(Otayuri) An Answer

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Whoop whoop!! My first Otayuri fic!!😀

Can I just say how well that pic 'suits' this oneshot? 🤪

K, that was lame 😂

I'm not that happy with how it turned out but hopefully it's enjoyable..... you be the judge of that 😆😅

I read this like five to six times cause I was insecure with this but I posted it anyway so YEAH!!


I remember.... those many times....

"Yurachka, how did you hurt yourself again?" Grandpa asked, kneeling down to my height with a concerned look.

"I fell," I mumbled, holding my head low.

It was obviously a lie but I kept saying the same excuse....

"I know you're lying, Yura," he said.

... but he always knew.

"No, I fell," was what I kept telling him but he would always coaxed me into telling the truth.

Ever since those horrible days.... I've been afraid. Afraid to get close with anyone and getting hurt in the end like most people I knew did.

The friends I made then... were monsters. They apologise for excluding me all the time and would invite me over to make it upto me, just to beat the sh▪︎t out of me. Even then I still kept hoping.... like the stupid, naïve kid I was. It was the same cycle over and over again, until I've decided.... that I wouldn't befriend anyone again.....

That is, until I met him, the one who stole my heart. My one and only friend (slash crush), Otabek Altin.

He was the boy who was struggling the most to keep up in ballet class. I used to find him pretty weird since, according to the me of the past, ballet was the easiest thing in world (how I wrong I was). I caught him staring a lot of time before and I kept wondering why and I got the answer..... through a phone call a few months ago.

"I... I fell in love with you, Yura," he told me. "Ever since we met at Yakov's summer camp, I've just keep falling for you deeper and deeper." He didn't let me say anything, instead he told me to answer him after the Grand Prix Finals. I wanted to tell him the feelings were mutual.... but I had to wait, which was pretty frustrating.

People say, being more than friends means being lovers but that's completely wrong, if you ask me. A good relationship between friends can be as strong any romantic connection.....


I'm willing to make our relationship equally strong and take it to another track!

"Yurio! Wanna join us for ice cream?" Victor asked, smiling that ugly heart smile of his. I saw Yuri standing beside him smiling at me too.

I guess a bit of ice cream won't kill anyone. "Are you guys paying?" I asked.


"Alright then."

It's been two day since I lost to these two a*^holes. They're currently in their honeymoon phase, since the pig won gold and all. I mean, they've always been stuck in that phase but it's just a slightly bit more disgusting than usual.

"Yuri, Yuri! They shape ice creams in the shape of Makkachin!" Victor exclaimed, showing Yuri the menu.

"Woah! We should try that!" Yuri said.

"Is there a cat?" I asked.


I pouted. "Then I'll have the dog then."

I should come here again with Beka one time.

"So Yurio-"

"I told you not to call me that," I cut him off.

"Are you ready for the banquet tonight?" he asked.

My face went pale. "It's today?!" I asked, shocked.

"Didn't you know?" Yuri asked.

"No! Holy sh^t, what do I tell Beka?!"

"What about him?" Victor asked, slyly. F*^k, I said that out loud, didn't I?

"None of your business, you geezer!"

Oh no, no, no!! My plans to confess to him at the banquet is now a total disaster!

"Don't be nosy, Vitya," Yuri said.

Victor gasped. "But Yuri~!"

I don't have enough time. I thought I did but.... What if he asks? What do I tell him? I do love him and all but won't it be embarrassing to tell? I'm not ready for this! What do I do? What do I do?! Ahh, this is a nightmare!!


"Oh no, they're drinking," I said to myself as I watched the stupid couple and other skaters drink.

"Hope they won't mess stuff up like the past two years."

"Yeah...." Wait... "AAHH, OTABEK!!" He's here! He's here! "Y-You scared me there!"

He chuckled. "Sorry," he said. "So, how are you doing?"

Don't smile at me like that, you butthead... I can't think straight!

"I-I, um... feel like cr#p right now! Yeah! Can't believe I lost to those old dudes," I said, laughing fakely. I'm a mess...

"At least they can get married this year," he said. "It's very demanding that Victor wanted a gold medal to marry him."

"I know, right? I'd marry my beloved without asking for anything but their permission," I said, folding my arms.

Otabek looked away, awkwardly and I was dying on the inside of embarrassment because of what I said. What's wrong with me?! I just wanna curl up in the corner and stay there till the party is over.

"Uh... do wanna get something to eat?" Otabek asked.

"I saw a sushi stall around," I mumbled.

"Sounds good."

A time small time skip (brought you by Phichit's thicc hamsters.....)

We kept chewing the sushi slower and slower and looked at each other with a disgusted look. I stopped chewing and kept it in my mouth, not wanting to swallow the food.

