When you just dont care

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Do you have those moments where you just don't care? You give up and just want it over?

Today was just one of those days where you just really didn't care. It happened at least once a month for about a day. Your friends were aware of these days, but Seto had no idea. So he was confused when he asked for you to make a sandwiching  it was 2 pieces of bread and maple syrup.

Yami somewhat grasped  the idea of days when you just really didn't care, but you stilled surprised him. Like that time you slept on top of the kitchen table because you didn't want to get up. Yami thought you looked really relaxed sleeping on the table so after making sure your comfortable and won't get muscle aches when you wake up, Yami grouped some chairs together in a straight line and slept on that next to you.

Even though it's one of those days where you just didn't care and didn't want to be bothered by anyone, Yugi would sometimes visit you to give you some junk food or to give you a hug and kiss your forehead. Despite you not caring about anything, he wanted to make sure you were well.

Joey had no idea when these 'no care' days were but he had to learn that it was the hard way every single time.

Duke was one of those annoying asses who assumed you were on your time anytime you had one of these days. He knew better than to say this out loud but he thought it. However, if anyone else commented this he would quickly come to your defense which often was just insulting the other person.

Bakura tends to avoid you when it's one of those days but as soon as you would fall asleep he unconsciously checks on you. Bakura is not the type to show affection openly so this was his way to make sure you were fine. Sometimes he would leave your favorite snacks on the counter but you would just think that you left it there by mistake or he would slip money into your pockets so you would get that happy feeling when you find the money.

Sometimes when you just really don't care you would fall asleep on Marik as he's trying to do anything whether it's plan an evil scheme or annoy Bakura, or even do anything. Marik would acknowledge your presence when you fall asleep on him sometimes by brushing hair away from your face or looking over at you and silently thinking about what your sleeping face looks like. Despite not showing affection often, he does acknowledge you as someone special in his life ad is willing (despite his protests) to put up with your antics.

Yami Marik:
Anytime you have that day or moment where you just don't care, Yami Marik gets freaked out. Your face becomes emotionless and you have an attitude thats colorless. Yami Marik believes that he took your soul and you have become one of his minions (aka his groupies) so  he would try to order you to do anything but you would snap at him sometimes.
"Minion go make me sandwich."
"One asshole sandwich coming out."
"Can I have chicken?"

Jaden didn't care when you didn't care. Even if you didn't want to talk Jaden would still talk to you even when your not listening. In class he would drive you crazy, sending notes and poking you. Sometimes he would lean against you and fall asleep. By the end of the day, Jaden has accomplished his goal: Getting you to smile. Jaden loves it when you smile so everyday it's his goal to make you smile.

"Hey Y/N-"
"...but I-"
"N to the O to the no no no."

"Y/N what did you get for #7?"
"Now let me sleep."
Chazz never understood how your mind worked.

Zane was a good person to be around when you just didn't care. He was silent and peaceful making him the ideal pillow to sleep on. While he mental questioned what you were doing, he didn't mind. When you slept was when you were the most peaceful and most relaxed. Zane would sometimes stare at you and try to remember your features and Rem,ever this one moment.

Yusei found the times when you didn't care rather amusing. For example right now you stopped doing your homework to bang your head against the table.
Now your resting your head against the table groaning.
Now your homework is left on the table as you get up and leave.

Kite was often gone throughout the day so you would be at home alone. Kite didn't whiteness often those moments when you just don't care but sometimes when he gets home he will see interesting things. For example, sometimes you would make him dinner and leave it for him. Once he came home and it was a bowl of soy sauce.

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