No Longer Platinum?! (Victuri)

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The hell do I always crack crack sorta fics?😐

Anyway, credits to GoldStar100 for creating the Silver-Platinum joke. That's what inspired me to write this fic so... thanks! 😀❤

Check out their one shots too. They're great af 😍

Happy Valentine's and Single Awareness day, yall 😆

Date of Publication: 14th February 2021 (HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO CHRIS!!❤😍)


It was another day of 2020 and Victor was wasting away in their couch with his phone, just like he does everyday of the pandemic. Yuri, on the other hand, picked up new hobbies to try out since the rink had shut down and has been doing great. The GPS has also been postponed to 2021 and so all the skaters had to do was stay home and safe like everyone else.



"We talked about this."

Victor looks up from his phone and looked at Yuri, who was standing near the couch looking disappointed, and gave him rather confused look. "'Bout what?"

Yuri sighed deeply, not surprised that Victor forgot. "You told me you wouldn't sit around on your phone all day," he said.

Victor realizes the situation he was in and placed his phone away, sitting up from his seat, smiling sweetly the younger male as he took Yuri's hand in his, caressing it dearly. "Yuri. My sweet, sweet Yuri..."

"Not gonna work."

"Yesterday night was a really magical and-and romantic night for the both of us and you know that. I didn't want to kill the mood with an unreasonable fight...." Yuri averts his gaze while Victor plays with Yuri's ring with a small grin. "And I know you agree."

Yuri looked back at him with an angry look. "Still! Why don't you try something productive instead of just sitting there with your phone all day? You know that's bad for you, right?"

"Oh, Yurio sent me a video," Victor said, looking at his phone. "I bet it's a meme or something."


"Join me Yuri." Victor said, gesturing Yuri to sit with him. "C'mon~ Don't be so grumpy."

"Okay, fine. Just one video," Yuri says, sitting beside Victor. Victor spread his arms offering Yuri to cuddle. Yuri sighed with a smile and sat between Victor's legs, his arms wrapped warmly around Yuri.

Victor read text under the link saying, 'Turn the subs on and hope the vid help ;) ' and then clicked on the link. The name of the video was in some foreign language, which he recognized it as Spanish? Yuri turned the subtitles on and played the video.

And the first thing the person in the video said was....

"Do you have grey hair?"

Victor's heart dropped as soon as he read that line. They realized it was a hair dye commercial as they continued watching. The man in video kept saying how having grey hair makes you look unattractive and old and how black hair can help you get ladies. Yuri had his lips pursed to surpress the laughter growing inside him while Victor felt his insecurity rise after each second of the video.

"Yurio is calling me old and unattractive!" Victor cried as soon as the video ended.

"Don't worry. You're not old. He just likes to tease you, that's all. And there's no doubt that you're attractive so..." Yuri said, placing a hand over Victor's.

"Aww!" Victor threw hands over Yuri and pulled him into a tight embrace. "This is why I love you so much!"

"But if he meant hair colour-wise-" Yuri immediately regretted what he had said. Victor lets go off Yuri and looks at his sadly.


"No! That's not what I meant!"

"Then what did you mean?" Victor gaze was serious, curious even, and that just made Yuri more tensed to answer but Yuri managed to turn their conversation back around by saying,

"We're getting too off topic! You said you'd do something instead of mopeing around all day."

Victor immediately fell silent for a moment and held Yuri back in his arms with a smirk. "Can't I start tomorrow?" Victor whispers into Yuri's ear, trying to get him to let Victor laze around for the rest of the day. He placed a hand on Yuri's thigh. "Please? Let's stay like this for a while..."

Yuri felt a certain heat grow on his cheeks and shook his head. "No! You're trying to trick me again!"

"Am not!"

"You are! You do this everyday."

"Not my fault you fall for it," Victor mumbled.

"Why you-!"

"C'mon~ I know you love cuddling with me." Yuri couldn't deny that. "So.... what do you say?"

Yuri turned his blushing face away. He hated how weak he was to Victor's pleading. "Fine. You can start tomorrow..."

"YAY!" Victor cheered. "I wonder what great things are there to try out!"

Yuri chickled at his enthusiasm. "That's the spirit!"

But Victor was only faking it. He didn't want to try new things. He just wanted to stay the way he was, surfing the internet, getting some eye-candy while Yuri tries out something like yoga, lie around with Makkachin, all those things but he didn't want to upset Yuri by not doing anything....

... and so, he decided to try out the only thing he wanted to try.


"They ran out of that chocolate I told you about," Victor said as he took off his disposable plastic gloves, his voice slightly muffled because of the mask he was wearing.

