Meeting Yuma

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It was Friday, Y/n decided to go to the park and hang out by the tree she always goes to for a rest or relaxation. But first, she decided to make herself a bento as if she was heading out for a picnic. After making some bento, she went to her room and change from her pajamas to her clothes.

After dressing up and fixing her hair, she places the bento but also a blanket in a bag and heads off to the park. After minutes of walking, she finally arrived at the park where her favorite spot is.

It was beautiful as always, she visited this place every day since a child. Y/n happily walked to her favorite spot and once she made it, she placed the blanket on the ground and placed the bag down after sitting down.

Once she was all settled, she started to relax for a bit while enjoying the view of the sky as the wind blows through her hair. But as she was starting to relax, she heard a voice that sounded like it was coming towards her direction. "It's getting away from me!" A voice cried which Y/n turned around and saw a duel card being blown away by the wind.

She got up and ran for the card as she immediately catch the card by jumping and grabbing it with her hand. After grabbing the card, she takes a few breaths as the owner of the card arrived. "Thank you so much! For a second there, I thought I was gonna lose this card forever!" Replied a voice of a male as Y/n turned around and saw a young boy.

"Oh, you're welcome and here's your card by the way" Replied Y/n as she returned his duel card to him. The boy happily grabbed his card and put it with the rest of the cards until he give Y/n a huge smile on his face as a way to show how thankful he is. "Thanks again, uh... what's your name, again?" "My name is Y/n (M/n) L/n" Y/n answer with a smile. "My name is Yuma Tsukumo! It's very nice to meet you as well!" Yuma answer as he shake her hand with much energy.

As they continued to hand shake, Y/n noticed a strange figure floating behind Yuma.

For Y/n, she wasn't sure whether to freak out about this and tell Yuma or not. But all she can do now is stare at him for a bit and then slowly move her face for a bit while shivering.

"Is something wrong, Y/n?" Yuma asked while Y/n continued to shiver and could barely say a word, "Y-Yum-ma.. the.. the... be-ehind... you..." "Behind me?" Yuma turned around and realized who she was talking about as he was left speechless. 'Wait, she can see him?!?' He thought as looks directly at him, "Astral, can she... by any chance, see you?" "I think so. I mean, she looks really freak out, right now" Astral whispers as Yuma looks back at Y/n. "Don't be scared, it's just Astral. He's a friendly guy! Say hi to him" Yuma exclaim as Y/n still shivered until she pull out her hand.

"Um, h-hi... Astral. It's v-very nice to meet you" "Same here and don't worry, no need to be afraid, okay?" Astral reply as Y/n nodded her head in understandable. It was quiet for a bit until they heard a growl from a stomach. "Oops, sorry. I guess all that running made me hungry." "Oh, well... if you like, I can give you something to eat" Replied Y/n which lighten Yuma up and gave her a big hug while twirling her around, while Astral just watched them.

"Thank you so much, Y/n! You're the best!" "Yuma! I can't breathe and I'm getting dizzy!" Y/n yelled out as Astral tried to get Yuma to release her. "That's enough, Yuma! You're gonna suffocated her if you keep doing this!" Until minutes later, Yuma release her as Y/n started to wobble walk back to her spot with Yuma and Astral behind her. "Sorry about that" "No worries, I'm alright. Really.." Y/n wobbly answer as she managed to sit down but was still dizzy until she fell on her back.

"This might take a while for her to recover" Astral replies as he and Yuma waited for her to recover. Minutes later, Y/n finally managed to recover from her dizziness, "Okay, I'm better" "Good and sorry, again" Yuma apologized which Y/n smiled at him while she took out the food that she made from the bag and place them on the blanket.

"You made them yourself?!" "Of course I did, Yuma." Y/n smiles as she watched him happily grab a rice ball from the bento, "Thanks for the food!" Exclaimed Yuma as he started eating while Y/n also ate as well. While eating, they started a few conversations about their life and it went on for who knows how long.

After finishing eating, Y/n noticed how the sun was lowering down which meant is sunset and nighttime is almost coming. "It's sunset, I should be heading home right now" Y/n spoke as she began packing up the empty bento boxes and the blanket in the bag. Before she left, she turns around to face Yuma and Astral and smiles. "Bye, Yuma. Bye, Astral. I hope we meet again" "Same here, Y/n!" Yuma exclaim with excitement as they both waved goodbye to each other and left to their different paths.

After arriving home, Y/n changed from her clothes to her pajamas. But as she was settling herself for the night, she got lost in her train of thoughts again, 'First, it was Yugi.. second was Yami.. third was Jaden.. forth was Yusei and now, Yuma is the fifth guy! But from what I've seen in him, he does look very energetic and a cheerful guy if I do say so myself' After wondering in her train of thoughts, she went straight to her bed and fell fast asleep as she wondered in her dreamland.

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