Baasik: Jealous

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Requested by: whyisbaasiksoperfect

Also Jack is not an actual person. I made him up for this just fyi.


(Your PoV)

"Have a good day!" I waved to the customer as they left the store.

I worked at a little music shop with my friend Nate. Other than the manager, we were the only two working at the moment and luckily for us, busines was slow today. Nate sat on a stool behind the counter with me, gently strumming a guitar. Every now and then he'd write something in a spiral notebook.

"Whatcha working on?" I asked.

"A new song for me and Gabe." He replied.

"Cool." I sat beside and glanced at his notebook. "How are y'all's channels?"

"Slowly growing." Nate answered with a smile.

"If you two ever need any help, I'd be happy to—"

"Good morning, (Y/N)."

Nate and I looked up as Jack, another employee walked into the store. He walked over to the counter and pulled a bouquet of flowers from behind his back.

"For you." He said.

"More flowers." I said, with a hint of appreciation and also a hint of weirded out. "Thank you, Jack."

Jack smiled and went to clock in. As he walked counter, I saw nate scowl at him out of the corner of my eye. He mumbled something under his breath then went back to his notes.

Jack came back out and leaned on the counter across from me. "You sure do bring me a lot of gifts." I said. "A lot" was almost an understatement. Jack brought me gifts every shift we worked together and sometimes on days off. I had more gifts from him than I could count.

"Well, you're special." Jack said. "And someone's as special as you deserves all the gifts in the world."

"Well, she's not special enough for you so back off." Nate growled.

Jack glared at Nate before turning back to me. "Well, unlike some people, I like to save my money so I can buy gifts for people instead of wasting it on stuff for a YouTube channel that isn't going anywhere."

I small snap and turned around to see that Nate had snapped his pencil in half. I could tell that if I didn't do something, two employees would be getting fired today. Thankfully, a customer walked in and I spun Jack around and gently pushed him towards them.

"Why don't you go see if that customer needs help?" I suggested.

Jack did as he was told and sure enough after a couple minutes of talking, Jack led them to another part if the store. I sighed with relief and sat back dow beside Nate.

"That was a little uncalled for." I said.

Nate just shrugged. "Whatever."

"Are you okay?" I asked.

"I'm fine. It's nothing." Nate grumbled. "It's just that jerk gets on my nerves."

"Because of the gifts he buys me?" I looked over to where Jack was standing with the customer. "Are you jealous?"

Nate sighed. "Yes. And afraid. I'm afraid he's gonna ruin my chance of being with you."

"Nate, you have nothing to worry about." I said. "I do appreciate the gifts Jack gives me but I appreciate the ones you give me more."

"You do?" Nate asked. "But I don't give you gifts as often as he does."

"I don't care." I placed a hand on his shoulder. "Yes, I do like flowers, chocolate, jewelry and all the other cliche gifts Jack gives me but you guve me things you know I really like. You give me cds and old records. You surprise me with concert tickets."

I leaned over a gently kissed his cheek. "Don't worry. You haven't lost you chance with me."

"You're sure?"


Nate smiled nervously. "Then can I ask you something?"

"Go ahead."

"Would you wanna go on a date sometime?"

"I would love to." I replied.

I kissed his cheek again just as a fuming Jack came back and saw the whole thing.

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