Horror Movies at Night (Victuri)

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Why do I only write Victuri shots? Why can't I write any Otayuri ones! Argh!

Okay, this is one is from a prompt I got from a website called 'OTP Generator'. I took a few of em for future plans but this one was the one that caught my eye the most, so hope u enjoy 😀

Date of publication: 15th February 2021


"Um.... t-that was a good movie," Victor said, forcing a smile at Yuri.

"Yeah..." Yuri turned off the television and pulled the blanket wrapped around the closer to his neck. "It's pretty late. Makkachin even slept through the half of it." Yuri's shivering hand caressed the top of the sleeping poodles head and fixed his gaze on him as he couldn't help but think about the horrifying movie they just watched.

Victor chuckled softly. "Why are you shivering? You scared?" Victor teased, trying to hide his shivering hands under the blanket.

"No! What made you think that?" Yuri replies, quickly with a fake, uncomfortable smile. "T-That wasn't real! Dolls and things can't be possessed." Can they?


The couple stayed quiet for a moment, the scenes from the film repeating over and over in their minds, making them more and more cautious about what's around them. The movie isn't real! What's there to be scared about?

"W-We should get to bed," Yuri muttered quickly getting up from his seat on the couch and walking quickly to their bedroom. Victor followed equally fast behind him, leaving Makkachin sleeping on the couch, not wanting to go anywhere away from Yuri.

Victor noticed the unusual speed in Yuri's pace as he brushed his teeth. Yuri was done quicker than usual and got under the blanket immediately.

Victor and Yuri said a hesitant "good night" to each other before, Victor reached his finger to the light switch. He took a second, gulped and then switched off the lights before quickly running to his side of the bed and covering himself with the blanket.

"Why did you run?" Yuri asked.

"N-No reason," Victor responds, letting out a chuckle for reassurance.

The darkness of the room made both their hearts beat a little faster than before. The minute sounds from outside made their hearts leap and they kept their eyes shut tightly, not daring to open them. Time became slower for the two, eventhough they don't realize how half an hour passed without any sleep.

Yuri felt the need to call Victor. He didn't want to wake the 'sleeping' man for a silly reason as he has and laid completely still waiting desperately for sleep to come his way. He didn't want Victor to think of him as a coward. It's embarrassing!

Victor, on the other hand, felt the same. He was felt a sense of inferiority at Yuri's calmness and envied how he was able to 'sleep' so easily, even after watching a horror movie as scary as the one they just watched.

The thought of their lover laughing at them, made Yuri and Victor feel more helpless and the back of their mind kept replaying the horrific scenes again and again.

Victor slowly brought his arms to Yuri and wrapped him into a hug. The two felt a little safer like this and Yuri placed his hand over Victor, their rings making a small noise when they touched.

"Not asleep yet?" Victor whispered, making a small crack in the silence.

Yuri hummed twice in response and turned to his other side to meet Victor's eyes. "I can't sleep..."

"Me neither...." Yuri bit on to his lower lips and averted his gaze.

'He knows why I can't sleep.... that's why he woke up,' the two thought.

"Why don't we.... talk or something?" Victor suggested, desperate to get his mind off those things.

Yuri felt a weight lift off from his shoulders as relief flooded in him with just that question. What an angel!

"Sure," Yuri grinned softly.

Victor returned the smile and cupped Yuri's cheek with his hand, slowly caressing his warm skin with his thumb. "So what do you wanna talk about?"

"I dunno... what do you wanna talk about?" Yuri asked, trying not to focus on anything but Victor's touch.

"Hm..." Victor's gaze fell on Yuri's soft lips and then back his brown eyes and gave him a mischievous smile. "You know," he began, "you look really cute when you watch a movie."

Yuri felt his cheeks flush. "I-I do?"

"Yup! Your eyes so focused on the screen, your lips agape–"

"Stop it~" Yuri chuckles lightly.

"I can't help it. I love it when you make that face. It makes me wanna kiss you so badly!" Victor says, cheerfully.

Yuri couldn't help but blush even more at his comment. ".... then why didn't you?"

Victor leaned in a little closer to Yuri, stopping mid-way to look into Yuri's eyes for permission. Yuri's eyes were lidded as he gazed into his lover azure eyes and slowly came closer to kiss his lover's lips so dearly.

Just as they were about lock lips, the sudden sound of the doorknob interrupted their romantic mood and quickly turned it into that of a horror movie.

The two men's gaze were now at the door. The two men yelped when the doorknob turned quickly again, more frantic this time, still not opening the door. The continuous turning of the knob became louder and quicker that they two clinged on to the other for dear life.

"Victor!" Yuri shrieked as he quickly crawled on top of his fiance, his shivering hand tightly holding on to his bare, broad shoulders.

Victor held on Yuri tightly for dear life and pushing himself to the edge if his bed to keep distance with the door. His wide, scared eyes were fixed on the noisy door as his breathing became more and more uneven, Yuri's whimpering making him more scared than ever.

"Yuri...." Victor whispered in a trembling voice as he gripped on the younger male's hair to hide his face from the sight of the door.

The noises stopped for a second and then the door swung wide open with one big thud, sending Yuri and Victor screaming and bawling loudly in fear. They had their eyes shut, not wanting to look at what, horrid being opened their door, and just prayed silently in their respective mothertongues.

Victor hid his crying face on Yuri's head and Yuri's on Victor's chest. What did fate have in store for them was the question that ran through their minds but the sound of familiar whimpering, made the two skaters slowly look at the other side of the room.

A deep sigh of relief escaped both their chest, when they saw Makkachin. Makkachin was whimpering, worried on why they screamed when he entered the room.

"Don't scare us like that, Makka!" Victor scolded in Russian at the dog, who began to whimpered sadly at his words.

Yuri chuckled softly and held out a hand to Makkachin, gesturing him to come over. Makkachin ran into Yuri's arms and licked his tears as a sort of apology for scaring him.

"You gave us quite a fright," Yuri laughed.

Victor sighed and smiled at how silly the two were being. "We need to stop watching horror movies," Victor claimed, scratching the dog's furry back.

"Yeah, we better," Yuri agreed.

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