◤平和な アリス; Heiwana Alice◢

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I've been alone for some time now.

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Name:Alstroemeria Heiwana

Kanji:平和な アルストロメリア

Romaji:Heiwana Arusutoromeria

Nickname/s| Alias/es:

- Alice [ アリス; signature name ] ( by everyone )

- Akumi [ 飽海; her snake ]

- Medusa ( by Karlheinz, Zion, and Ruki )

- Hebi-chan [ Little Snake ] ( by Laito )

- K Neko-chan [ Kawaii Neko-chan/Cute Kitten ] ( by Kou )

- Young Tragedy ( by Carla, Ruki, Kino and Karlheinz )

- Naive / Ignorant ( by Reiji, Ayato, Yuma, and Subaru )

- Weakling ( by Reiji, Carla, and Shin )

- Pathetic excuse of a gorgon ( by Shin )

- Owari【 終わり; true name 】( by the Ancients, Ruki, and Kira )

Universe:Diabolik Lovers

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I've fallen, crumbled, broken, and withered from the cruel things you've done to me all because I was beneath you. But to see how much harm you've done to people I cared for, it makes the regret of petrifying you fade.

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   C h a r a c t e r   I n f o r m a t i o n  

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Birthdate: December 24

Zodiac Sign:Capricorn

Age:17-18 (physically) [chronologically over 180 years old]

Height:5'3ft (160cm)

Weight:40kg (88Ib)

Blood Type:A

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Even when your at your weakest, don't give up. If you think that no one cares, well, now you have someone who does!

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   P e r s o n a l   I n f o r m a t i o n  

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- Amaryllis "Mary" ( Mother ) [ Unknown ]

- Kirumi "Kira" Heiwana ( Father ) [ Deceased ]

- Emori Heiwana ( Godson )

- Zion/Touka Watatsumi ( Guardian )

- Unnamed paternal grandmother [ Deceased ]

- Yoshimitsu Heiwana ( Uncle ) [ Deceased ]

- Medusa ( Ancestor ) [ Deceased ]


Ethnicity: Japanese



- Humming her friend's song

- Reading

- Playing the guitar (learning)


- Apples

She fixated with the fruit's sweetness and favors when she first ate one.

- Reading

A get-a-way from her problems and depression as she fantasizes about a 'hero' who'd rescue her one day from her 'captor' or the 'villain' from the stories. This is an allusion to how she wants someone who'll help stop her depression and bring her away from her darkest pain in life. She reads these kinds of stories as a way to cope from her loved ones death as most of the fictional stories she reads often have happy endings.

- Her pendant

A keepsake she has no proper memory of. Although she doesn't remember who'd given it to her, it gives her comfort and tries to keep it safe(only remembering that she mustn't break it). 

- Nature

Because she lived in her hidden home in the forest for a long time, she found herself indulge in peace whenever she's surrounded by it.


- Violence (in general)

Entrusted by her father's belief in peace, she's especially known as a pacifist by those who tried harming her or those who forced her to harm others. Revenge is something never set in her mind because of her dislike for violence. Even when she does use it, or something relatively close to it, as self-defense, she tends to be remorseful and guilty for it.

- Racism

Bullied throughout her younger years for being the daughter of her mother, she's been discriminated for her gorgon genes and existence, which was a trigger for her isolation. This is a sensitive topic that keeps her quiet and she will only distance herself if necessary to avoid this.

Favorite  Food:Apple-related treats/meals

Home Country:Japan?

Love Interest:Ruki Mukami / Kino | Nen (formerly)

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If you live, then it's my reason to smile. If you die, then it's my reason to suffer. You're someone I cared for as long as the world continues spinning and as someone my heart cares for, so it's enough to motivate me to keep fighting.

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   P r o f e s s i o n a l   S t a t u s  

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Occupation/s:2nd year High School Student


- Heiwana Family

- Ancients

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I finally have an answer to your question and you're wrong. Because even if my father wouldn't have taught me his pacifism, there's this feeling...no, this decision in my heart that believes that mercy and judgement can be uphold at the same time. That... is my own answer.

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   A b i l i t i e s / P u r p o s e  

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- Petrification

She obtained this ability from her mother's blood and genes. Instead of turning people into stone when they look into her eyes, she only paralyzes them temporarily. When using the additional power of her snake, that's where she can turn people into stone with it, Akumi. This power has an instant effect on both of the demon and celestial's inferior races but will need more concentration on superior races like the Founders and the Ancients.

- Immortality

Just like the demons, she can live an everlasting lifeline for years on end and age much slower than humans. However, because she's part human, she may die through severe human causes(hanging/strangulation, car accidents, etc.). Scars, scratches, or external cuts may be healed — fatal or not — through the Viper Effect.

- Fear Infliction

One of the few evolutions to their petrification ability. While this seldom happens, it's actually unintentional, even when she uses Akumi. This power can instill wariness and fear in someone's mind with a suddenly powerful and strange force that'll appear for a second before disappearing like it never occurred.