"It's alright. It'll show up," Yuri said, searching through the bags Victor brought in from the mall. Victor quickly took a smaller plastic bag which was beside and Yuri shot his a suspicious look. "What's that?"

"Oh, you know what it is," Victor teased, his wink making Yuri turn his head away immediately.

"O-okay," Yuri stuttered.

'Phew! Can't believe that actually worked,' Victor thought as he went into their bedroom.

Victor quickly ran into the bathroom in excitement and took the packet out of the bag.

30 minutes later....

'What's taking him so long?' Yuri went to their bedroom and placed an ear against the bathroom door to guess what he was doing. 'What's he doing in there?'


"Yeah?" Victor responded from the other side of the door.

"What are you doing?"

A pause. "Nothing."

"Then come out."

"I'm... not dressed. Yeah! I'm so very naked here."

Yuri clearly saw right through from the way he spoke. "Victor, you better not be lying to me."

"Why would I lie to you, Yuri? I would never-" Victor's heart stopped for a second when he heard the doorknob turn. "YURI NO-!"

"At least lock the door when yo-" Yuri's eyes went wide when he saw his fiance standing in front of him.... with a brush and a bowl in hand and some paste like substance on the right side of his hairline.

"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?!" Yuri shouted, horrified.

"I'm trying something out," Victor responded with a bright smile. "It's that hair dye Yurio sent the video of."

"What's the matter with you?! Why would are you-"

"Pfft- this is just temporary hair dye. It'll wash right off as soon as I-" Victor froze when his eyes landed on the word 'permanent' on the packet, which he didn't know had an English translation right under the Spanish writings. "Holy sh-"

"YOU IDIOT!" Yuri exclaimed as he checked the packet and read the writings. "What are you gonna do?!"

"I don't know! I only dyed the right part!" Victor says, panicking that his hair would say black permanently.

"Then dye the other part!"


"You look like a hideous Cruella De Vill or something!"


"You got any better idea?!"

"I could maybe.... dye it back?"

Yuri pinched the bridge of his nose with a sigh. "You seriously think they sell silver hair dye?"

"It's platinum!" Victor corrected.

"Same thing!"

"No! Platinum is my hair colour and silver is what old people have and I'm not old!"

"Okay, fine! Platinum it is then!"

The two men went silent for a moment as they both stared at the packet of dye and the same man in the video, smiling brightly on the box next to it.

"So what are you gonna do?" Yuri asked.

"Maybe... not be Cruela De Vill and.... dye the rest?" Yuri shrugged. "It's just us and Makkachin here. It's not like someone is going to see us or anything."

"What about my parents?"

"Uh... I'm sleeping?"

"And how long do you think that's going to work?" Victor placed his index finger on his lips in thought.

"You know what? Let's just focus on 'this'"-Yuri waved his hand over Victor's hair-"right now."

"Okay... so I'll dye the rest then..."

"I'll do it for you. Don't want to you messing up your hair even more."

Victor chuckles. "Alright."


"So, how do I look?" Victor asks Yuri, who washed his hair for him.

"I- um..." Yuri quickly threw a towel over Victor's head to ignore the question and began to towel his hair. Yuri's mind wasn't processing the result of his future-husband's stupidity and he didn't want to get used to such a hair colour on him.

"I'm sorry, Yuri," Victor mumbled as he held Yuri's waist.

"It's alright. Don't be so worried about your real hair colour, okay? Silve-" Victor groaned sadly. A sigh escaped Yuri's lips."'Platinum' is a unique hair colour and you shouldn't be so ashamed of it," he said.

"I understand..."


Victor smiled to himself. It felt like it was only yesterday when he told something about self-insecurity to him He has grown up so much since then.

"Okay.... time for the big reveal, I suppose," Yuri said, letting go of the towel that was over Victor's head. Victor stood up from his seat on the edge of the bathtub and stood in front of the mirror. "You ready?" Yuri asks, fearing what Victor's reaction might be.

"Born ready!"

"No regrets?"

"What makes you say tha- Wait, is it-" Yuri pulls the towel from his now-black hair and Victor just looked at himself with wide eyes. Victor looked at Yuri. "What do you think?"

"I dunno. It's weird to see you like this... What about you?"

Victor looks at the mirror and a satisfied grin. "I expected worse so not bad? Can't go out with this though. Might have to hide this from everyone."


"But it's alright, right?"



Yuri cletched his fists tightly. "I can't lie to you like this. I love you too much to not to say it. I'm sorry but I think it's a horrible look on you! There! I said it!"

"I know, right?!" Victor cries. "I look weird! And I feel like my hair got thinner after dying it!"

