Final Day - 8) Plans After Gold

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Victuri week 2018, day 8
Created on: 16 October 2020

You guys have no clue how many times I changed between prompts! My brain wasn't functioning with those topics at all! So I wrote a quick, cliched one so that I end Victuri week 😆

I have an Otayuri fic in mind that's why 😀

Also, I just realized that I can't end one shots well 🥺
But that doesn't mean I can't improve 😀


I woke up shivering frantically in the cold. I pulled the blanket closer to me to keep warm but it wasn't working. How do people in Russia live like this?! It's freezing! I turned to my side and brought my arms to hold my fiance, who I hoped was warm but I felt the cold sheets instead. He woke up already? That's surprising. He never wakes up earlier than me. I pulled the entire blanket and wrapped myself around it. I feel like a hot dog now.

..... okay not a good way of describing it.

I thought about the weird dream I had about Victor pushing Phichit off a cliff and blaming it on Makkachin and I'm not surprised that that's the only thing I remember from all of it. I wonder why he pushed him off a cliff. Was it because he was jealous or something? This is wasn't as weird as the dream I had of all of us being in a sports anime. That haunted me for a while.

I could feel sleep was on its way to me but that when I heard the door creaking slowly. For the sounds of the footsteps, I knew it was Makkachin. He laid down quietly on Victor's side of the bed and my want to hug the dog grew but my arms were inside the blanket. Shoot, Makka left the door open. It's getting colder here!

I somehow managed to roll out of the blanket and walk over to the door with my eyes still closed. I jumped back to the bed as soon as I closed the door but then a while later, the door opened again but this time it was Victor. I swear this is-

"Were you awake?" Victor asked.

'Ya think?' was what I wanted to say but I remained silent, pulling the blanket closer to my neck.

I scooted forward to the other side and then I felt Victor sit beside me and I was now between him and Makka. I turned over to his side and looked at him with lidded eyes. Victor moved my hair away from my forehead with a smile and I leaned closer to his hand, savouring his warm touch as much as possible.

"Are you gonna get up?" he asked, softly. I slowly shook my head in response. "I woke up early for you... so get up" My eyes shot open and I gave him a surprised look. Don't tell me he- "What's with that look?" He paused for a moment. "Oh no I didn't burn anything while making breakfast," he chuckled. That's.... surprising. I sat up on the bed, stretching my arms upwards before getting out of the bed. I wonder what he made for breakfast.

After brushing my teeth and shaving, I went to the kitchen to check if he burnt anything or made a mess but there wasn't a single thing that was different from how I maintained it.

"Vitya?" I called out.

"Yeah?" He walked over to the room with a small smile.

I looked around again and then looked at him. "Since when do you get all tidy?" I asked. "You even cleaned the dishes?"

"Just thought of being a bit more helpful, that's all," he replied, smiling.

"Aww what a good boy!" I said, patting his head with a teasing smile. Victor's blue eyes were looking straight into mine and they looked.... worried? "Wait a minute...."

"Oh, oh! Let's go for a walk before eating, shall we?" he said, breaking eye contact and faking a smile a lot.

I raised my hand, signaling him to stop and then I realized it. "Victor?"


"Why did you use the air freshener?" I questioned.

He hid his hands behind him. "I didn't want you to guess what I made," he mumbled.

I can see right through his lie. "You're bluffing."

"No, no, seriously! Also, I love the smell of lavenders."

"What did you burn?" I asked, folding my arms.

A small, sweet smile creeped up on his face. "The eggs?" he said.

I sighed in frustration. "What did I tell you about using the kitchen and burning stuff, Victor?"

"I didn't want you to cook all the time. I wanna cook for you too, you know?"

I felt my face turn red and I averted my gaze. "Ask for help next time. I don't want you burn stuff up here again and again," I said.

"Okay," Victor said, smiling brightly. "How about we throw the burnt eggs I made and go out to eat this time?"

"You're paying," I said, taking Makkachin's bowl from the floor.

"I paid last time!"

"You burned the eggs!"



After having a huge sandwich each, we took Makkachin to the park where he met his bulldog friend while we sat on a bench, watching the two play from afar.

"Say," Victor said, "what do you plan to do when you win gold next year?"

"Tch, how are you so sure I'm gonna win gold next year?" I asked.

"Because I'm coaching you," he said, smirking proudly.

"How do I know that you won't steal it away from me?" I asked.

"Answer my question~" Victor said.

I watched the two dog for a while as I thought about it. "Well... try to win another gold? You did tell me that you want me to be a five-time gold medalist like you, right?"

He chuckled. "Oh, I did say that, huh?"

"Let's just say you win a gold next year," I said, "what are you gonna do next?"

"My sixth gold, huh? Hm..." He placed his hand on his chin like he always does when he thinks. "Regret, maybe? I don't know."

I was taken aback by his answer. "Regret? What do you mean?" I asked.

Victor smiled warmly and took my hand in his. "I'll be extending the time for the day my dream will come true," he said.

"And what is that?"

"Marrying you after you win gold," he whispered. My face quickly turned beat-red the moment he said the first two words and I looked the other way, too embarrassed to face my fiance. "Aww, blushy Yuri!~"

I turned my hand to intertwine his finger with my own, clasping it with his ring cold on my skin. "I'll try my best," I mumbled.

"You better! Just because I want you to win gold, it doesn't mean I'll go easy on you. You gotta earn it!" he said, smiling brightly.

"Don't worry. I'll beat you in front of the whole world and win that gold," I said.

"Man, I want to kiss you so badly!"

"No.... That's PDA, Victor," I said, looking at his weirdly.

"You call kissing in a park is PDA? I kissed you on live television," he said, proudly, "and thanks to that, I don't have to worry about anyone stealing you away from me."

"No wonder you get all lovey-dovey when the press comes up," I said, annoyed.

"I have no regrets, Yuri.... no regrets."

"You're very cheesy today," I said, trying to change topic.

"And you're so blushy today. Oh wait, you're always blushy and cute."

"That's because you're always make me that way," I admitted, shyly.

"Oh. You really think so~" His tone was so seductive and irresistible. I saw him leaning closer to kiss me and I guess a quick kiss wouldn't hurt. I leaned in to do the same but I felt a hand on my head, pulling me away harshly.

"Do you a^*holes have to be disgusting even in public?!!"

"Yurio!" Victor said, smiling at him.

"Don't call me that!"

I covered my face with my hands, embarrassed that he saw us. Why him out of everyone?!

"Did you guys see a Russian blue around here?" Yurio mumbled.

"A what?" Victor asked.

"It's a gray cat with blue eyes. Tch! Why the f*^k am I asking you creeps?!"

"Why don't we three search for it? What do you say, Yuri?" Victor asked me.

"I dunno. Do you wanna?" Yurio said.

"Sure!" I said, happily.



Hope u guys like the eight chapters of Victuri! Which one was ur favourite? Mine was the 'Try not to kiss challenge' and 'A pair of rings'. They were the ones I had most fun to write 😀
Let me know what u think....

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