(5) Words of Wisdom

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Hey everyone!!! I'm xyz_trash, commonly known in the real world as Megan or The Tomato. This is actually my second month of being a part of this team but I was unable to turn in my article last month.
Anyway, that's enough about me so lets get straight into this article!!!

"I wish for friends. Friends who would never betray me, no matter what... And friends whom I would never betray" ~Yugi Mutou

As we all know, Yu-Gi-Oh! is a show that revolves around friendship(and children's card games-can't forget the card games!!!). It is basically about a kid who is bullied and has no friends until he solves the millennium puzzle, which he has made a wish upon, a wish for friends he can rely on. That wish is then granted and he gains a group of friends who will help and support him no matter what.

I expect we've all wished for friends in our lifetime. It could be something small like going to a new club or as big as something like going to a new school. Now, I don't know any of you personally and you could be the type of person who makes friends easily but that was the case for me. When I went to my new school, I literally had no friends for quite a while because i'm very shy and stuff.

I can remember what it was like for me and I can only imagine it what it must have been like for Yugi, seing as he got bullied and all, which was why I was really happy when he made friends with Jonouchi, Honda and Anzu.

The thing I love the most about this aspect of the show is that, even when Yugi and his friends face tough times, they always stick together and eventually pull through because the strength of their bond is so strong. So in the end, Yugi got his wish, friends who would never betray him and whom he would never betray.

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