Sixth Week

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I woke up to my phone beeping. I didn't look at it. It beeped again. I then had to look.

Just now
Britney: 1. Twizzles:

I didn't read anymore of it. All of us haven't been able to figure out what to do. What ever we think of doing could, lead to something bad. A couple days ago, wasn't the funniest either.

~Time Skip! Trolololol!~
I didn't want to ride the bus to school. Especially when those rumours were put out there. I decided to walk and enjoy the scenery. I was nervous, scared and so many other emotions that, I couldn't explain! But once I saw my new favourite place, I felt calm. My favourite place was, a little "lake" in the middle of the trees with, I huge tree closer, to the edge and, almost in the water. There were flowers all around the "lake" that looked, happy, I guess. I wanted to go swimming so bad but, I think I'll wait for later. I then finally made it to school. I noticed that, the girls weren't here, but everyone else was. I hope they do come to school. I walked up to the front doors of the school. I had a choice to go and hide or, try to find my friends. I standing at the doors contemplating when, I heard a bus come up to the school. I turned around to see all the girls. They didn't look like themselves. They walked up to me and put on fake smiles. I noticed people staring and whispering. I then could hear my heart beating. "Um, so, let's try to forget all of this, okay?" Broken spoke up. We all nodded our heads. "Let's go to the Gamers" Twizzles said. I nodded my head. "I think I'm going to go talk to the Rebels" Sinnamon said. Fireball nodded. "I'll go with you" FireBall said. They then both walked over to the Rebels. Mixed emotions were on the Rebels faces. I hope the Gamers don't do that to us. We walked over to them, noticing three new people. One of them was IHasCupQuack. The other two were definitely new to me. One of them was a girl with wavy caramel hair. She wore a beanie that was pink and, a yellow tank top with, light blue jeans and, pink sneakers. The other one was a guy. He had slick black hair that, almost covered his right eye. He also had glasses. He wore a black shirt with some kind of design on it. It was definitely green. It almost looked like Septiceye Sam. He also had black jeans with white converse. He did look goth to be honest. We approached the group with caution. Jack noticed us and..... Smiled! That's good. "Top of the mornin girls!" Jack said waving. Mark then looked at us. He looked a bit upset but, forced a smile. It was then followed by the rest of the group. Most of them smiled and, the rest just didn't even look at us. I felt lost. We then sat down with the rest of them. I sat next to Jack. Broken was on the other side of me. "So, um, girls, that was pretty crazy what Britney said about you guys...." Ken said. "It was SO not FABULOUS!!!" Pewds commented. I laughed a tiny bit. "None of it is true though, is it?" CupQuack asked. We all looked at each other. "Oh, sorry" CupQuack apologized. "It's okay. We need to learn" Twizzles said. I could tell what was going through her head. I wish she was the happy and, energetic girl I knew. "Learn what? We all have flaws" Jack said. "Except for me! I'm just too FABULOUS!!!" Pewds said. Everyone laughed. "Wait so, your saying that, you guys actually are a goth, she hates herself, she's a goodie two shoes with a dark side, you are an actual whore and, your a cry baby?" Cry asked pointing at each one of us. Those words hurt. "CRY!!!! YOUR GONNA MAKE THEM CRY!!!!" Pewds yelled at Cry. We all laughed again. "Hey, it's no sweat! They are just rumours!" Broken spoke up. I looked at her. She was smiling. I could never figure out how her emotions work. "So, they aren't true?" Cry asked. "Nope!" Broken answered still smiling. I looked at her in shock. So did Twizzles. She was actually lying to them. Does she do this with everyone? "Well, if they are true, you guys can always come talk to us! Right Mark?" Jack said, nudging Marks arm with his elbow. "Right" Mark scuffed. Something was wrong. He didn't seem happy. Maybe he was upset about what happened? I really can't tell. "Um, I gotta go to the washroom" Broken said. She then got up and went into the school. I looked at the two new kids. Well, there new to me. "Oh! Right! You don't know theses mates, do ya?" Jack asked looking at me. I shook my head no. "The girls GloomGames and the guys Bijuu Mike! There pretty cool people!" Jack said. GloomGames smiled and waved at me. "Hi!" She said. "You can call me Gloom for short!" She said. Bijuu Mike then smiled too. "You can call me Bijuu or Mike, it doesn't really matter to me" he said. I then smiled. "I'm Y/N" I said. "We've heard about you!" Gloom said. We then got into a nice conversation.

~Back To The Present Time!~
My phone wouldn't shut up! Luckily, Britney hasn't been at school for a long time only, because she was at an audition for some movie. I hate to see her face on a screen or, even a poster. It's bad enough that I have to see it at school! Today was the day she would come back. I got out of bed and shut off my phone. I walked over to my closet and pulled out my new shirt. I just recently started playing, Mystic Messenger and, I bought a t-shirt with, Jumin Han on it. He was my bae in the game! I know, it's weird but, we like what we like! I then slipped on some light blue jean capris. I grabbed my favourite converse and headed down stairs.
I just finished eating breakfast with Lilly. We talked a lot about Mystic Messenger. She loves the game too. I got her into playing it. Hey! It says 12 and up so its fine for her to play it! She likes, Yoosung or Yoosung Kim. Well, after we had our weird talk about Mystic Messenger, we headed out for school. I grabbed my sunglasses and, put them on my head. It was getting closer to fall but, it was still warm out so, I might as well!
I walked again. I think I'm going to walk all the time now. I made it to school. I didn't bother looking at the scenery since one thing was on my mind.

Ello Fwends!
I didn't really now what to do for this chapter but, I'm excited to be writing the Halloween parts soon! Oh! Idea! Comment what your being for Halloween! Even if your not dressing up, comment what you would want to dress up as! I will be honest, mines a bit weird to be but, you'll find out what it is in the Halloween parts! Anyways, if you enjoyed then, vote, comment or, follow!

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