Meeting Jaden

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It was Wednesday and it was sunny. Y/n went walking for the day and decided to wear something not too warm. As she walked, she was lost in thoughts as she still couldn't believe she met two guys in two days.

But as she was distracted, she didn't realize that someone is gonna come on her way until she heard the voice of a male. "Oh man! Those guys are really gonna kill me if I'm late!" But before Y/n went straight, she and the person ended up bumping into each other causing those two to fall on their bottom. "Sorry!" Replied the guy as he immediately got up and held out his hand. "Need a hand?" Y/n looks at the person who she bumped into and he had a worried look on his face.

She stares at him for a moment and lifts her her hand out as she thoughts to herself, 'This is the third guy already...' Y/n was snapped back to reality when his hand grabbed hers and pulled her back up on her knees. "Thank you" "You're welcome and sorry for bumping into you, I was in a hurry" The boy apologized but Y/n decided that she should be the one to apologize. "Actually, it's my fault for not looking. So I should be the one who should apologize, not you." The boy was confused of this but he decided to accept it as he scratched his head. "So, you're not hurt, right?" "No, I'm fine. Thanks.... uh" The brown haired boy realized that he hasn't mentioned his name yet, "Oops. I'm Jaden Yuki and what's your name?" "My name is Y/n (M/n) L/n" Y/n replied as she hold out her hand which Jaden happily accepted and shake it while grinning. "Well then, it's really nice to meet you Y/n!" "Hehe, same here Jaden. Oh, by the way, you said you were in a hurry, right?"

Everything was quiet for a minute until he started freaking out, "You're right! Oh no, those guys are really gonna kill me this time!" "Who?" "My friends!!" "Well, let's hurry up then, I can take you to them. Even if I don't know them, I'll still help you!" Jaden was really happy when he heard that and gave Y/n a huge bear hug which gave her trouble to breath but also made her blush at the same time.

"Thank you so much, Y/n! You're the best!" "Chocking... not breathing... Jaden!!" "Oops, sorry" Jaden apologize as he released Y/n from his deadly bear hug. After releasing Y/n and taking a few breaths, Jaden grabs her hand and started running with her behind.

After running for a bit, Jaden and Y/n stopped at the place where his friends are waiting for him but before Jaden entered, he turns around to Y/n and gives her a hug and this time, he made sure not to squeeze the life out of her again. "Thanks for the help, again." "It's no big deal. Really." Y/n reply as she hugged Jaden in return before they released each other. "Hey, Y/n. Do you think... maybe one day, we'll meet again?" Jaden asked Y/n which she replied back. "I'm sure we will, someday" Jaden smiles as he gave her a grin and a thumbs up. "Alright! Till we meet again, Y/n!" Replied Jaden as he enters, leaving a smiling Y/n.

"Till we meet again... Jaden" After saying goodbye to Jaden, Y/n leaves and heads back home as she thought to herself again. 'First, Yugi, then Yami and now, Jaden... Jaden seems nice, he's also kind of cute, friendly and funny' While Y/n was in her thoughts, she decided to stop by the ice cream shop to get herself some ice cream from all that running. Once she entered and ordered her ice cream with some warm tea, she continued to wonder on her thoughts about those three boys until she was snapped back to reality when her ice cream and her tea arrived.

Once she got her ice cream and her tea, she started to eat it, 'This ice cream is so yummy!" After finishing eating her ice cream and drinking her tea, she left the ice cream shop and arrived to her house and watched t.v for a bit before heading straight to bed. After watching tv and eating dinner, she changed to her pajamas and fell fast asleep as she wondered into her dreamland again.

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