Week Special: Halloween Dance!

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I woke up early. I was so excited for today! It's FINALLY October 31! That means, its Halloween! I wanted to get up early so I could get my costume ready. Yes, we are aloud to wear our costumes to school! They didn't let us do that at my other school. Anyways! This year I'm going as (a) H/C (I don't know if that's what it stands for but, let's just pretend it stands for Halloween costume!XP)! Lilly suggested me to be them/it. I put my costume on and, put all the makeup on too! I needed help from Lilly though...... her school was also letting them wear costumes so, she had the same idea as me! Getting up early. We finished and I looked at Lilly. "What are you being again?" I asked. "I'm being Melanie Martinez' character, Cry Baby!" She told me. "And what are you going as again?" She said sarcastically. I played along. "Oh, you don't know? I'm going as (a)
H/C" I grind. "Haha very funny" Lilly told me. I looked at the time. "Crud! We have to be at school in 15! Let's go! Let's go!" I yelled. We then grabbed our bags and, ran out the door. I brought her to her, bus stop and then, I ran to my bus stop. I saw all the guys there. Well, they most of them actually looked like guys! "Hey guys!" I called out to them. They turned around and smiled. "Hey Y/N! Love your costume!" FireBall told me. She had a bright blue toto on and, a white shirt which had a, "Hello My Name Is" sticker on it. She had nerd glasses on and, was holding fake teeth. "Yeah! It's so cool!" Twizzles told me. She wore a green t-shirt and green leggings. She also had pieces of fabric on her shirt so, it looked like Septiceye Sam. Her hair had a green strip instead of purple. She also had a Septiceye Sam plushie. "Yeah! It so is!" Broken said. She wore a grey shirt that actually looked like a real night guard shirt! She also had a badge and, a deady bear white bunny mask. She also wore black leggings and had a flash light. "The King Of Five Nights At Freddy's will probably like your costume, Broken" Twizzles nudge Broken's shoulder. "Well now Jack will see how much you like him!" Broken snapped back. Both of there faces flushed red. "Guys, the bus is coming! Stop blushing unless ya wanna look stupid!" FireBall told them. I laughed. We then all boarded the bus and, headed off for school!
We arrived at school and, oh boy! Did it ever look crazy! No joke. The WHOLE school was decorated for Halloween! It literally looked like an old haunted school! We all got off the bus and stared in awe. "Hey girls!" I heard Mark call out. We all turned in that direction. There stood Mark, Jack, Bob and, Wade. Mark was dressed up as Wilford Warstche. Jack was Anti-Septiceye. Bob was a pumpkin (couldn't come up with anything). Wade was a Minion (CANT THINK!!!). We walked over to them. "You guys excited for the dance!?" Jack asked everyone. "YES!!!!" Broken replied. "Yup!" FireBall also replied. "Definitely!" Twizzles also replied. I just nodded my head. I've never had a Halloween dance before so, this will be new!

