Hotaru Kasai

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First name: Hotaru

Last name: Kasai


Age: 16

Gender: Female

Relatives: unnamed parents(deceased)

Specie: Dragon


Abilities: fire manipulation, fire breath, summoning her dragon wings, flight, claw retraction, thermal resistance, dermal armor, and enhanced vision

Weapon: NONE

Appearance: Long crimson hair that is tied into a ponytail and ruby eyes. She has a slim body with a D cup and a big ass. When in her dragon form, she has red scaley skin, wings, and golden eyes.

Height: '5 "4

Weight: (I ain't telling ya my weight)

Hair length: waistline

Hair color: crimson red

Eye color: ruby red(human), gold(dragon form)

Likes: fighting, sports, her friends, Yui, calling Ayato "Oreo-sama" or "Baka-sama", roasting people, Orange soda, food, snacks, sleeping, Cardi B, Jay Park, Post Malone, Jacksepticeye, Pewdiepie, Markiplier, and spicy foods 

Dislikes: the Sakamakis, the Mukamis, Karlheinz, pineapples, Brussels sprouts, bitchy girls, fake bitches, sluts, perverts, Yui getting hurt, Ayato calling her "melons", Kurohime scaring the living shit out of her, guys staring at her chest, and her past being mentioned

Personality: rebellious, cusses a lot, short tempered, tomboyish, feisty, loud, blunt, rude, but chill and kind girl. If you dare to piss her off, then she'll burn you into ashes until there's nothing left.

Bio: Her past will be revealed in the story 😉

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