Chapter 12 Volume 2

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Ruby (POV)
Timeskip to 15 minutes after ZEED left
Our bullhead landed in mountain glen and we hoped off. We looked at the destroyed and deserted part of vale.
Oobleck- Ladies you may still be students but as of this moment your first mission as huntress has begun. From this point forward, you need to do exactly as I say. Do you understand?
We say nothing.
Oobleck- Ruby!
I jumped
Oobleck- I thought I told you to leave all your bags back at school.
Ruby- But uh you hadn't told us to listen to you yet. So I didn't.
Oobleck- (whispers to himself) She's not wrong. (Stops whispering) Very well Ruby leave your bag here. We can pick it up upon our return.
Ruby- But I
Oobleck- Young lady what in the world could you possibly have in that bag that could be so important to bring it with you
Out of bag pack pops Zwei my dog.
Ruby- (whispers to Zwei) Get back in the bag.
Oobleck- We're here to investigate an abandoned urban jungle that is teaming with death and hostility and you brought a dog?
Ruby- I uh..
Oobleck- Genius!! (Grabs Zwei and twils around with him) Canines are historically known for their perceptive noses and height sense of sound making them excellent for hunts such as ours!!
Ruby- I'm a genius.
Blake- So, what are your orders doctor?
Oobleck- Ah straight to the chase. I like it. (Drops Zwei) As you been informed the southeast has marked as a recent hotspot for grim activity. Now there are several possible explanations for this behavior one of which being grim.
Ruby- Uh what?
Oobleck- Grim. A creature of grim approximately 100 yards from us.
Blake- What?!
We all turn around to see a beowolf and we all ready our weapons.
Oobleck- Stop. There are a number of reasons why grim congregate in this area. Most likely it will be their attraction to negativity. Sadness, loneliness, hatred. All are qualities of a group harboring ill intent.
Ruby- So what now?
Oobleck- We wait. We track. If the specimen leads us to it's pack, that pack may subsequently lead us to our prey.
Blake- How Long do we wait?
Oobleck- It's uncertain. Hours, days, weeks. Why lone grim have been known to be isolated from the pack for months and there's the whole pack.
We see a pack of beowolves.
Weiss- What?
Oobleck- And now they've seen us.
Weiss- What!
Oobleck- And now they've seen us!!
Ruby- I take it tracking is out of the question?
Oobleck- An accurate assumption yes.
The grim begins to rush at us. We turn to oobleck to look for confirmation to fight.
Oobleck- Show me what you are capable of.
I aim the gun barrel part of scarlet rose at the grim.
Ruby- Cover your ears Zwei.
Yang rushes at the pack and punches hits the first beowolf with a right hook. Blake makes a clone of herself and slices three others in half. Six other grim chase Weiss. She stops and dashes at them killing all of them in a flurry of sword slices. A bunch more run at me and I gun most of them down while Zwei was running in circles next to me. I pick up scarlet rose and I aim the barrel behind me. I shoot and the recoil dashes me towards the last beowolf. I slice him in half and the battle ends.
Ruby- Piece of cake.
Oobleck- Do not celebrate yet for I am certain this is the first bout of many. Shall we continue?
Yang (POV)
We set up camp in an abandoned building for the night. Oobleck and Ruby are still outside checking the perimeter. I'm standing by the fire with Weiss and Blake.
Yang- I can't believe we didn't find anything.
Blake- We've always been fortunate enough to be in the right place at the right time. Guess we can't always have luck on our side. Even so, I trust Zack's intel. They have to be here somewhere. We just have to look harder.
Weiss- That's not what I meant.
Blake- Huh?
Weiss- Earlier about upholding the legacy. There's more to it than that.
Yang- Yeah. No me too. I mean, I don't know.
Blake- I don't know either. I know what I want to do but I figured I would just take things one step at a time.
Yang- Well, it doesn't matter. We know why we're here. Right?
Oobleck and Ruby come into our makeshift camp.
Oobleck- Ah wonderful! A textbook fire.
Ruby- (gasps) Fire! (Goes near fire) So warm.
Oobleck- Very good. Eat your dinners and hurry to bed. We have a lot of ground to cover tomorrow and we'll need you to take turns keeping watch over our temporary abode. Any volunteers for first watch?
Ruby- (raises hand) Yo!
Yang- You're starting to sound more like Zack.
Ruby- Yeah I know.
Yang- Hey, did oobleck ever ask you why you wanted to be a huntress?
Ruby- No he didn't. Hmmm weird. Oh well goodnight guys.
I watch her go to the opening ledge and sit down. I set up my sleeping bag and lay down to try and sleep.
Ruby (POV)
I pet Zwei as I hear grim howl in the distance.
Ruby *mind*- I wonder what you're doing right now Zack.
Author: Chapter 12 is done. Onwards to the next chapter.

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