(No hate towards Sushi lovers✌🏳)

"Do ya like it?" I asked Beka, who shook his head immediately. We looked down at the plate with a lot more sushis on it and somehow, managed to swallow the ones in our mouths and the after taste was way worse. I handed the plate over to Beka and quickly went over and came back with two glasses of juice to wash it down.

"That was horrible," Otabek said, scrunching his nose.

"How do Japanese people even eat these?" I said, drinking the juice.

"LIKE THIS!!" The voice belonged to none other than Yuri, the drunk gold medalist. He was wearing his white shirt, which was unbuttoned completely, and his boxer, when he ate a couple of sushis from the plate.

"Hey! This is our sushi plate!! Go get your own!!" I shouted, grabbing the plate from him.

"Then why don't you eat 'em then?" he asked, smirking confidently.

"F*^k you!!"

"F^*k you too."

"F^*k me, Yuri!" Victor, who was clearly drunk, said.

"Eww! Gross!" I exclaimed in disgust.

"Why didn't you say so, babe~?" Yuri said, smirking seductively at Victor.

I screamed and covered my eyes when they began making out like crazy. I placed the sushi plate on my chair and stormed away from them..... traumatised!! Otabek followed me and came over to me with an uncomfortable look.

"Why are they always like that?!"

"That image is gonna take a while to forget," Otabek said, uncomfortably.

"Yeah. What a bunch of creeps..."

I looked at my feet while we stood there in silence as he watched the other skaters party their drunk a^*es off. Glad there's a no photo policy now.....


....... is this is a good time to tell him? No, no. There are people here. If not now then, when? I could just sit somewhere else without the others interrupting and just tell him. Yes! I can do this! It'll be a piece of cake!


"Do you wanna get out of here?" he asked.


....Why? Just why?

"Oh, were about to say something? I'm sorry I interrupted."

"What a coincidence! You just read my mind! I, um..." - I cleared my throat - "was about to ask the same thing." I gave him a reassuring smile. "Why don't you go ask your coach, while I go ask Yakov?"

"Sure, wait for me by the front door, okay?" With that and a smile, he went towards his coach.

Hah, this is pretty annoying...

I went over to Yakov, who was eating the hors d'oeuvre angrily, with Lillia ranting about something on the seat beside him. I sorta feel bad for the guy since he can't leave with his ex-wife around.

"Hey Yakov. Otabek and I were wondering if we could-"

"No," Yakov cut me off.

"You didn't even-"


"See? That's what I told you! You never listen!" Lillia said, angrily.

"I know what he has to say and all I can say is, I've already lost a student to another skater and don't want to risk losing another one. I mean, look at them!" Yakov's finger pointed towards Victor and Yuri, howling along with the other drunk skaters when a person working there brought in a pole. Who the hell ordered that every year?!

"It's their life! They'll do what they want with it!" Lillia exclaimed, while rummaging through her purse. "Here you go, Yuri." She handed me a small bundle of Japanese cash. "You are going out right? Go get your friend and yourself something good."

"Lillia!" Yakov said.

"Oh, shut up, Yakov."

"I can't take this," I said, politely trying to give her the money back.

"Nonsense. We're in a foreign country! Buy a sovereign or something." She smiled.

"Thank you," I said, giving her a smile running off to the front door, where Otabek already waited.

"Whatchu got there?" Otabek asked.

"Lillia gave me a bit of cash to buy a sovereign."


"Now let's go explore Tokyo!" I cheered, smiling brightly.

"Yeah!" he chuckled.

Otabek and I walked around the streets, talking about random stuff. I learned that he likes to watch animes and read Japanese comics called mangas? Is that what it's called?

He also told me, his Japanese fans gifted him a DVD of his favourite anime. That's realy cool. Ha... I just love talking to him. He's so open-minded and straight forward about his opinions and thoughts and I love that about him so much.

"Oh, a comic store!" I said, pointing towards the store in the opposite side of the road. "Do wanna check it out? You could buy a copy of a comic you read!"

"Are you okay with it." he asked.

"Pfft- what does that mean? Of course I am okay with it."

"Okay, then."

And so, we went over to comic store. The nice smell of freshly printed books filled our noses. I wonder what kind of comics he reads. There were a lot of weirdly named genres written on the shelves like mecha, ecchi, shoujo, shounen, doujinshis and all, whatever those mean, along with international named genres like action and comedy. I followed Beka to the shounen part of the manga store and his eyes lit up with enchantment as he check out the books.

"Woah! The art style looks lit!" I said, taking a peak of the book in his hand.

"I know, right?" he said, smiling. "This is called One Slap Man."

