Sora x Reader

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Hi, my blossoms
Shancy here

Requested by: Tsukiko05

You needed a job to earn money for your family since you were the oldest child. So you were working as a waitress in a bakery.

Unfortunately for you, you weren't very fond of sweets and cakes and sometimes they give you some. However it wasn't all bad because it gives you a excuse to visit your candy lover boyfriend's place without sounding weird.

Your boyfriend was no less than Sora.

Currently you were in the front of his house's entrance and you played the bell. Sora opened the door and his emerald eyes glowed at the sight of his love.

"(Y/N), I miss you" Sora hugged you, his head reaching your chest. You giggled at his sweet behaviour. Truth he was short but he made you feel special and loved in many ways.

"I brought some candies for you" You said and lifted your hand that was holding the bag.

"So what are you waiting for? Let's go" Sora said excitedly as he held your hand to lead you to his room.

You silently watched your boyfriend eat the sweets you brought to him.
Sora noticed your staring and stopped to look at you.

"What wrong, (Y/N)?" He gazed at you with his green eyes. You giggled at him and reached your thump up to wipe the crumbs lingering in his cheeks.

"You have some candies in your face" You laughed when Sora blushed in embarrassment. He turned around his head, glanced you by the corner of his eyes and started spacing out.

His thoughts were mainly of how cute you looked. Well, you were cute but the image of giggles leaving your lips, the smile you hd had, the softened gaze your (E/C) emitted. It was breathtaking.
In that moment, Sora felt so lucky to have such a wonderful and kindhearted girlfriend like you.

"Did you like the sweets?" You asked, which brought the blue haired boy to reality.

Something awoke in Sora because his lips changed into a smirk. He slowly crawled toward you as to not scare you.

Your face becoming warmer and red as he broke in your personal bubble.

"There is a sweet I didn't proof yet" Sora said, his voice so husky that allured you.

"W-What sweet?" You asked stuttering in the beginning. Sora looked so different, you had never seen this side of him before. You didn't hate it, actually it captivated you.

"You" Sora licked said before smashing his lips on yours. You quickly responded back and both enjoyed every millisecond of it.
You gasped when Sora shoved his tongue inside you and explored every inch of your wet cavern.

When oxygen lacked out, you both pulled away.

"S-Sora" You stammered, it seemed your cheeks invented a new shade of red. You were surprised by his bold move. It was the first time

"You are sweet and tastes sweet, (Y/N)" Sora licked your lips to have a little more taste of you again. With a mischievious grin, he said "I want more"

So for the rest of the day, Sora and you make out and once in awhile did small breaks for air. It was a day full of sweet kisses mixed with passion and desire.

I hope you like it. This was the first time I wrote a kiss with tongue, a french kiss.

I only accept requests through private message, guys. It's written in the chapter 'Information'.
That's all.

Bye Bye, my blossoms
*sunflowers out*

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