"You do? Didn't know that was a thing."

"That's a thing? No, no, no, no! I better get this fixed"

"But the salons are closed and-"


"Oh no...."

"What do we do?!" Victor exclaimed. "I can't face your parents like this!"


"Oh! Tell them I'm sick or something!"

"We're in a pandemic! We can't just lie like that!"

"Tell them I'm out for shopping, then."

Yuri ran out of the bathroom and into the living room and took his phone. The lie made the phone call a lot longer. The worried parents gave Yuri a lecture on how buying things online was easier and safer.

Yuri just nodded, not listening to the entire thing since this was all they say every time they call. He can't blame them. Any parent would be worried if their child is living away from them. Even worse, if they're in a different country from them. Yuri's urge to go back home grows every time they do but the fact that all flights have be stopped made it worse. How he longs to go back.... but he couldn't show it no matter what. It would just make them worry a lot more.

"Okay.... I better get going," Yuri said, smiling softly.

"Oh okay, okay! Take care!" Toshiya said.

"Make sure you both eat well!" Hiroko said.

"We will." They parents gave the phone to Mari after bidding their son goodbye. "You doing good there?"

"Yeah, yeah. These guys keep worrying too much. You know, about how business is going and how you guys are doing," she says.

".... I noticed."

"Yeah, but on the bright side, they're trying to learn English to talk to Victor from the movies he told them about. We need more recommendations by the way."

Yuri chuckled. "I'll let him know," Yuri replied, glancing at Victor who was sitting on the couch with Makkachin on his lap.

"Okay then. I'll text you," Mari said.

"Bye, Nii-chan."

"Later, dweeb." With that and a smile, Mari ended the call, Yuri's smile fading immediately.

"It's so nice to hear you speak Japanese," Victor comments. "It's like your voice changes completely when you do."

"How so?" Yuri makes his way to Victor and takes a seat beside him.

"It gets a lot softer and rather.... expressive?"

Yuri looked at Victor dyed raven hair and back into his blue eyes. "I could say the same. Your voice gets sorta deeper when you speak Russian."

"I noticed," Victor beamed. "I read one fan saying that it's hot." Yuri nodded slowly in response. He'd be lying if he said it wasn't. "I found a way to get the hair dye off. Something with vitamin tablets."

"Ooh.... that's great. Let's go buy some tomorrow then," Yuri said, patting Makkachin on the head. "So... anything else you're planning to try out?" Yuri asked, noticing Victor's expression change into a mischievous one immediately.

Victor cupped Yuri's face with his hands. "Oh my loving, loving Yuri. My sweet, sweet-"

Yuri laughed at this comment, bringing a sweet smile on Victor's face. "Gosh, what will I do with you?" he asked, resting his head on Victor's shoulder.

Victor planted a kiss on Yuri's head and that's when another idea came in mind. Hm.... he's had enough experiments for today. He could try it out first thing tomorrow.


The next day....

Yuri let out a long yawn and walked to the living room, still half-asleep eventhough he brushed his teeth and washed his face. He had brewed himself a cup of coffee, a regular habit he took up after moving to Russia, and drank it slowly, taking his time and savouring the warmth of the cup in his cold hand. He noticed his phone of the in front of him on the coffee table and he picked it up and decided to scroll through his social media since he didn't know what else to do.

He read a few articles and posts, still sipping the coffee and then-

Yuri choked on his coffee and was now in a fit of harsh coughing. Yuri blinked a few times and looked back at the screen, to make sure he saw the post correctly and to his dismay, it was right in every way.

Yuri sleeping with his mouth open on the side of the picture is one thing but Victor actually posting a picture of himself, lying next to him with his signature smile and with the description as 'Now we match!' was something Yuri was shocked to see.

He checked the comment under the comment and it was mostly just fans and shippers. What caught his eyes were Chris' repost with the description 'I'll do u one better, @v-nikiforov' and a picture of his cat's fur dyed black in such a way that, it looks like it was wearing pants.

There were so much more from where that came from. A lot of celebrities and some familiar skaters like Leo, Guang-Hong, Emil and Mila dyed parts of their hair black too after the post. Phichit even dyed all of his 'babies' entirely black. Yuri wondered why he was so surprised to all these responses. Victor's post was trending (A/N: idk how social media work) and was getting more and more replies, reposts and like by the moment.

Yuri couldn't help but laugh at the whole situation. The one thing of being famous is that people would admire or takes interest them even if they had done the most stupidest of things and Victor was definitely no different.

"What a dork," Yuri chuckled to himself as he look at his screen, as if smiling back at the picture of Victor smiling.

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