Lemon: Unintentionally pinned up

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A/n: This is late... Fuuuuu- Anyway, this oneshot was requested by 99Yugioh and @nostalgicusername! I hope you don't mind the prompt, it was sorta the inspiration for this... Hehe...
Anyway, hope chu enjoy!

"Hey, Yugo?" Yugo was met with (Y/n)'s smiling face as he looked in the direction of her voice. The smile held a bit of mischief, the glint in her (e/c) eyes giving her away. She was up to something, and that something probably wasn't a good thing.

"Yeah?" Yugo was somewhat skeptical to question his girlfriend, considering her surprises fulfilled their job of being surprising. They were always something you wouldn't suspect, so why did this one catch him off guard?

"I was looking through your old stuff and found this..." (Y/n) stepped into view, proudly wearing his old jumpsuit from when they were teenagers. The article of clothing fit somewhat tightly, mainly around the chest and waist areas, giving her a nice amount of cleavage and a good looking booty. The (s/t) flesh somewhat glistened in the light. The sight as a whole left Yugo in awe.

Yeah, she's worn his clothes before in the past. Old night shirts from when they were teenagers, his jackets and sweaters that hadn't quite been washed yet, just about all of it. This, this was different. This left her more exposed and even made her look seductively adorable as hell. It was a whole new type of taking his clothes. Her skin was exposed and beautiful, no matter the scar or scratch. It just made her more... Perfect.

Almost immediately, Yugo squeezed (Y/n) happily, gushing over her look. The young woman blushed in response, not expecting this reaction out of him at all. She hugged him back, enjoying the innocent sign of affection. She believed it was innocent, anyway.

Yugo lightly pulled the girl down into his lap, smiling down at her. (Y/n) squeaked at the sudden movement, trying to follow exactly where this might be headed. This lead to her being caught off-guard at the sudden kiss Yugo placed on her lips. However, once she returned the kiss, he pulled away to kiss her cheek with a smile.

"You're so cute, (N/n)" He stated, moving to softly kiss her neck. (Y/n) sighed in reply, used to Yugo and his affection, "I wonder how cute you'd look without this on"

Yugo had seen (Y/n) naked and bare countless of times, most a bit more intentional than he'd like to admit. This was no different of a situation. Yeah, someone would probably bring up the point and most likely suggest this be some kink he'd hate to admit to (even though it secretly was), but hey! Her body is quite literally out there for him to touch and she technically was his. His amazing girl with beautiful, soft (s/t) skin, shimmering (e/c) eyes, and (h/l) (h/c) hair... Where was he going with this again?

A bright red adorned (Y/n)'s cheeks at the comment, not expecting it from her little Banana Blueberry. Neither his small neck kisses nor the obvious formation she felt from his pants helped the situation. Okay, her intent behind wearing the outfit was a little dirty, but she didn't think he'd take the initiative. He's submissive Yugo for crying out loud! He could only control cuddling, nothing more and nothing less!

"Oh really?~" The (h/c)-ette asked, her fingers slipping through his dual colored hair. Yugo replied by lightly sucking and humming against her neck, sending shivers down her spine.

"It seems to be a little tight..." Yugo stated in between kisses, moving his hand to the zipper in front, "I should probably-"

Yugo found himself laying back to floor, looking up at his smirking girlfriend. She held his hands pinned above his head, her free hand working on getting the fabric off of her body. Yugo watched in anticipation as she slowly slipped the jumpsuit off, exposing her bare body bit by tiny bit.

Her breasts bounced once the zipper was little ways past them, exposing them to Yugo. His cheeks flushed in response, a small groan escaping from his lips. The agonizingly slow pace of the zipper upset him even more, his hips moving upwards to grind against hers. (Y/n)'s back arches at the sudden friction, lips parting to let out an airy gasp. Yugo smirks, his hands moving to hold her hips in place as he grinds into her more. (S/t) hands held onto his shoulders as small noises sounded from her lips.

