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Hi, my blossoms
Shancy here


Warning: self-harm

It was a school day and classes didn't start because the teacher hasn't arrive yet. However this student entered in the room and decided that sitting next to the hacker was a good idea.
This student has (H/C) hair and (E/C) eyes. Oddly Yusaku had the feeling that this isn't the first time he saw her.

"Love at first sight, Yusaku-sama?" Ignis asked in a teasing tone and snickered.

"Shut up" Yusaku demanded and glanced you from the corner of his emerald eyes "Besides, I think I saw her before"

You felt someone's gaze on you and you turned your head to find only your classmate, Yusaku.
You thought you should say hi to him.

"Good morning, Yusaku" You gave him a gentle smile. He looked at you surprised. How did you know his name?

"You don't remember me, right? I am (Y/N), (Y/N) (L/N). I missed so many days of school that you forgot your classmate that always sat next to you. In this very spot,huh?" You questioned and pointed to your seat.

"(Y/N), I missed you" Shancy butted in as she hugged you and the said person giggled at the girl "Why did you skip school without me? I get bored when you aren't around"

"Ahh. I-I got sick and had to stay in the home. I am sorry for leaving you alone" You responded nervously pulling your uniform coat's over your hands as to cover them. Yusaku noticed your odd behaviour and knew it was a lie.

"Really?" Shancy asked, rising an eyebrow in suspicion but decided to trust you in this one and when you were ready, she knew you would tell her. "Okay. See you at break"

After the teacher arrived, Shancy walked toward her seat.

Soon classes started. Yusaku fell asleep as usual while you started drawing.

The bell rang and everyone had left except Yusaku and you.
You touched his shoulder and cooed as to not to bother his calm nature.

"Yusaku. Wake up, class is over"

Yusaku woke up and the first sight that came to his view was Playmaker.

Well, a drawing of Playmaker.

"Finally, you woke up, your sleephead" You poked his cheek in annoyance. He sleeps through classes and miraculously he got excellent grades on tests and assignments. How is that possible?
You were jealous of him. You wished you were like him. Well, not totally. Just his ability to have good grades.

You noticed he was looking at your sketch.

"You are a fan of Playmaker?" He asked and you nodded.

"Yes, I am. No, more than that. I have a crush on him. Playmaker saved my life" Yusaku stared at (Y/N) as you picked the sketch and kissed it, the hacker felt his cheeks warm up at your confession, gesture and when he saw the soft and genuine smile in your lips "He doesn't know it but he saved my life"

Yusaku rose his eyebrow suspicious "How so?"

In that moment, you went quiet and turned your gazed to your wrists.

"I am sorry, Yusaku. But, I don't want to answer that question" You said, got up from your seat and picked your stuff "The bell is about to ring. You should head to class"

You left the green eyed boy alone in the classroom. Now Yusaku got a small interest in you.

Time skips

The bell rang signalling that classes ended.
You wanted to walk away without getting in troubles but the world decided otherwise. The worst scenario you wished to avoid happened. A bully went in your way.

The bully that hurt you several times before was in front of you starting the bullying again.
Every time the bully punch or kick it victim, calls you names. And they weren't nice.

After all the beating, you found yourself laying in the floor. Therefore the punishment hasn't ended.

The second, the moment the bully was about to hit you again, you felt like time flew slow and you couldn't do nothing about the time spell.

A hand grabbed the bully's wrist. It was Yusaku. He protected you.

Yusaku twisted the bully's arm and the unbearable pain made the teenager groan.

The hacker glared at the bully, making holes in his soul. Right after, he ran away afraid of Yusaku.

You looked at your saviour. For a moment, you thought you saw Playmaker but it was only your classmate. Although you couldn't deny they have similarities. Both appearance and personality.

Yusaku stretched his hand out and you took it thinking he wanted to help you up. You were wrong. He quickly pulled the sleeve of your uniform and saw the cut marks in your wrists. The words said by your bully, you tried to not believe them but they eventually got you. Those rude and untruth words seemed to describe you and lose your confidence in yourself. So you started cutting your wrists. Feeling pain and watching the hot and red blood coming out of your arm relieves your suffering and made you feel good.
When self-harming is wrong.

"You weren't sick. You lied to your friend" Yusaku said and you flinched at his statement.

Your (E/C) eyes became dull and your smile sad. The fact that you told a lie to your friend, Shancy, upsetted you. You wondered if you deserved to be called her friend. The depression was coming to you again.

You felt someone lifting you up, which snapped you from the sad feeling. You looked up to meet his emerald eyes and a dark blue hair with pink strands.

Y-Yusaku. W-What are you d-doing?" You stammered as the said person carried you bridal style. It was embarrassing since there was still students in school.

"Isn't it obvious? I am taking you to the infirmary. You are injured" He replied nonchantaly like it wasn't a big deal. Then you felt a small burn in your leg. It ached. The bully must have beaten you there. You were so used to the pain that you didn't realise it.

Another thing was burning. Your eyes.
You didn't notice the tears until one drop fell in your hand.

As the hacker carried you, you nuzzled in his chest and cried so the students wouldn't see your tears.

"T-Thank you" You said and Yusaku nodded.

I finally updated something
I didn't review it. I am too tired for that. It took me 3 days to write.
Internship has been taking my time and when I get home, I am tired and the stress makes all the mood to write vanish.
I will update again in end of this month when I finish the internship
Thanks to my period, the mood is back.
Oddly, when I am in period, I feel more inspire to write and draw.
I did a drawing yet I didn't finish to colour it because of time.

Here is the drawing:

My OC Michu.

I created an account un DeviantArt
The username is the same as here.

Another thing.
How dare you to lie to me? XP

Just kidding

Bye Bye, my blossoms
*sunflowers out*

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