Chapter 11: Volume 8

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Ruby (POV)
We arrive at the Schnee Estate and Weiss immediately bangs on the door. Her brother is the one to answer the door.
Whitley- Oh you picked a fine time to-
Weiss draws her sword and presses it against Whitley's chest.
Weiss- Not another word. We're coming in.
We follow Weiss's lead and enter the home.
Whitley- Things are already bad enough after what you did to father. Now you want us to harbor fugitives too? Our family has a reputation?
Blake- (lays Nora down) That's what you're worried about? Your reputation?
Whitley- I'm just saying we already lost the house staff and mother locked herself in her room.
Weiss- Maybe you haven't figured out what's going on Whitley but we're busy trying to save Atlas.
Ruby- Look, our friend his hurt. We just need a place to lay low while she rest, she wakes up and then we'll be out of your way.
Whitley-..........Fine. What do you expect me to do then?
Weiss-...Go to your room.
Whitley sighs and heads up the stairs.
Weiss- This way you guys.
May and Blake pick up Nora and everyone follow Weiss. Everyone except Blake and myself.
Blake- Ruby......
Ruby- I just hope everyone is okay.
Blake- If you're worried about Yang, you can always try calling her.
Ruby- It's not just Yang. It's our friends. It's the boys. It's........Zack.
Blake- Ruby.......
Ruby- I honestly don't know how to feel. When I first lost Zack, I felt so empty. I didn't want I eat, I couldn't sleep, I cried so so much. The love of my life was gone and I could nothing to stop it. But thankfully he came back and wasn't really dead in the first place. I had Zack back. I had my soulmate back. But overtime, I noticed that he wasn't the same Zack as before. He's been more serious, more cut off, more of a loner. He's not letting me be close to him. Not me nor any of the rest of us. Alone. Alone like he used to be after his entire village was slaughtered by his brother on Salem's orders. Now we're in present where I don't know if he's dead or just taken over by that Astaroth guy. On top of that, Ironwood betrayed us, Salem is literally circling Atlas, we have to get Amity up and running, we're in the middle of four way war that involves Astaroth's demons, Salem's Grimm, Ironwood's androids, and the Angel army who I don't know if we can trust them or not to help us. Everything is just happening all at once and it's just a bit much. I just feel numb to it all. All I want is to stop Salem, get Amity up, and get Zack back. I......I really miss him.
I hear Blake walk up to and place a hand on my shoulder.
Blake- We'll get him back if it's the last thing we do. You forgot, we're family.
A slight smile spreads across my face and Blake pulls me into a hug.
Ruby- Promise?
Blake- Promise.
Ethan (POV)
Well we managed to get from hanging dozens of feet of the side of a cliff. Our bikes are heavily damaged and Evangeline along with Samuel are hurt. Jaune is currently trying to ahold of our friends but nothing is coming up. The sun is setting quickly and the snow is picking up. I walk up to Gabriel to talk to him.
Ethan- So Astaroth's boys huh?
Gabriel- Those guys are two out of the six generals that lead his army. All are very powerful in their own right but didn't think they were this powerful nonetheless skilled. We need to regroup but first, we need to get out of this weather and back to Mantle to seek aide.
Ethan- Right.
We gather all that we can begin our long walk back to civilization. We managed to get out of the snowy mountain landscape and into the snowy flatlands. Ren is getting progressively farther away from as if he's mad or something.
Yang- We need to get out of the weather before the cold drops our auras completely.
Ethan- And get Samuel and Evangeline somewhere warm so that can recover from their injuries. Ren, how much farther to the nearest outpost?
Ren doesn't respond and ignores me.
Yang- Ren, Ethan-
Ren- I don't know.
Ethan *mind*- Watch the tude dude. I ain't liking it.
Yang can see the annoyance in my face and walks up next to Ren.
Yang- Thought you said you saw one.
Ren- I did when we were chasing that Grim and fleeing Astaroth's guys. Before I had give up the chase and save you guys and Ethan in particular
I hear this and I speed walk to get in front of Ren.
Ethan- Hey man, I don't like that tone of yours. If you can something to say, man up and say to my face.
Ren- I don't have anything to say, it would be pointless and just waste more of our time.
Ren walks past me and shoulder checks me as he does. Yang looks on in confusion and shock. I ball my fists up but before I could do something, Yang forcefully turns Ren back around to face us.