After a bit of teasing, Yugo reached a hand for her zipper, zipping the fabric down to reveal most of her upper body. He switches their positions quickly, his lips making their way back to her neck as one hand lay along her hip, holding her in place, and the other hand eases it's way along her side, slowing moving upwards to feel along her breast. 

His fingers teased the small buds, one being twisted and pulled while his thumb rubbed against the other. His movements remained slow, soaking in every noise and sound she made as he played with her nubs. His lips slowly found their way to them, his lips wrapping around one. Yugo's organ swirled around the areola, moving to her sensitive teat. He continued this treatment, occasionally switching breasts  Small gasps left the young female's lips, back arching more into the feeling and arousal growing.

"Y-Yugo~" The cry of his name from her lips snapped something within him, his tanned hands holding down her legs as he swiftly removed his bottoms. (Y/n) hadn't noticed, though, to enamored in what his hands were doing with her nether regions.

His fingers teased above her clit, rubbing the spot right above the sensitive area. When or how both her panties and the remaining part of the jumpsuit had been removed was the least of her worries once his touches finally reached and affected all of her senses at once. She found herself grinding into his touches, moans growing louder at his heated feeling of her lower regions. 

His fingers lightly pinched at her lower lips while her upper lips were preoccupied with the noises leaving from them. His thumb finally made contact with her bean, teasing it with circles and rubbing over the sensitive lower bud. Her pussy throbbed even more as the teasing commenced more, arousal apparent as ever growing within the girl. When he finally gave a sliver of what was wanted, her head went back with ecstasy.

His tip teased at her entrance, prodding at the area as if it were some experiment of the unknown. He smirked at her gasps of needed air as he constantly pushed the tip forward and back. Each thrust edged the tip further inside her throbbing entrance, aching of sweet release. Then the magic happened (since Yugo has but so much self control).

Yugo kept a steady and quick pace, only truly speeding up when (Y/n) asked or when he felt like having her choke on her own squeaks and mewls. He admired every bit of her the more they went went at it. The way her back arched, her toes curling, the way she squeezed his dick once he hit a certain spot inside her that made her vision blur, the way she spurted and moaned out his name... He craved more as the time past, drinking in every bit of emotion and pleasure he gained from this. 

He hit it. Once. Twice. Thrice. He adjusted her legs to gain better access to it shifting them to what pleased them both. She couldn't directly state if he'd hit it, seeing as everything that came out was never distinguishable, so he listened to what gained louder mewls. It was an interesting game of cat and mouse, chase even, between him and her sweet spot, him and that fucking G-spot. He abused the area, pounding into it harder, faster, all until he felt her tighten.

(Y/n)'s visioned blurred and whitened as something within her came undone. Her euphoria had been added on to as her partners cum filled her up after her orgasms. The two panted heavily afterwards, Yugo cuddling close to her and whispering small little nothings in her ear gate. She paid them no mind either, her hands moving to run through his blond and blue hair as she hummed some tune. 

They sat like that in the ethereal peace, the only sounds being their breathing, her humming, and the beat of their hearts dancing along with the rhythm. Slowly, they were lulled into sleep, deciding to worry about any consequences that may appear later, such as the sudden, unannounced visit of  their childhood friend walking into their apartment.

"Why the fuck are you naked, Yugo?!" 

"Mm, make her be quiet! I need a couple more minutes..."

"(Y/n)! Oh my god, my virgin eyes!"

A/n: I LIIIIIIIIVE!!!!!!!!!!! Jk, Jk, Hi! Sorry this is late as ballz, but high school really fucked me up! Like, I've had major writer's block that isn't even funny at this point and then when we finally get out for a really long break, it all comes back in a flash. As promised, an update and finished some requests. After this smut, I'm going to ask that all other future smut/lemon requests be specific to allow me more ideas on how to write I guess??? Anyway, hoped you enjoyed and I apologize for the sudden style switch if it's noticeable. One half was written early in the year than the other so... Yeah... MCI Out, Peace 😜

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