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"Goddamnit Kuro! Get back here!!!" The redhead girl with ruby eyes shrilled.

"Never!!!" She yelled as the violet haired girl with heterochromia eyes mauve and amethyst sticks her tongue out to the loud redhead.

"Oooohhh you're going to get it now!!!" She shouted as the female redhead chases after the mischievous ravenette, a loud boom came from the door when a beautiful girl with light blue hair and lavender eyes scolds at the two girls.

"Will you two knock it off?! I'm reading letters here!" She shouted at them.

"She started it!" The fiery redhead yelled as she points her finger at the ravenette.

"She started it." The playful ravenette mimicked her words.

"Stop copying me!" She hissed.

"Stop copying me." The ravenette mimicked again.

"Both of you stop yelling." The light blue haired girl ceased their bickering as she pinches her forehead out of annoyance.

"Seriously, What are you guys five?" She irritably asked.

"Hey at least I'm not a ghost that loves to scare the living shit out of people!" She yelled.

"Ahem Banshee is the word that I would use Hotaru-chan." She assured her with a cheery grin.

"Whatever Kuro." The redhead named Hotaru replied as the playful ravenette banshee named Kuro aka Kurohime responded with a giggle.

"So how many letters do we received Tsu-chan?" She asked curiously to the light haired pale skinned girl named Tsu aka Tsurara.

"So far there were four but-" Just as soon she explains, her eyes caught the attention of the fourth letter when she saw their adopted father's name.

"Oh my god." She gasped as Kurohime and Hotaru dash towards Tsurara to look at the fourth letter.

"Oh wow! It's Seiji san!" Kurohime happily glees.

"The hell does that old geezer want?" Hotaru bluntly asked.

"I'm not exactly sure, but- wait WHAT?!" As soon as she opens the letter, she immediately froze.

"What's wrong Tsu-chan?" Kurohime asked curiously with innocent eyes,

"Yeah what's the big de- OH MY F**KING GOD!" Hotaru yelled as the three of them stood with frozen looks in their eyes. The girls can't believe what they've read and they can't believe that Seiji would do something like this.

Dear girls,

I came here to inform you about my travel in overseas for work, however this does not mean that you will take care of Yui just like the last time. I've send Yui to a mansion filled with six men who will take good care of her while I'm gone. I hope you girls have a nice day and thank you for understanding my reason.

Sincerely your adopted father,
Seiji Komori

As the girls stood in shock and disbelief, Tsurara and Kurohime stood silently and Hotaru being the total hothead she is immediately starts cussing out.


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