Baby Names

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Hey guys! Sorry if this update is s bit late, I've been sick AND ON MY TIME WHICH IS HORRIBLE. So this is just a quick update and I'm going on vacation in a couple of days I won't be on wattpad often.
I just want to announce that I won't be adding anymore people to the scenarios because it'll take a long time for me to think of ideas for each scenario and to actually write it. I've stated this in a chapter before but people are still asking.

I appreciate all the comments and support they make my day and I love seeing your thoughts and hilarious comments.
For future scenarios to make them a bit more personalized I hope you guys would answer some questions for future scenarios:
- Who is your favorite band/singer?
- I know this is hard to choose but favorite ship? Doesn't have to be Yu-Gi-Oh but any anime, or movie, or book, etc
- Favorite character in Yu-Gi-Oh?
And Finally

When you really don't care anymore

"Oh oh Seto let's name him or her  BUTT!" You yell waving your hands about. Seto pauses and looks at you just to see if you were serious.
"So that when he or she's all grown up..." You trail off wile rubbing your belly. "We can be like 'I LIKE BIG BUTTS AND I CANNOT LIE! So we like him or her when he or she's grown up." You say smiling.
"Y/N our baby is going to take over this company we don't need someone named Butt running the company."
"Do you have something against butts?" You ask with complete seriousness. "Do you have a bad relationship with butts?" 
"Y/N what-"
"Do you have a problem with these?" You ask holding up pictures of Kim Kardashian, Nicki Minaj, and Park Jimin (#BTS). "Are you jealous that your butt didn't break the Internet?" Seto sighs and facepalms. "Seto have butt jealousy is nothing to be ashamed off sometimes I wonder too how they become to perfect."
"Y/N I don't have a problem now go back to bed."
"Denial is the first step Seto." It felt great to play Dr.Phil for a day.

"Yami why can't we?"
"Y/N our child won't appreciate having a middle name that's 'Dairy'."
"But Legend Dairy Mutou sounds cool!"

"Yugi we only got a month left until this baby comes! We gotta have a name ready!" You state while patting your pregnant belly. Yugi sits next to you and rubs your belly.
"I prefer to see the baby first before deciding on a name because you want the face to match with the name right? It's like if Joey was named Carl." You cringe at the thought of Joey being called Carl.
"Fine...but we should have some ideas."
"Alright Y/N." Yugi replies, smiling warmly.

"But Y/N....."
"We're not naming our child after a food Joey."

"I'm just saying Y/N, Duke Jr. Is a pretty awesome name."
"If you suggest that one more time I will make it so that you can't have anymore kids."

"Bakuraaaaaa!" You moan tugging on his sleeve. Bakura who was trying to take a nap groans and pulls his arms away.
"Let me get sleep while I can."
"But we need a name-"
"We'll cross that bridge when we come to it."
"Well to be honest it could happen any day now-"
"Shut up Y/N."

"Marik have you thought of any baby names?"
"Okay what names have you thought of?"
"Our baby shall be named Ishtar Ishtar so his or her first name will be the same as the last name! GENIUS RIGHT?!"

Yami Marik:
"Any ideas Marik?"
"Alright hit me."

"Come on Y/N! Naming our baby after Jesse will be awesome!"
"Jaden you already want to make him the god father."
"Cause it's awesome!"
"How about we decide this later?"
"Y/N he/she's due any day now."
"Since when did you start caring about due dates, you never did any of your assignments at school!"
"Well a baby is pretty important."

"Our child shall have a name as beautiful as you." Jesse states stroking your hair.
"That's right...Jaden Yuki Jr...." You whisper as you lean onto him.
"Ye-wait what?"

"Chazz we need some ideas." You state as he dozes off on the couch.  Chazz lazily nods, acknowledging your question but not quite answering. You pause for a second before smirking.
You suddenly yell out and place your hands on your pregnant.
"Chazz! I-I Think my water broke! The baby is coming!" You yell urgently. Chazz's eyes open and he sits up.
"Oh Freak Y/N let me get my car keys!" Chazz yells running to his room. You lean back and smile.
"Oh never mind I think it's just pee sorry about that."

Zane has thought of a couple names but he kept them silently. So far you guys only called the baby, the baby.
"Zane quick! The baby's  kicking!"
"The baby seems really hyper in there."
"The baby will probably have your eyes." But every so often he would stare at your pregnant belly, and think '______ Truesdale.'

Yusei was very enthusiastic for the arrival of your baby. He took time off dueling so that he could pamper you and cater to your every need. Yusei has thought about the idea of having kids for a long time and had some names all ready. He was considerate of your ideas too and together you thought of the most beautiful name.

You were the main contributor for the baby names. Kite didn't care about what your child was named (as long as it's not stupid). All what he cared about what having a happy and healthy child.

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