Our Little Valentine (Yugioh Protagonists x Reader)

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It was the day before Valentine's Day, Y/n was making chocolates for some certain boys she knows. She's been friends with them since the first year of school. Even though they are popular in school, they didn't care but if anyone or any girl messes with her, they have to answer to them.

Anyways, Y/n was mixing all the chocolate together as she puts all her strength, hard work and most of all, her love into these chocolates to make them special for her male friends.

She continued to mix the chocolate until she heard the sound, ding! Y/n placed some oven mittens on and went to the oven as she opens it to reveal heart shaped cookies.

She pulls the tray out of the oven and lets them cool off for a bit as she went back to continue mixing the chocolate until they're melted. Once she was done, she made them into heart shape and places them in the freezer. She couldn't wait for Valentine's Day to come as she decorates the cookies.

After decorating them, she places them in each Valentine's gift box. After all that hardwork and fixing everything, she takes a nice shower to get herself ready for tomorrow but wonders... does she love them or do they love her? Or both?

~Morning, Valentine's Day~

Y/n woke up early as she gets herself ready to go to school. She places some nice clothes on and heads out for school.

As she made it to school, she sees her male friends and yells out to get their attention, "Yugi! Yami! Jaden! Yusei! Yuma! Yuya! Yusaku! Good morning!" "Good morning, Y/n!" Replies the boys as they went to give her a hug as she returned the hug as well. "You guys ready to go?" "Sure!" Replies Yuya as they enter the school.

~Hours later~

Y/n left the class early as she heads off to look for her male friends until she found them as she approaches to them with their Valentine's gifts inside a bag. "Hi, Y/n!" "Something wrong?" Yusei asked as they waited for Yami to open his locker. "W-Well, actually... since today is Valentine's Day... I-I wanted to give you guys.." But Y/n was interrupted when they heard some objects fell from Yami's locker as they looked down and saw that Yami had received tons of chocolates from girls.

"You too?" Asked Jaden which left Y/n confused, "What do you mean? The same thing happen to you or something?" "Well, yeah. The same thing happened to us as well" Answers Yugi as he and others empty their backpacks to show their stack of chocolates which left Y/n speechless. "Wha... that's a huge mountain of chocolates" "You think? I received two boxes of chocolates from two girls in person" Yusaku replies as the others mentioned how many girls gave them box of chocolates in person that they forgot Y/n was standing there.

Y/n sighed sadly as she walked away without them noticing as they continued discussing until she disappeared in a crowd of students. "That's about how much girls gave them to me in person" "I see and what were you about to say, Y/n?" Asked Yami until they noticed Y/n was gone. "Y/n?" "Where did she go?" Asked Yuma. "She's gone!"


With Y/n, she walked away alone as she watched many girls giving their crush a box of chocolates. She sighed softly and thought, 'Do I have feelings for them? I mean, my chest hurts for some reasons...' She slowly walked out of the school as she heads to the park and noticed some couples doing the same thing until she went under a tree.

She sat down quietly as the wind blew through her hair while she was in her train of thoughts wondering if she should still give them their gifts but since they had so much, she didn't want them to have more mountains of chocolates because of her. She sighed until she felt her eyes slowly closed themselves as she fell asleep.

~Minutes later~

"Y/n? Y/n, wake up...!" Y/n slowly wakes up until she sees her male friends looking at her, worryingly. "Guys..." "What are you doing all the way here? We were looking everywhere for you!" Says Yugi as Y/n rubs her eyes, "Sorry... I didn't mean to worry you guys... but, by the way, what are you guys going to do with your chocolates?" Y/n asked as they looked at each other then look back at her.

"Well, true we were given tons of chocolates from a few girls but..." "There's one special girl we're waiting to receive chocolate from" Once Y/n heard the last part, she was in shocked and asked, "Who's that... special girl?" Everything went silent until they spoke one word at the same time, "You..." "Huh...?" "You're that special girl, Y/n"

This left Y/n speechless as she couldn't believe what she was hearing from them. "R-Really..?" Asked Y/n as they nodded their heads. "You weren't just our friend... you were special to us" Replies Jaden as he sat next to her. "You mean a lot to us" "What we're trying to say is... we... we like like you!"

Y/n stood silence for a bit until she spoke, "I... I don't know what to say but I... I... I feel the same way, too!" They couldn't help but smile at her as they sat down next to her while she gave each of them their Valentine's gift and smiled at them, "Happy Valentine's Day, boys!" "Happy Valentine's Day, Y/n!"

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