- Viper Effect

The Viper Effect'sis where it acts as the gorgon's regeneration process with scales producing over the wound — if it's something such as a gash, cut, scar, or any external injury. The scales are temporary. Like a vampire's regeneration, however, if the wounds are too many for the regeneration to manifest, she could succumb to her wounds.

- Others

She does have enhanced strength and enhanced alertness, however it's only unlocked when she uses Akumi. Also when using Akumi, she develops great resilience as her some of her skin turns into strong scales. Doesn't hold the power of judgement from the celestial race like the other Diablos.

Despite being frail, she acts upon the defense rather than offense. She is, however, quite strong if she necessarily has to fight.

This act isn't practiced anymore by the celestial race but the need of eating any creature from the demon race would bring great power to the superior race. She'll become stronger, more aggressive, hunger-craving, and restless when angered or hungry for the demon race. Her nails become sharper and her eyes immediately become a dark pink. Though difficult, she overcame this stage from satiating from demon blood.


Diablo Genes - Despite never eating the demon race nor having thoughts of doing so, even the strong-minded may succumb to the dire need to eat the demon races' people if tempted enough by their 'other' side or by forced hunger. The consequences of eating the demon race acts as a double-edge sword; eating would give them more power than any of the celestial races but would prevent them from returning their humanity alongside it. This only effects the diablo race as another punishment by the Ancients.

Akumi(other-self) - A part of the Diablo genes, this "other-self" acts as a trigger to the Diablo's consciousness. It forces the host to give up their chances of good and humanity and fall into despair and depravity. Effects differ as well as the purpose and personality of this "other-self." While conquerable, many have fallen victim and returned as these "other-selves" without traces of their original. She eventually fights control over it for the time being.

Human - She still held half of the traits of a human being despite being part-Diablo. This means she can die from severe human causes(hanging/strangulation, car accidents, etc.).

Low Temperature - Because of her gorgon genes, she's actually very weak and has low tolerance against the winter or freezing cold. She has chances of dying from hypothermia, though she's grown to become more resilient overtime.

Blood's Purpose

Her blood brings a powerful addicting savory that becomes a rush of sweetness to take over instead with her scent having that peculiar scented odor. The more power she uses from Akumi, the scent of her blood would become faint/odorless but her blood would become intoxicatedly sweet.

When ingesting the blood of a celestial, it would enhance the abilities of any of the demon races such as strength, speed, and other powers the race would have. Her blood doesn't remove severe curses and only pends them. Her blood somewhat holds similar functions to Eve's except that it's unable to fully cure fatal diseases and can grant far more stamina for those who drink it.

When eating the heart of a celestial, however, it could erase the effects of incurable diseases — Endzheit as an example — with the high risk of a 2% chance.

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This is my answer to the Ancients watching over me: I have a choice, and that's to stay humane... and stay alive!

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   P h y s i c a l - M e n t a l   A p p e a r a n c e  

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Alice's appearance is that of a petite girl with a pale complexion matching with her dull gray eyes. Her hair is waist-long and wavy, being a silvery white that fades down into a charcoal black. From what she kept throughout her years was a black clip holding up her bangs on her right and a golden pendant with a silver gem inside around her neck made of gold beads. Strange enough, she does have some scales that are the same color as her skin with light tints of pink, though their not exposed. There're found under her feet.

When she uses her powers, a pink strand on the left side of her hair appears while some part of her hair would turn into snakes, similar to Medusa, with the pink one being the core. When shifting into her 'Diablo form,' her eyes glow a bright pink and scales start protruding on her face and body.

The appearance of her 'other self' often changes depending on the person closest to her. It's natural appearance is a young male version of herself with black hair with white tips and blue eyes. The appearance also varies from the demon blood she consumes.

Alice eventually cuts her hair below the shoulders(also 'cutting' off the snakes), tying it into a choppy high ponytail and a lock left long on the left side. She wears two black barrettes; one on each side of her bangs. The only snake that appears in her hair is the core one.


Alice is a half-human half-gorgon with good intentions. She's reserved and antisocial as she doesn't like standing out, keeping to herself and forcing herself away from the probable discrimination. While most of the people who'd known her from long ago started racism on her family, she never thought of hating and taking vengeance on them, leaving her to be vulnerable and a bit sensitive with the harsh emotional pulls — which she tries to cover up. Despite her introverted personality, she does have this adamant resolve and summery cheerfulness when attached.

She does take things too much by heart with her honesty — more or less, her bluntness due to not having proper interactions outside her family but she means well. She is an understanding person whether she's speaking to a stranger or a well-known person. People believe that she's naive and gullible because of her pacifism.

Alice suffered severe depression for quite some time — which she slowly recovers from — but doesn't let this stop her from living her life and getting things straight. In addition to this, she found her powers and herself to be a curse, not wanting anyone to be hurt by her and by others ever again. She can and will snap into using her snake when the prior situation presses it too much. She's often scared of using violence and desperately prevents those situations from happening no matter what.

Over time, she's grew out of her meek personality, becoming more confident in speaking and expressive. Alice attempts to become stronger, more reliable, and more courageous while trying to make a new growth in herself. While she does still have her faith in pacifism and empathy, she doesn't keep to herself as much anymore.

