N looked around. All high school students. No University or Collage students to be seen. That was a good sign, for all of them.
Eventually, everyone was at the party. Except Broken and Twizzles. They did eventually come but, it was right before they were gonna start the "games". "We should do Truth Or Dare!!!" FireBall yelled out. Only a few people joined in. Everyone else was drunk on the "dance floor". FireBall started. "Okay! Pewds! Truth or Dare!!!" She asked Pewds. Pewds acted like he was born with swag. "Dare!!!" He answered. "Ooooo!" Everyone said. "I dar you to......" FireBall looked around the group. Everyone had suspension build up inside them. "I dare you to kiss Marzia!" She pointed at CutiePie. CutiePie blushed. Pewds blushed a bit too. He then just went for it and, kissed her!!! All the girls fangirled. The guys just looked surprised. "Wow! Good job!" Twizzles cheered. Pewds then darted he's attention to Twizzles. "Twizzles! Truth or Dare!!!" He yelled. She mepped. "Uh, truth....?" Twizzles answered. "Your trapped no matter what......" Broken whispered to Twizzles. Twizzles face turned red. "Damn it....... uh......" He looked at Jack, then smirked. "Do you like- or, have a crush on Jack!?" Pewds asked. The whole group went quite. "M-" Right before Twizzles could say maybe, Broken cut her off. "It's a yes or no question! No maybes or sures!" Broken proclaimed and, smirked. Twizzles glared at Broken. "Y-Yes......." Twizzles whispered. Jack sat beside her. "What was that!?" Jack asked. Twizzles blushed like she was going to explode! "Y-YES!!!!" She yelled. Jack looked at her surprised. "Well then, I mean, crushes don't last forever....." Jack blushed. Twizzles breathed in. "Uh, anyways, Chexter! Truth or Dare!?" She yelled. He almost jumped o of his skin. "Uh, truth?" Chester answered. "Okay! I don't judge people!" Twizzles stared at Pewds. "Are you a male or female?" Twizzles asked. "Yeah, I've been wondering too! Not to be rude" Sinnamon added. "I'm full on male, thanks" He sighed. "Okay then, Chexter, your turn!" Y/N smiled. "Okay, Sinnamon! Truth or Dare?" He asked. "Dare!!!" She answered. "I dare you to kiss Jack" He answered quickly. Sinnamon blushed. Sinnamon then walked over to Jack and kissed him. Twizzles burned with jealousy. Broken gasped. "This is to much for me!!!" She yelled, holding onto her head. "The ships are hurting!" FireBall finished for her. They both smiled. "Whatever! It doesn't mean it means anything!" Sinnamon protested. Sinnamon sat back down beside Broken. Broken took a big chug of Ginger Ale. "Broken! Truth or Dare!?" Sinnamon asked her. Broken looked at her. Then smirked. "I'm gonna go with...... Dare!!!" She answered. "Oh, okay..... not what I wanted to hear...... um....." Sinnamon looked around. "Ooo! I dare you to kiss Mark!" Sinnamon said, looking at Mark. Broken blushed. Mark looked at her, smirking!? Is obviously tired. I mean, there's no alcohol so, the only other way someone would act like that is if there tired. Right? They both closed there eyes and, went in for the kiss when, Broken opened her eyes and stood up. "Sorry! I'll be right back!" Broken said, covering her mouth as she left. "Um, is she going to be okay?" Mark asked. "Too much Ginger Ale" Someone responded. Everyone looked in his direction.

I looked at this guy wearing all black. He had brown hair and, I can't tell what his eyes were. "Mitchell!?" FireBall exclaimed. "Foi, that's my YouTube name" he told her. I sat there confused. "Is it just you?" FireBall asked. "Cupcake and BattleGem are here" he told her. "And, they are?" She asked. He sighed. "Mia and Jeremy" he told her. She then smiled. "I need to see them!" FireBall sat up but almost ran into someone. "Watch where your going, Molly!" A girl told her. FireBall smiled. "MIA!!!!" She hugged the girl. The girl hugged her back. "Foi! I'm done drawing you!" A guy smiled. "Thanks, BattleGem" Foi thanked him. Everyone was having a reunion. Then, Twizzles come bursting into the room. "Hey guys, I gotta go! Broken vomited!" Twizzles told everyone. We all nodded.

"First party and somebody already vomited....." I thought as Broken and Twizzles left.

~After Math~
(Phone POV)
Ken: I was making some ships happen during Twister....... 😏

Broken: Ken
Broken: I praise you

Broken: Me!
Twizzles: Twisty-Twizzles
FireBall: FireBall296
Sinnamon: SinnamonBunn
Ivy: IvyWeaver
Chexter: oOCanicOverlord
New!Foi: Foii__
New!Cupcake: Cupcake_lover123M
New!BattleGem: Some guy in my class

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