Chapter 13 Volume 2

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Zack (POV)
Zack- Devils Stream!!
We were I in the middle of the clearing out process of the grim and I just took out 10 beowolves.
Zack- That's 15 for me. I'm winning!!
Ethan- Like hell you are.
Ethan jumps up in the air and his buster sword becomes encased in lightning.
Ethan- Thor's Strike!
He brings his sword down and stabs a death stalker.
Ethan- Another bites the dust. 16 for me!
Elias- Damn I only have 14
Dante- Same here.
We see the last enemy. It's beowolf.
ZE- I got this!!
Just as we were about to kill it, Qrow stabs from behind and kills it.
Qrow- That's 20. Sorry kids but I win.
Zack- Damn it Qrow.
Qrow- Sucks to suck. (takes out flask and drinks his alcohol) Alright, let's head out.
As we were about to leave we hear whimpering echoing throughout the cave.
Zack- You guys hear that?
Dante- Yeah. It seems to coming from farther back in the cave.
Elias- Lets go check it out.
We walk a bit further into the cave and find a dead beowolf. I move the body some and it revealed a beowolf cub.
Author: Cuteness incoming.

Zack- It's small. Probably the runt of the liter. So that means we killed its mother.
I squat down.
Zack- Hey there little fella. How are doing little guy. Come here. I got some food.
I pull out a piece of jerky fro m trench coat pocket and wave it in front of me. The cub is a bit hesitant but he comes to me and eats the food. He allows me to pet his head and he licks my hand.
Qrow- He won't survive without his mother. You have three choices kid. You either leave here for it to die, kill it yourself, or you can keep it.
I think for a second.
Zack- He doesn't look that old at all. He must've just been born a couple weeks ago. With training, love, and lots of care, he could be not a killer monster. Maybe only if I tell it to. I'm gonna keep the little guy. Plus, have you ever seen a grim this cute.
Ethan- Not gonna lie, that is the cutest thing I've ever seen.
Elias- He needs a name.
Zack- (picks up cub) Hmm. I'm gonna call you Kazuki. Or Kaz for short.
The cubs ears perks up and his tail wags
Zack- You like that name Kaz?
The cub let's out the cutest little roar.
Zack- Kaz it is then.
I carry Kaz in my arms like a baby.
Qrow- Alright lets go.
We walk out the cave to see the sun had just about set.
Qrow- Lets pick up the pace. I want to get to the inn as soon as possible so that I can drink.
Zack- You always drink.
Qrow- That is true.
We make our way back to the village and to the inn. I had to hide Kaz in my coat so that the inn clerk didn't see him. We got 2 rooms. Qrow went in his and we went in ours.
Zack- I call couch bed. You guys can figure out your sleeping arrangements.
I take off my coat and weapons and toss it on the couch bed.
Ethan- Hey Elias, can you turn on the tv?
Elias- Sure man
Author: Hotel room looks like this

Dante- Ah sweet. Venom is on. That's one of my favorites.
We watch venom for a little bit.
Zack- Ok guys I'm gonna shower.
Dante- Alright.
I look in the closet for towels.
Zack- Bro they got robes in here. Hell yeah.
Elias- No way.
Zack- Yeah way. I'm gonna wear one.
I take my towels, night clothes, and robe into the bathroom and shower. I come out wearing the robe.
Zack- It's a lot more comfortable than it looks.
Elias- I got to try this. I'm showering next.
We suddenly hear a knock on the door.
Ethan- Who is it.
Qrow- It's Qrow.
Ethan opens the door.
Qrow- (looks at Zack) Come to my room real quick kid. We gotta talk.
Zack- Oh shit. Alrighty then.
I follow qrow into his room and we sit in chairs across from each other. He he unsheathes his sword and puts on the table.
Zack- Ok I understand the talking part but is threatening me with the sword really necessary.
Qrow- For my niece, yes it is. Wouldn't you be like this when it came to your kids?
Zack- Fair point. You may proceed.
Qrow- I already know that you're a good kid and wouldn't do anything to hurt Ruby but why do you love Ruby? Your depends on your answer.
Zack- ... It wasn't like there was this sudden moment where I realized I love her. Loving her came with her being around me all the time. I've had some hardships in my past as you may know and I brought them with me to beacon. I didn't allow myself love people like that out of fear of losing them or they turn on me. Cinder made sure of that. But Ruby ended up helping me through her caring and adorable ways. She broke that proverbial shield around my heart. Plus she saw me as me. Not the demon. I love her it and I always will. I wouldn't be who I am now without her. She's amazing. You have a wonderful niece.
Qrow- I can tell when someone in bullshiting and when someone is being genuine. That kid was genuine. You have my approval.
Zack- Thanks Qrow.
Qrow- Go get some sleep. We gotta get up early tomorrow.
I leave his room and I go back to mine. The fellas and I finish watching the movie and I then go to sleep on the couch bed with Kaz snuggled up beside me.
Author: Chapter thirteen done. Hope y'all enjoyed it.

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