Yang- What is your deal?!
Ren- Don't worry about it.
Yang- I'm sorry things aren't going smoothly enough for you but you don't got to take it out on my boyfriend.
Ren- Things are not going smoothly at all.
Jaune- Guys....
Gabriel- Hey come now......,
Ethan- Sorry to burst your bubble but things like this comes with being a huntsman.
Ren- Are you kidding me?! We don't know a thing about being a huntsman?! We weren't ready, especially you!
Jaune- Guys stop it!
Ethan- Me not ready?! I helped in big ways when it came to saving Haven, taking out a leviathan, and stopping a small woman with napoleon complex in a giant robot. We fucking got the lamp to Atlas.
Ren- And then we lost it! And after that when had to make real decisions, we got everything wrong. Not to mention the stuff before getting to Atlas, your team leader Zack obviously had some issues regarding demon king or whatever he is and now what's happened. He's either dead for real this time or he's that Astaroth guy who's made things really complicated. He was my friend once but now I'm not so sure. Same can be said for you and your carelessness.
Ethan- Excuse me? Why you mother-
Gabriel holds me back with the help of Yang.
Ethan- I'm not going to pretend everything has been peaches and cream during journey of ours but had we done nothing, what's going on in Atlas and Mantle would've been happened. And don't you ever diss Zack like that in front of me again you little shit! I will put your ass six feet the ground!
Ren- Go ahead and try. It's not like going to make anything better. We're stuck in the middle of nowhere freezing to death, Salem has the lamp and Oscar. We have no plan, no army and your so called best friend if you can even call him that, just sent his new buddies after us and they kicked our ass. Some "brother" he was. Oh and sure we have the maiden but by keeping her from opening the vault and from Ironwood, we're just trapping the whole city for Salem and Astaroth! People are going to die because of us.
It's getting harder for Yang and Gabriel to hold me back.
Yang- So what?! We should just give up and give Ironwood what he wants?! Abandon Mantle?! Give up on getting Zack back?! You still think Atlas is just going to flat to safety now that she's here and so is Astaroth?!
Ren- I don't know! These aren't the kinds of decisions we should be making because we have no idea what we're doing!
Jaune- Ok all three of you stop. Cut it out.
Ren- I'm just saying what nobody wants to. We are in way over our heads, Ruby is barely more than a kid, I'm just an orphan from the middle of nowhere-
Jaune- Ren st-
Ren- You cheated your way into beacon! And I might've been better off if Zack did die the night beacon fell or just never came back!!
Everyone's eyes go wide and then Ren realizes what he just said and instantly regrets it.
Jaune-.......You don't think we should be huntsmen? Fine, but I'm getting out of the cold. Some of us have a job to do.
Jaune walks off with the bike.
Yang- Seriously, is your goal to push everyone away? And then on top of that to say what you did about Zack? You really think he should've died or never came back? Is that how you really feel? Fine......
Gabriel and Yang stop holding me back and I instantly charge Ren and tackle him to the ground. I immediately start beating on his face with my fists.

Ethan- You sack of shit! Don't you ever in your life disrespect or insult my best friend ever again! You have no fucking idea what's he's been through! My best friend is not a monster that you think he is! Clearly you failed to see that despite knowing him all this time!!
Ren's nose bleeds and his lip is busted and bleeding. I get one last punch in before Yang pulls me off of him.
Ethan- Ren, listen and listen well. I don't care that you don't like Zack. What I have a problem is with the way you talked about him in such a disgusting way. I don't know what happened to you between Atlas and now, but whatever it is, it needs to be fixed NOW. Pull this shit again and things will be much worse for you. And that ain't a prediction, that's a spoiler. Shut the fuck up Zack or any of my brothers in team ZEED if you ain't got nothing nice to say. I am my brother's keeper and we be protect one another no matter how many times we may fight. Something you clearly need learn.
The rest of us turn and follow Jaune, leaving Ren by himself to think over what he's done. You don't mess with your brother's keeper no matter who you are.
Indigo: That's the end of this one. Hopefully you guys enjoyed it. Later indigo fam. Peace.

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