Twisting It!

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I walked to school, keeping my head down. I was so scared. I didn't want anyone to notice me. I walked up to the school entry. I was just going to go hang around the library. Until something stopped me. Let's just say, it was a certain someone who, decided to trip me. I fell onto the ground, face first. I heard laughter and, a cackle. Britney.... and her little pets.... they disgust me. "What's wrong, Cry Baby? Did you get a bobo?" I heard Britney's horrid voice ask me. I then heard laughter. I felt tears fill my eyes. I wasn't going to let her win though. I stood up and, took a deep breath in. I walked into the school, ignoring Britney. I heard her growl as I walked away.
I've been at the library for awhile now. The bell was right about to ring. I closed the book I wanted to take out and, walked up to the librarians desk. I got the book and, headed out the door. The first bell rang as I was walking down the hallway. I then walked to my locker. I searched through my locker, looking for last nights geography homework. I hated the geography teacher but, my mom said it was good to do geography. My geography teacher was a man who was brothers with our math teacher too! His name was Mr. Ronald. The math teacher was Mr. R. Mr. Ronald was big like his brother. They actually looked alike but, Mr. Ronald had black hair or, even hair to be exact! He also wore a blue tie instead of a red tie. Super convenient! Anyways, I had geography next. I was walking away from my locker when, Britney pushed me! I knew it was her without even having to look at her. I ended up tripping over myself and running into someone. I fell on top of them while, they were under me. I opened my eyes and looked at them. They had purple roots and strands of blue littering the bottoms of there hair. It looked like it was covering up orange almost blonde hair. There eyes were blue with yellow and green speckles. One of there eyes were a creamier colour than the other. Both there pupils are different sizes. It almost mad them look like they had two different personalities. One kind and clam, one hard and confused. I then released I was staring at them this whole time. They had a red streak on there face. "Oh! Sorry!" I stood up. I felt my face heat up. "N-No problem...." They said standing up too. They wore a black bear hoodie that looked bad a**. They had navy blue ripped jeans with silver sneakers to go with the outfit. Not to sound like a perv but, I didn't see any girl fetchers either. But ya never know! "I'm so sorry.... hey, I haven't seen you around. What's your name?" I asked them. "I-I'm Chexter. Chexter Lancaster. And you are?" They asked. They had a guyish name so, I was just going to go with them being a guy. Not saying that can't be a girls name! I'm just assuming! "I'm (Y/N) (L/N)" I to,d him. I smiled, trying to make things not awkward. "It's nice meeting you" he said. "Nice meeting you too! Say, what grade are you?" I asked. "Well I'm 14 so, I'm in grade 9. I came a bit late to the school for, 'reasons'" he told me. I smiled. It wouldn't hurt having a friend younger than me! It's only a year anyways. "Well, I'm in grade 10! I'd like to maybe talk to you more, if that's okay" I asked. "Yeah! That would be awesome!" He smiled. He then waved to me and walked off. I saw him meet up with Pewds and Cry and, walk off. I smiled as I thought it was cute. I then remembered Britney. I turned around but, she was already gone. I then continued to geography.
"Okay! Class dismissed!" Mr. Ronald yelled out. I quickly got out of my seat and ran, off the door! I was shacking from how much he called on me! He called on people all the time! I would always get scared that he would call on me so, I'd start shacking. I started walking down the stairs. Geography was on the second floor an since, the gym and YouTube class is downstairs, there's a lot of stairs! Right when I thought I was safe today, I felt someone push me on the stairs! She wasn't giving up tell, I cried, was she? My foot then twisted as I tried to catch my balance. I yupled and fell over. Which lead me to fall down the rest of the stairs. When I made it to the end of the stairs, I felt people crowd around me. I held back the tears. I had too. I then reached my hand out to my foot. I touched my foot and, pain flew through my foot. It stung. I screamed in pain. I then felt the steaming hot tears, slide down my cheeks. "(Y/N)!?!?" I heard Broken yell out. I then heard FireBall call out my name. Then Twizzles. Then Sinnamon. Then Mark and Jack. There I was, laying on the floor, crying while I couldn't even stand up. Soon enough, I was helped up and, token to the nurses office.
I lied in the bed in the nurses office. There was a bandage around my foot. I've been in the nurses room for awhile now. Nobody's been able to visit because of classes. It was probably lunch by now. There was then a knock on the door. The nurse went over and answered it. She allowed them in. These people were my friends. Broken held a tray with food on it. FireBall held a teddy bear and a card. Twizzles held a balloon. I then saw Mark burst into the room. "Um, be a bit careful Mr. Fischbach......" the nurse told him as he, walked over to my bed. "SHUT UP NURSE!!!" He yelled. "Excuse me!?" She asked him. "Sorry.... I've always wanted to say that...." he apologized. I laughed. "Right, (Y/N)!!! Are you okay!?" He asked me. "Mark, she's fine! Remember, she only sprained her ankle!" FireBall told him. "But that still bad!!!" Mark kept yelling. "Not really, she only twisted it a little bit...." Twizzles told him. Mark still looked worried. "Trust us! I especially know that it hurts like hell even, if it's small! It's happened to me, specifically, at a Valentines dance! Stupid Roar....." Broken told Mark. He still didn't seemed satisfied. The girls then pushed him aside and, gave me all there 'gifts'. Broken put the tray on my lap, FireBall put the teddy bear beside me in the bed and, the letter on my table. Twizzles tied the balloon to the bed. "Thanks but, I'm going to be out of here by the end of the day!" I told them. "But we were so worried and, we wanted to make sues you were happy!" FireBall told me. I smiled. "Where's Sinnamon?" I asked. "She's calling your parents for you. You might go home early" Twizzles told me. That made me happy! I had math next so, that was fine by me! I mean, either way, I'd still miss it but seriously, I want to go home! It hurts like hell! But then, sorrow filled me. I forgot about my parents. "Actually, tell her not to waste her time....." I told them. They all nodded and left.

"I hope my ankle gets better......" I thought as I stared out the window.

Ello Fwends!
The picture was a bit over board..... you only twisted your ankle a bit! Plus, that story about me is true! Stupid Roar by Katy Perry! But I still love it.....
Anyways, I'm going to probably stop doing these notes afterwards unless it's important! But I will put up my 'cast' at the end! Like, right now!
Broken: Me!
Twizzles: Twisty-Twizzles
FireBall: FireBall296
Sinnamon: SinnamonBunn
Ivy: IvyWeaver
New! Chexter: oOCanicOverlord
Plus, there will be someone else new too that I almost forgot! But I can't mention them now! Anyway, if you want to see more then, vote, comment and, follow!
Bye Bye Guys!

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