Physical / Mental Conditions

She's never suffered and had any biological conditions passed down to her. However, during the loss of her family and the Mukami brothers, along with her families' clashing morals, she suffered major depression that took plenty of years to patch, even with the help of Zion — which resurfaced, but slowly recovered from it. This almost made her into shooting herself from wanting to see her family, and as traumatic as the situation has became, forcefully repressed these memories until she was ready to face them; however inducing dissociative amnesia.

Earlier in her years with her parents, because she was constantly bullied, she developed selective mutism and turned to be antisocial.

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I'm too optimistic — I know that. I believed that nobody could get hurt and that violence should never be an answer — I am naive. Still, that doesn't mean that I've given up on everything because I know this. Because... from the very beginning, even I knew when my turning point would come. 

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   B a c k g r o u n d  

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It all started when her mother roamed around the outskirts of the small villages and homes, no place for her own — as if they'd allow her kind around them. Finding no meaning in her life of being alive and the strong discrimination against her race, she secluded herself for countless of years until a man, Kirumi Heiwana, entered into the forest, lost. Instead of immediately leaving when she told him the way out, he wanted to stay with the lone monster for a while, much to her shock. In the end, he introduced himself as Kira and given her the name, Amaryllis, after the flowers near her home.

There, after a few years of meeting, they got together and tied the knot without the blessings of his parents, keeping their forbidden relationship a secret with their newborn child — Owari/Alstroemeria "Alice" Heiwana. It wasn't until she reached her toddler years that once she walked towards the villages out of her curiosity, she was chased off and yelled at for being the daughter of a Gorgon.

Kira would always do his best to comfort and care for his daughter, along with her mother who suffered the very same treatment when she was younger. She wasn't bullied by a few other children and was treated nicely by a stranger for once in her life, showing her emotional side from her stubborn blank expressions. Alice could've continued to become better it if weren't for her Gorgon abilities manifesting.

Without much thought, she turned a wild bear cub into stone and was almost attacked by its mother, making her feel the grief and guilt. The same incident happened to her bullies when they tried drowning her as a prank. She was afraid of hurting anyone or anything as she needed lots of coping to relieve her from her paranoid state. Her parents did their best to help her over this with a bit of an argument of Kira telling her to not use it for revenge and Amaryllis insisting that it's fine — the latter reluctantly agreeing to her husband afterwards.

One day, her home was scouted for her and Amaryllis after Alice's constant appearance and observations. Finding it her own fault for bringing her husband and daughter despair and pain, she puts herself on the line and leads the hunters away from her home, assumed to be dead afterwards.

There, she and her father continued to live together in their home, Alice isolating herself even further away from the world with her father because of not wanting to harm others. Years went by and her home was left to herself when her father died of age. She was forced to find a new place to stay when a few men decided to ransack it and turning them into stone when they tried destroying her mother and father's monuments. She was taken in by a kind family that was willing to help and support her into her goals, ideals, and beliefs — keeping her heritage a secret from them.

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   A d d i t i o n a l I n f o r m a t i o n  

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➺ Her real name, Owari (終わり), means "the end." Her/His last name, Heiwana (平和な), means "peaceful" which will be roughly phrased as "a peaceful end."

➺ It's also hypothesized that Alice/Alstroemeria is her "Diablo" name while Owari Heiwana is her actual name.

➺ Her name Alice is a shortened version of the Alstroemeria, a flower also known as Lily of the Incas, with some of its meanings being "devotion and mutual support in two people", "holding your loved ones close and cherishing them", and most importantly "withstanding the harsh trials of everyday life/be strong and never give up" as they are the base of her character's personality entirely.

     • Not a lot of people are aware of her full name.

➺ Greatly misses her mother and father as she does still grieve about them, despite the years that passed.

     • This systems to her fear of touching animals, scared of turning them into stone.

➺ Akumi literally means 'Satan' in Japanese.

     • It was originally supposed to be called Akuma which meant 'Demon' or, as well, 'Satan' but was decided to end its name with an 'I' instead of an 'A'.

➺ Although she heavily denies it, she's low-key sadistic.

➺ Alice has birthday blues because of the historical theory of a gorgon's death being on their assigned birth, especially since it's backed up with the coincidental "death" of her mother.

➺ She's actually close to her father than her mother.

➺ While she enjoys eating sweets, she also enjoys eating sour things.

➺ She has beliefs of pacifism like her father.

➺ Very ashamed of walking barefoot because of how the bottom of her foot have scales that partially formed as she grew older.

     • Few more traits that show how gorgons have some common traits with the typical snakes are how they could molt their scales and their slight intolerance against the cold. This leads her to usually stay in her room or wearing excessive amounts of clothes.

Seiyuu/Voice Actor - Akari Kito / Amanda Lee(AmaLee) 

Theme - Hotaru | Reluctant Heroes 

Face Claim - Marry Kozakura Kagerou Project/Mekakucity Actors】」

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Everything feels so cold.

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