~Time Skip~
The next thing I knew, we were all standing outside the gym. I could hear the loud music playing. "You guys ready to go crazy?" Broken asked. "Your the one that goes crazy, Broken!" FireBall told her. We all laughed. "What are we waiting for!? Let's go!!!" Twizzles yelled, pushing open the gym doors. We walked in. The music was blaring and, students were dancing everywhere! There were lights and decorations too! Good thing it was a huge gym! I looked at everyone to see, there faces lit up. I then smirked. "Well, lets go dance!!!" I pulled everyone into the middle of the gym. We all laughed and, danced.
Eventually, Sinnamon found us and, she had a blue and grey striped t-shirt on with, the same pattern on her leggings. She had a painted on cat face and, had cat eye contacts in. She also had cat ears to top it off. "If your looking for Alice, I think she already went down the rabbit hole or should I say, the punch bowl!" I told Sinnamon. She then looked over at the table with the punch bowl. At the punch bowl stood Britney dressed up as Alice. She was making out with some guy dressed up as Iron Man. She frowned. "Don't worry!!! I hate both of those people!!!" Broken yelled smiling. I knew why she hated both of them. One was a bit too obvious.
There was some shipping wars happening too. Broken got herself involved with some people dressed up in FNAF costumes. She first saw them and pretended to be afraid of them until, she noticed Chica making Foxy uncomfortable. She darted right over to them and, separated the two. She then went on about personal space and respect. She didn't even know these people! She then noticed a girl dressed up as Mangle who was, acting sad. She went over and asked her what was wrong. Then bam! Mangle and Foxy were dancing together! Then, there was some switching with who Jack danced with. It started with Mark then, changed to Twizzles and then, Sinnamon. It went on for awhile until, Jack just stopped dancing. He went over to the snack bar and, started talking to the girl named Ivy. She was dressed up as a Wizzard. It looked like it was from Wizzard101. FireBall was being introduced to Guys almost every two seconds as, Broken walked her around. FireBall then started running away from her and, Broken chased after her. FireBall was laughing. So was Broken but, she looked a bit insane. Soon, the shipping wars ended and, everyone was dancing as a group again.
(This part is mostly songs and, little clips to the song! Skip if ya do care about it!)
Mark, Jack and, Pewds went up to the DJ and asked him something. The DJ was a student but, I didn't know him. He was dressed up as an Underswaped Blooky. He gave all the guys a thumbs up. They then walked back over to us. "This song goes out to Sinnamon!" The DJ Blooky yelled out on the microphone. All The Way started playing.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Sinnamon squealed. So did Twizzles and FireBall. Broken just shook her head. Then we all went crazy! "ALL THE WAY!!!!" We sang. Jack even joined in. Him and Sinnamon laughed together. Broken patted Twizzles back (I don't know which one I ship more! Though, to be honest, I've been feeling closer to Jackizzles.......).
All The Way ended and, the DJ spoke up again. "Next up, is a song for a lovely laddy" The DJ yelled into the microphone. Middle by DJ Snake started playing.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Twizzles face lit up. "LADDY!?!?" Broken smiled. The song was calm at first. Then the chores came and, Twizzles went crazy! Actually, everyone went crazy! I even did after I heard the chores!
The song ended and, the DJ picked up the microphone. "Um, this song is for a kind girl. What is this song......?" The DJ said. This song started playing that was a bit funny. It said Stud Muffin a lot.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

FireBall and Broken laughed. They then started dancing. We shrugged and joined them.
After the song ended, you can guess what happened next! "That was an interesting song..... anyways! Next song goes out to The Queen Of FNAF!" The DJ yelled into the microphone. "That's like, so me" I heard someone say. I looked to where the voice same from. It was one of Britney's minions. Her name was Alexis. She was obsessed with Mark! Broken hated this girl. Finally, It's Me By TryHardNinja started playing.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Broken gasped. She started dancing like she knew the whole song! I mean, it sorta fit her costume too. When it said "There's evil that waits inside" in the song in a deep voice, Broken did a weird face. I laughed at her. I noticed out of the corner of my eye, that Mark was smiling. The King Of FNAF is Mark..... then who's The Queen Of FNAF? Guess I'll never know!
The DJ then said, after the song was finished "This last special song goes out to the new girl of this year! Give it up for, Y/N!!!!" I looked shocked. Drop Pop Candy then started playing.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

I loved this song since it made me happy! I also loved the Undertale version of it! We all sang and danced too it.
Soon, the dance ended. "That was awesome!" Twizzles exclaimed. We all laughed. "But that's not it! We're all goin' trick or treaten tonight!" Jack shouted. Right, trick or treating!

"I'm definitely not too old for trick or treating yet......" I thought as we walked to our lockers.

Ello Fwends!
First Halloween special done! Two more to go!
Anyways, if you want to see more then don't forget to, vote, comment and, follow!
Bye Bye Guys!

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