Neko! Yugioh Protagonists x reader

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During school hours, a young girl name Y/n (M/n) L/n was sitting in her desk as she waited for school to end so she could go home and have some fun with some certain guys.

'Come on, bell. Ring already!' Y/n thought until the bell rang to signal that school is over for today. 'Finally! Freedom at last!' Y/n immediately grabbed her bag and leaves the class. But as she walks, she sees one certain girl who she hates and of course, some people hate her as well... her name is Haruka Konagai.

She's from a rich family and acts as if she was the queen of the school but Y/n wouldn't even care if she is or not. "Popular people like her really live in a totally different world from me, if I do say so myself." Y/n mumble to herself as she avoids Haruka and walks straight to her house.

~Minutes later~

"At last, home sweet home! At least, it's Friday!" Said Y/n as she opens the door and enters the house. "I'm home." "Welcome back!" Replied three nekos; one neko had white cat ears and tail, the other had brown ears and tail and the last one had black ears and tail. Y/n bend on her knees to their level as she greeted them back.

"Yugi! Jaden! Yusei! I'm home, my kittens~!" Y/n happily petted them as she sighed lovingly and thought, 'There's really no place like home~' Y/n continued to pet them until she noticed something, "Say, where's the others?" "Yusaku is sleeping, Yuma and Yuya are playing and Yami is relaxing!" Replies a neko name Jaden. Y/n happily carries them in her arms and heads towards the others.

No one knows about this but, Y/n lives with seven nekos that were given to her by her grandparents. The first one is Yugi, the second one is Yami, Yugi's twin brother, the third is Jaden, fourth is Yusei, fifth is Yuma, the sixth is Yuya and the seventh one is Yusaku. She loved them very dearly and they loved her as well although, they could be a bit hand full sometimes but it didn't bothered Y/n much... as long as her nekos are cute, good companies plus, they could be helpful at any times but sometimes, mischievous.

Anyways, Y/n entered the other room and sees Yami, Yuya and Yuma watching television until she noticed Yuma and Yuya looking confused while Yami seemed interested at what they're watching.

"What are you three watching?" "Y/n's back!" Yuya yells happily as he runs to her and jumps to her face, "I missed you so much!" "I missed you guys more~" Y/n replies as Yuma and Yami run to hug her. "Hi, Y/n!" "Welcome home!" Y/n happily sits on her knees as she cuddles them until she noticed a certain neko is missing.

"Say, where's Yusaku?" Y/n asked as the nekos looked at Yusaku's bed. As a matter of fact, each of them had a bed of their own with their names labeled. Y/n crawled to Yusaku's bed and sees that he's about to wake up as he rubs his eyes before opening them. He looks up and sees Y/n with a smile. "Hi, Yusaku. I'm back. I hope you missed me like the others~" Said Y/n as she stokes his head while Yusaku tries to not to purr as he shut his eyes tightly, "I-It's not like your presence makes me happy or anything..." "You're purring like crazy." Replies Yuma until Y/n hugs all of them, "You're all such angels! Cats rock!"

~Hours later~

Y/n gave cuddles to each of her nekos, just the way they like it. Yugi likes being rubbed at the head, Yami likes rubs under his chin, Jaden likes rubs at his cheeks, Yusei likes rubs at his shoulders, Yuma likes rubs at the back of his cat ears, Yuya likes being rubbed in the tummy and Yusaku likes rubs in his back.

"After this, wanna do something fun?" "Yeah!" Replied all the nekos as they planned up their fun day. They decided to watch movies first, Jaden went to the cabinet to get the snacks but, "There's no snacks!" Yells out Jaden as he dramatically fell on his knees until Y/n strokes his head, "Don't worry. Let's go and buy some snacks, okay?" "Okay!" Once they went out to go to the market, Y/n saw Haruka and her friends.

"My, my. Look what we have here. It's Y/n herself. Alone as always, I wonder if you made any friends. Oh wait, I forgot, you can't even talk to people face to face. Ohohohohoho!"

Haruka laughs while Yami hissed angry at her as he tried to jump on her but was stopped by Yugi as he weakly tries to hold him back. Y/n just stay silent while rolling her eyes until she heard a sneeze, "Ohohohoh-achoo! Achoo! Achoo! Achoo! A-A-Achoo!" Y/n was confused at first since she didn't know why Haruka was sneezing, "Don't tell me-achoo! There's a-achoo! A cat here! I'm- achoo! Allergic to cats, achoo!" Shouted Haruka as her friends give her some tissue while Y/n looks down at her nekos and sees Yugi clutching an angry Yami back with his arms and legs wrapped around him, Jaden hiding behind Yusei, Yuma hiding between her legs, Yuya and Yusaku glared at Haruka.

Then, Y/n looks back at Haruka and lets out a mischievous smirk as she grabbed one of her nekos and hid behind her back while approaching Haruka.

(You guys choose which Neko protagonist you would pick, 😉😺😻)

"You're allergic to cats, huh?" "Yes, I- achoo! Am, stupid! Achoo!" Yells Haruka as she continues to sneeze. "Is it because of... this?" Y/n mischievously pulls one of her neko out which freaked Haruka out. "Aaah-achoo! Get that- achoo! Keep that thing-achoo! Away from me, achoo!" "Oh, come on. He just wants to your friend. Besides, I got more!" Y/n grabs all her nekos and comes towards Haruka while she and her friends backed off, "Come on, you know they want to be your friend~" Y/n walked further and further until they ran off. "I will-achoo! Get you for this!" Yells out Haruka.

Y/n mischievously laughs at her reaction as they watched them ran off before hugging her nekos, "You guys did amazing!" "That'll get her!" Replies Jaden. "Let's do that again!" "Oh, we will next time but right now, let's buy some snacks."

After buying a few of their favorite snacks, they went back to the house and started their fun. Y/n changed her clothes and wore her favorite cat sweater.

Hours passed by, the sky turned dark as Y/n noticed the time. "Alright, my kittens. Time to go to-" Y/n stopped at her sentence when she saw her nekos already asleep. "Bed..." Y/n carefully carries them, one by one and places them in their beds. She gave each of them a kiss on their heads before cleaning up their mess. Once she was done, she joins with her nekos, placing a pillow and a blanket next to them as she tiredly closed her eyes and whispers, "Good night, my little kittens..." But as she slept, she mumbled something in her sleep, "Yay, kittyland... cats rock..."

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