Michele Creber: Our Song

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Requested by: whyisbaasiksoperfect

(Y/S)= Y'all's song (yeah you get to chose what song is "Our song" 😉)

(Your PoV)

I was sitting in my living room with Michelle. I was sitting on one end of the couch and she was on the opposite side. She was wearing her usual outfit, a dress, shoes, stockings and her hair down. She didn't have a ring on, nor had she yet taken off her engagement ring. She had gotten engaged from her parents request and the public engagement was scheduled for tomorrow. She was not looking at me as I spoke, I assume . She was watching me and I watched her. We were the only ones in the room. My dad and the other four had gone to bed about 20 minutes ago. Michelle was still there, sitting quietly, studying me.

I then heard the front door open and close. I turned to see who it was. The tall dark haired man that I had met the week before walked in. It was Ron, the man she was getting engaged to tomorrow evening. The man whose family was close friends with hers. He was a tall man, dark hair and a well-built stature. He was kind but I cpuld tell he wasn't too keen on being engaged to someone he's know for a month.

"What are you two doing?" He asked.

"Nothing." Michelle answered. "Just sitting here."

Ron walked over to and extended his hand to Michelle. "My parents want to see is one more tome before tomorrow, so I came to get you."

Michelle reluctantly took his hand. "Okay." She turned to me. "I'll see you tomorrow, (Y/N)."

I watched them leave, not looking away until the door shut behind them and even then I still starred a few more moments as if I expected Michelle to come back. But she didn't.

I could've said something about how I felt towards her. Today was my last chance. She'll be married tomorrow and have to remain just a friend. As much as I wanted her to be more. I got up to leave. I reached into my pocket and pulled out my ear buds, and played to one song that reminded me of her as I headed home alone.


The next day, I got up quickly to get dressed for the wedding. As I was driving there, my mind was racing with what I would say to Michelle when I saw her. I knew I'd tell her that she looked beautiful but what after that? So I decided to tell the truth, which I hoped would make her happy. Maybe she would change her mind. Stand up to her family and do what her heart wants.

I pulled into the parking lot of the building and headed inside to find Michelle. I found her in a room finishing getting ready.

"Hi." I said. "You look beautiful."

'Thank you. What are you doing here?'

"I wanted to talk to you about something." I replied.

Michelle stood up. "I don't really have time. Can it wait?"

"Not really." I urged, folloing her out the door. "It's important."

"(Y/N), I really have to-"

"Wait!" I cute her off. Over the speakers that had been playing music to pass the time by, was the song Inhad listen to last night. The song that reminded me if her. "Listen, it's our song. You haven't forgotten it,have you?"

Michelle turned to me and smiled. "How could I? It was playing when we met."

"Michelle, I wanted to tell you that I love you." I continued. "I know I might be to late but I at least wanted to get it off my chest. You deserve to be happy and I know it's arranged but I hope you and Ron find that happiness."

Michelle walked over to me and took my hands. "Part of my hoped that was what you were going to say."

I starred back at her. "Really?"

"Yeah. I don't want to go through, you knew that." She said. "You're the one I want to be with."

"I want to be with you too." I smiled.

As our song played around us, I leaned forward and placed a gentle kiss on her lips. She kissed back and we stayed there for several seconds. When we both pulled away, our smiles were brighter than they had ever been.

Michelle linked her arm with mine. "Come on." She said. "Let's go break the news."

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