Chapter 12: Volume 8

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Oscar (POV)
Everything is fuzzy as I reawaken. Ozpin tells me everything is going to be ok. My vision becomes clear and I realize I'm somewhere not good at all. My eyes dart around until they land on a frightening sight hidden in the shadows.

Salem- My long lost Ozma. Found at last.
I struggle to get free of the Grimm holding me.
Salem- So small this new host of yours. It's a wonder my hound didn't break you. (Approaches Oscar) It's been how many years since we last saw each other like this face to face and you have nothing to say?
Kai- Answer the Queen when she speaks to you BOY.
Oscar-.......I'm sorry the reunion isn't living up to your expectations.
Her calm demeanor shifts unexpectedly as she forcefully grabs ahold of my face, her dark red soulless eyes piercing my gaze.

Salem- You can pretend boy but you're not fully him. Not yet at least.
She lets go of me and backs off.
Salem- Well, I hope you and I can have a better working relationship. What was the boy's name love?
Kai- Oscar madam.
Salem- Ah yes, Oscar. The Beacon relic, my forces have been unable to locate the relic beneath the school. If I know my Ozma, he's used some means of deception to hide its location differently than the others. I need to know where it is.
Oscar- I........that's not something I know about.
Salem-....Of course. He would keep that one guarded as long as possible. How about something easier then? The password for the lamp.
My eyes widen a bit.
Oscar *mind*- Gotta come up with something quick.
Oscar- The lamp is all out of questions.
Salem looks at Kai then back at me with a smirk. Suddenly she blasts me with her magic. I instantly let out screams of unimaginable pain. My screams fill the room as her smirk turns to a face of distain.
Salem- Lies come out if you so easily. Likeminded souls indeed. One of you is going to tell me what you know. I don't much care if it is you or Ozma. Either way, I'll finally have the relic.
Oscar- I won't tell you anything.
Salem- Is that so? Kai darling.
Kai- Yes ma'am.
Kai pops his knuckles and approaches me.
Oscar- Wait hold on.
I get punched straight in my gut with incredible force. The Grimm drops me to the ground and Kai looks down on me.
Kai- Hmph.
Kai reaches down and grabs me by my throat. I immediately begin struggling to breathe as his grip and my throat is iron tight. He picks me off the ground like I was weightless and he slams me back down with enough force to leave a body indention in the floor.
What Kai did.

I roll around in pain and spit up my own blood as another unlikely fellow enters the room.

Salem- I'll leave you boys to it.
Kai- Yes my Queen.
With that, Salem leaves.
Hazel- The amount of pain that I'm about to put you through is for my sister.
Oscar *mimd*- Dear god no. Somebody save me.
Timeskip to night
Ethan (POV)
We made it to a little makeshift shelter not too long ago just in time for the snow to fall down heavily.

Jaune managed to get the heater working as I get myself situated on one of the bunks they have in this cabin. Ren hasn't said a word since our fight.
Jaune- You're right Ren. I did cheat my way into Beacon. And I'm glad I had people around me to help me see that I was bigger than that mistake. You've got people around you too. You don't have to force yourself to be strong. The more you hide from what you're feeling, the more alone you're going to feel. Trust me. Also, I don't know how you truly feel about Zack but that back there wasn't it. From what I've seen, Zack has been like a brother to us all, even you. Why throw that all away?
Ren doesn't say anything and just leaves the cabin.
Yang- If anyone cares, I found a part to fix the bike.
Nobody says a thing. Not even the Angels have anything to comment. We all just stare out the window at Ren who just sits by the lamppost out in the middle of the the snowfall.
Gabriel- For what it's worth, I'm sorry he said those things to you. I know you've had to work hard to get here Jaune and I know the relationship you guys have with Zack.
Jaune- We're all under a lot of stress right now. I used to push people away too.
Yang goes back to working on the bike part and I lay in my bunk.
Yang- Do you guys think she thinks less of me for not helping out with Amity or Zack's rescue?
Ethan- It's just any other sibling drama. You're always going to love each other no matter what even if you disagree on things.
Jaune- I'm going to try and get some sleep but I can't stop thinking about Oscar.
Yang- Go ahead. Ethan and I will make sure Ren doesn't brood himself to death.
Jaune- I just have a bad feeling. Things always seem to get worse before they get better.
Back at the castle
Cas (POV)
My little cell begins to get lowered. I can only assume that I'm about to be tortured again. My cell finally touches solid ground and I stare Astaroth down.
Astaroth- Look at you. The Great and Mighty Caspian reduced to nothing more than a frail shell of his former self.
Caspian- Well if you were in a power sapping cage, you wouldn't look all too great either. Not that you don't already, you look like shit.
Astaroth- Always with the smart mouth. I should kill you right now.
Caspian- I don't know what's taking you so long. You've had all this time to do so yet you sit on that wack ass throne and have me sitting in a suspended cage bored as hell. Like come on dude. I know I'm cool and all and maybe seeing my face gets you off or something but dude, for real do something productive. Go fight Salem, go fight James, do something other than hiding in here while your little cronies do your dirty work. Also, ayo Zack. I know you can hear me in there. I'm sorry man. I really am. But I need you to wake up for me man. I need you to wake up and snuff out the darkness that's preventing your light from shining. If not for me, do it for Ruby, do it for your mom.
In pure darkness
Zack (POV)
Indigo: That's the end of this one. Hopefully you guys enjoyed it. Later indigo fam. Peace.

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