"I heard of that. I saw the pig's sister watching it in Hasetsu once. I didn't understand anything though."

"I can understand a bit though."

"Woah, I had no idea!"

"A bit as in a few words and sentences," he said, smiling.

"Oh okay. The only words I know are katsudon and kampa." Otabek chuckled.

I looked around, the store while he check out the mangas. My eyes landed on the shelf behind us and I choked on my own saliva for a second there when I saw the covers of the shelves. What genre is it?! GL and BL. Woah, what's up with the books with lewd covers? Can't they make nice covers like the rest of the books in the shelf?

I wonder who has the guts to buy or make such lewd covered books.

Just then a girl wearing a black mask, hat and sunglasses quickly grab one of those lewd looking books and run to the cashier. Haha.... nice.

I quickly averted my gaze to avoid any sort of awkwardness and just kept watch on him. Don't want Otabek thinking I'm a pervert and I'm checking out those covers.

"Aw.... they're all Japanese," Beka mumbled.

"Why don't we ask someone for an English copy?" I suggested.

"I don't think Japanese people know English very well," he said.

"Well, we'll never know until we ask now, will we?" I said.

"On second thought, I could buy it online," he said. "I have a few discount coupon so...."

I shrugged. "Suit yourself."

I followed the direction of his gaze and noticed that the BL, GL section caught his eye. He went over and took a non-lewd, looking book and check the inside of it. "Woah, I saw the movie of this one. Didn't know it was from a manga series though."

"It must be really nice then," I said awkwardly.

"It is."

Why does this feel so awkward?!

I looked at the same book on the shelf and it looked pretty interesting though. Two classmates, huh? I don't even remember the last time I went to school.

"They have English copies," I muttered to myself.

"They do?" Otabek asked.

"Ah, yeah." I pointed at the copies.

"Hm..." What kind of answer is that?!

"Don't you wanna buy it?" I asked.

"I said I'd buy it online," he said. He sounds pretty nervous. If he's not buying it then....

"I'll buy it," I said, talking the first three volumes of the series. I might be able to get to know him better by trying to understand his interests. Okay that was a lame way of thinking but I'm also curious on what the story is about.

"Really?" he asked, surprised.

"Yeah. I could give it a try," I said. "Woah, the covers look beautiful but why is it on the backcover side?"

"The Japanese read books backwards," Otabek explained, "so just gotta read the speech bubbles and panels from right to left."

"Oh~ sounds like a challenge," I said, smiling.

Otabek laughed. "It takes a while to get used to it though."

"Who do you think you're talking to? I can handle it," I said, giving him a gentle punch on the arm.

"We'll see," he said, smiling back at me.

I bought the three books with the money Lillia gave us and the cashier recognised us and even took a picture with us, which was sorta annoying. I hate interacting with fans. It's such a pain in the butt.

"So, what was the movie like?" I asked.

"It was really just nice and simple," he said with a smile.

"I can lend the comics to you, if you want," I said, looking away.

"Alright, but you can lend it after you're done reading it," he said.

"I will."

We stayed silent for a while as we looked around the busy streets of Tokyo. It was way different from Hasetsu by so many levels. It felt a lot more.... busy. I prefer Hasetsu a lot more.

"What are your plans for the break?" I asked Otabek.

"Hm... I don't know. I didn't think of anything yet," he replied. "How about you?"

"I... I plan to go to Hasetsu with the pig and Victor for a few days," I said. "It's really nice and peaceful there."

"You went there last year too. Is that great as you say it is?" Otabek asked, curiously.

"It is," I said. "I didn't actually like it at first when I went for the first time but it sorta gives off these... nice, warm, homely vibes, you know?" A thought struck my mind and my eyes went wide. "Hey, do you wanna join me? To Hasetsu, I mean."

"You.... don't mind?" he asked in a low voice.

"No! Not at all!"

He thought for a moment and then answered. "Okay then. I'd love to join you," he said.

I felt my heart leaped out of my chest when he said that. "This is great! I can't wait to spend the vacation with you!" I said unable to control my smile.

"Me too," he said, smiling back at me.


"HOLY SH#T!!" I exclaimed fearfully when I noticed a group of girls, who obviously fans, squealing and running towards us from afar. "It's the mob again!"

"This is just like last year's banquet," Beka said, fearfully.

I looked at him with a worried look. "Run!"

Just like before, we began to run because of the chasing fans. They were comparatively more than those who chased us at last year's banquet but luckily they're weren't any faster. Damn these crazy fans, who loves us too much!! And damn this stupid suit pants!!


"Huh?" Otabek grabbed my forearm and pulled me into a small, dark alley to hide.

