1) Letting Go is the Hardest Part

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Victuri week 2018 Day 1

Created on: October 1 2020

Okay, this is pretty small and not well planned but I'm pretty happy with how dramatic it turned out though. Hope there won't be a part like this in season two 😐


I stepped down the stage, my heart feeling heavy. As a person who has thought about this topic a lot of times before, never did imagine it to be this painful. Is this how he felt when he did the same moments ago?

They say when one door closes, another opens and I really hope it does for us too. It felt like it was just yesterday, when I first stepped on the ice with Yuko-chan. Letting go of something that has been a part of me my whole life, is like I'm leaving a part of myself behind but I know I should accept it. Not everything is permanent, right?

I had a lot of memories on the ice; embarrassing myself in front of everyone, having my first kiss taken away by Victor, winning my first medal in the Barcelona Grand Prix Finals, pair skating... haha, I could go on forever. Never did I expected retirement to be so... heartbreaking. Just because I'm letting it go, I'm not leaving it entirely.

One way or another, you have to let go. It's the hardest things in the world, he had told me when he had stepped down, but how else will you get to the next chapter in life? He has always been optimistic about things.

When I look back in life and think about the good old days, it reminds me of how time flies and things changes, eventhough the memories stay and said things turn into memories.

Things are gonna happen. It's inevitable. I might lose people, I might lose myself, I might lose track of what I'm doing, I'll get back on track, I might get my heart broken, anything. I cannot travel back in time to fix the mistakes I made, but I can forgive myself for not knowing any better.

I'm not alone. I never was to begin with. I'll cherish all the memories and those who love me for who I am and help me grow more as a person. I'll hold them close to my heart, every bit of it for they are all the things that makes me want to keep going. And I always want to keep going.

"Yuuri?" Victor's voice made me lose of train of thoughts.

"Yes?" I asked.

His blue eyes were looking into mine with a soft smile. "You seem to be in a lot of thought today. You okay?" I gazed out of the window, wondering why my husband stopped the car. Oh, we're home.

"Yeah. Why wouldn't I be?" I asked, giving him a reassuring smile.

"You sure?"

"I'm here with you, aren't I?" I said, unfolding my scarf with a smile.

Victor let out a small gasp. "Yuuuuurii~!" Victor squealed, holding his hands to his chest. His lips curving into that adorable heart shape smile he has always love

"Stop being so dramatic, Victor," I chuckled, hitting his arm playfully before getting out of the car, closing the door behind me.

The cold air of Saint Petersburg against my face made me shiver a bit but smiled to myself to feel the familiar feeling. I exhaled deeply and opened my eyes walking to Victor, holding out his hand for me. Mirroring the same endearing smile he was giving me, I held his firmly in mine, his wedding ring a soothing cold upon the touch. We waited and looked at our house for a moment with a faint smile.

"Let's go?" Victor asked.

"Totally," I said.

We went into our house for the first time, after the both of us retired from our professional days on the ice....

With our unknown futures ahead of us, excited for what life has in store for us.

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