A Midnight Call (Victuri: Yuri B'day Special)

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Yup! Yuri's b'day special! I know it's the middle of December rn but I was too insecure to post, okay?! Plus, it's exam season here so....

Anyway! YEAH!!!

Oh, I have to make a Christmas/Victor's birthday special too, huh? CAN'T WAIT!
(Update: Yup.... dont think that's gonna happen.... I'm  not getting any ideas!😭)

Made on: 20th November 2020
Posted on 21st December 2020 ^^;


Yuri's hand snaked under his pillow to search for his phone when its ringtone gave off. He was too sleepy to keep his eyes open and his eye lids felt as if they're being pulled down by something heavy. Yuri didn't even look at the name and just declined the call since he was too sleepy to answer. He kept the phone back and went back to sleep within a few seconds. The room has now regained its comfortable silence, that is until...

.... his phone rang again.

Yuri clicked his tongue in frustration and he ended the call again, for interrupting his sleep for the second time, and kept it back under his pillow. I swear if it rings one more time-

Yuri quickly sat up straight when it rang the third time and took the phone aggressively to answer the call in pure rage.


"Happy birthday, Yuri~!" Victor's cheerful voice greeted him but Yuri ended the call anyway. Nothing comes between him and sleeping, and Victor, of all people, should know that very well.

The phone rang again but Yuri told himself that he wouldn't answer it since he called this late. Yuri looked at the brightly smiling picture of Victor and Makkachin on the screen, with his name written with a heart beside it. He took a few seconds of hesitation before he accepted the call and slowly placed the phone on his ear.

"Sorry I woke you up," Victor said, apologetically. "Just wanted to be the first one to wish you."

"No, I'm sorry for hanging up on you." Yuri let out a long yawn with his arms stretched upwards.

"Aww, now I feel bad," he chuckled.

"Don't. I really appreciate it. Thank you," Yuri said, a small smile appearing on his tired face as he laid back on his bed while Victor hummed in response. "It's six in the morning there, right? Are you in the middle of your walk?"

"Yup. Makkachin is currently playing with that bulldog friend of his."



"So... what did you have for breakfast? You didn't burn down the kitchen, did you?"

Victor gasped in surprise. "How did you know?"

"Huh?" Victor stayed silent. "What did you do?" Yuri asked, strictly.

"I.... may have ended up burning the toast in the toaster. Sorry," Victor mumbled, sadly.

"You what?"

"I was in the shower!"

"You left it like that to take a shower? Victor-"

"I was too excited to call you, okay?" Victor admitted. "So, I forgot that I kept toast in there...."

Yuri laughed softly as he rested the back of his hand on his forehead. "Fine, fine...."

"You should've seen Makkachin. He was barking like crazy! I've never seen him panic that much," Victor laughed.

"How mean. Making Makka panic like that."

"The house would've burned down if it weren't for him."

"Yeah, I can't leave you alone anywhere so that's why I leave Makka with you...."

"He may have scratched the doors a lot."

"Oh God."


Yuri rubbed his eye as a warm smile appearing on his face for being able to listen to his lover's voice, first thing in the morning. "You're paying for both of them."

"Okay, Oh, Makkachin's friend is leaving. You should go back to sleep."

"Yeah..." Yuri said, smiling to himself.

"Don't forget to tell Yurio to send me your practise videos," he reminded.


"Bye, Yuri! Love you!"

Yuri felt his heart warm up at his words. "Love you too, Vitya..."


And with that Yuri ended the call. He moved his hand away from his eyes to look at the ceiling, which was completely blurred to him without his glasses. Yuri pulled his blanket closer to his neck and the next thing he knew... he was fast asleep.

A few moments later.....

Yuri groaned loudly in anger when the phone rang once again and he answered the call aggressively in pure rage.


"Woah, woah! It's me, Phichit. Happy birthday!"

"Oh... thanks."

"Did someone burn something?" Phichit asked.

"Can I please go to sleep now? I'll tell you about it in the morning."

"Aww I wanted to talk to you now but tomorrow it is!"

Author's note:-
The fic was actually a lot bigger but i cut it short so yeah! Just thought I'd say that. Bye!

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