I was really close to him because I lost my balance and my face buried in his chest. My heart began to race like crazy at the position we both were in and I froze up, not knowing what to do in this position. Oh my God! Oh my God! Oh... woah, he smells nice. I wonder what cologne he- WHAT THE F*CK AM I THINKING?!

"I think they're gone," Otabek whispered.

I can't.....


I have to say it.

I gripped tight on his shirt and rest my forehead on his chest. I could feel the pace of his heart was similar to mine, pounding and pacing quickly, and I bit my lip while muster up some courage.

"Yura... why are you..." He placed a hand on my head.

"Remember that phone we had months ago?" I asked in a low voice only for him to hear. I raised my head, looking at him.

"Of course," he said, his beautiful eyes staring right into mine.

The distance between us were still small that our noses were just centimeters away from each other. I've never seen him up this close.

"I have my answer," I said.

Otabek fell silent for a moment. "You do?" His tone seems like he was scared or rather, worried and his eyes were looking for an answer in mine.

I slowly cupped his warm cheeks with my hands and looked away, too bashful to say it. When I somehow gathered to the courage to tell him, I saw him leaning into my touch with a small smile, before look at me again. I looked seriously at the guy, who was clearly looking at me with so much love in his eyes and finally.....

"I love you, Otabek."

I said it!!

Otabek's eyes were wide for a moment but then he shook his head and slowly took my hand in his with a smile. He looked down to my level and tugged the strands of hairs, covering my eye, behind my ear and I couldn't control my smile and feel warm inside.

"You have no idea how I longed to hear those words," he whispered. I intertwined his fingers with mine and the touch itself made me feel butterflies in my stomach. "I love you too, Yuri."

Damn this heart of mine. It's beating like crazy that I might die of a heart attack at any moment.

He slowly and hesitantly leaned in closer to me and I did the same. Is he going to... kiss me? I slowly closed my eyes when he got closer, just waiting for him to steal my first kiss away.


.... our noses came in the way.

"I'm so sorry! I'm really new to this, um-"

"It's fine. I'm to all of this too," I said.

"Do noses always come in the way while kissing?" he asked, his face flushed.

"I don't know! You think I look?!"

"This is getting awkward," he said, averting his gaze, blushing madly.

"Yeah, it is. So...... start over?" I asked, hesitantly.

Otabek looked pertified. "Are you serious?" he asked. Aww! He's so adorable. I can't-

"We could try."

I slowly leaned in closer to him and he quickly closed his eyes tightly. What the heck?! He's making me do this?! It's now or never! I planted a quick kiss on his lips and quickly turned away, turning red.

I kissed him!! Holy sh^t!

I covered my face with my hands in embarrassment. I took a few deep breathes to calm myself and then turned to face Otabek who was smiling to himself like the cute guy he is.

"Why are you smiling like that for?" I mumbled, still not being able to look at him yet.

"How can I not? You stole my first kiss," he said. HOLY MOLY, HE NEVER KISSED ANYONE ELSE EITHER?! I'M LOSING MY MIND RIGHT NOW!!

"Ah, I see," I said, trying my best to keep my cool.

Otabek smiled warmly at me and I intertwined my fingers together in embarrassment and held my head low, my hair covering my face.

"Does this mean... we're dating now?" I asked, nervously.

"If you want it to be," he said.

"I wanna! I'd really like that, so...." I paused, "how about you?"

I felt his hand on my cheek and I looked up at him to meet his gaze. "I'd very much love that," he said.

Otabek slowly places his lips on mine, kissing my lips properly and so tenderly. My eyes were wide at first but then I gave into it, my eyes closing on their own. I felt like I was melting into the kiss and I borught my arms wrapped around his neck. One of his arms were wrapped around my waist and his other hand was still on my cheek. This feeling... it was completely magical.

I slowly pulled away after while, eventhough I didn't want to. I closer into a tight hug.
I love him so much.....


Yay! That was..... nice? Eh, I had fun writing so I'm contented even though it didn't make any sense and was quick-paced 😙

Comment what ya think and what u think i should improve on 😅

Anyway, since this chapter can't get any longer and lamer....

BONUS!! (Brought u by Chris c*^#ing on ice on the 6th ep)

Meanwhile, in the banquet......

"By the no actual power vested in me," Emil said, happily, "I now pronounce you two husband and husband. You may kiss."

Victor jumped happily on top of his half-naked fiance, who he drunkenly and not-legally-married, and made out with him on the floor in front of everyone, who was still conscious, in the banquet.

"Oh my God, they grow up so fast," Phichit, Yuri's best man, sobbed as he recorded the two.

"They didn't even marry for real," Seung Gil said.

"Don't kill the mood, kid," Chris said, smiling proudly at Victor and Yuri.

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