Chapter 16: Volume 8

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Ethan (POV)
All of us are currently in ship as it flys to Atlas. We sit in complete silence the ship comms light up with voices.
Soldier (comms)- The generators took too much damage!
Ironwood (comms)- Then don't waste resources on them. Beta Squad, the creature?
Commander B (comms)- We've tried bombs, missiles, but we can't make a dent sir.
Ironwood (comms)- And what of Astaroth's fortress? Alpha Squad?
Commander A (comms)- The fortress seems to be protected with some kind of invisible force field. Demons just keep coming. We're losing men and fast. I don't know how much longer we can hold out for.
Winter gets to her feet and presses her communicator.
Winter- Sir, Schnee here. Penny is still MIA but we've apprehended Arc, Xiao-Long, Ren, Hendrix, and four Angels. Two of them are injured.
Ironwood (comms)- Standby for further orders and don't let those fugitives or Angels out of your sight.
Winter- Yes sir. Of course.
Yang- Still just following orders.
Ethan- I wouldn't be so surprised. She's a mindless sheep after all.
We pass a skyscraper and we see the carnage spreading across Atlas.

Gabriel- Dear God Alrighty......
Malachi- This is hell on earth.
Jaune- That Grimm is the one they took Oscar to. It's.....even bigger than I thought.
Vine- Grimm doesn't take prisoners.
Yang- This one did. If you would just let us go-
Vine grabs Yang's shoulder and I get up to grab Vine.
Ironwood (comms)- Cease fire. Manta Squads, concentrate on secondary hostiles. Command is working on a solution for the creature and Astaroth.
Winter- What do you have in mind sir?
Ironwood (comms)- We're not making any progress attacking either target from the outside. The creature could be vulnerable from the inside. As for the fortress and the team is making two bombs. When they're ready, we'll drop it off as close to both targets as possible. Then your team and another will deliver it on foot. Sending you rendezvous coordinates right now.
Winter-.......Of course sir. We will hold the point and we will get it done.
Jaune- But Oscar's in there.
Ethan- And Zack could still be alive in that fortress!
Yang- You can't do this!
Ethan- Are you really that heartless Winter?! Zack is your "little brother" is he not?! You're really going to kill the boy who sees you as a big sister?! All the years you guys have known each other and now you act like he doesn't exist anymore! You've got one twisted cold heart.
Meanwhile back in the cell
Ozpin (POV)
I've been bound my by wrists and hanged on a hook defenseless. Hazel is beating me once more.
Hazel- That stunt you pulled. She'd of killed you if you didn't just pop up somewhere else. Still, you can make things easier on yourself if you start telling the truth.
Ozpin- You've never wondered why she recruited you? You, specifically, to help her find the relics.
Hazel- We share a vision. She's going to create a new world order. No kingdoms and no Huntsmen Academies.
Ozpin- Tch. New world order. No. When Salem gets all four relics, there will be no world left at all. Don't you get it? She's been alive longer than you can comprehend. All she craves now is release. Death.
Hazel- Stop lying!
She punches me in my stomach.
Hazel- Salem can't be killed! When she came for me, I killed her over and over again. The longest she was gone was for a few hours, before she put herself back together. When I couldn't lift my arms anymore, she showed me that through her, I could have the vengeance I needed.
Ozpin- Oh Hazel. Don't you see, that is why she came for you. Because she could make you believe that this is what you needed.
Hazel- This is what you deserve!
Ozpin- Yes, but Oscar? The people of Atlas, Remnant? You haven't done what you've done for justice. You've done it for yourself. Because she pushed you to think it would help you. Well, was it?
Back at Schnee Manor
Ruby (POV)
The darkness of night is just about here as Blake and I open the door to Weiss room where she's tending to Nora. With coffee in hand, we head inside.
Ruby- (hands Weiss coffee) How is she?
Weiss- I've done what I can but she needs a doctor.
Blake- Hopefully, May's able to reach the others.
Blake- I'm..........I really hope they're okay. Salem's monster is making Grimm faster than the Atlas military can kill them. And have you seen the other side of the city with the demons? It's like an apocalypse. The city doesn't stand a chance unless we stop it.
Ruby- That monster is way bigger than a leviathan and still don't have a plan to breach the fortress and confront Astaroth. What can we even do?
Weiss- Penny launched Amity and our message went out. Do we just wait for someone to come? If they even come.
Ruby-...........How did it all get like this?
May comes into the room.
May- Fiona says your friends haven't been heard from in awhile. Both groups. Unfortunately the last thing they're worried about now is a couple of kids. Come on. I've got the ship ready to head back and-
Weiss- What? We can't leave.
May- It's chaos at the crater. Atlas has it's army but Mantle only has us and the Angel army. People are dying and the Angels can only do so much.
Weiss- People are dying here too. Don't you have family in Atlas?
May- No. Mantle needed me, and to the Marigolds, that meant I wasn't their son anymore. And I made sure that everyone knew that I wasn't their daughter. So forget em. They've got Henry, you're have Whitley. You get what I'm saying.
Weiss-.....I don't know about-
May- Which side are you on anyway?!
Blake-........We've heard that before.
Ruby- There are no sides! We want to help everyone. We're all facing Salem together. And together is the only way we're going to get out of it.
May- (sigh) So how exactly do we get out of it?
Red lightning flashes as the storm rolls in.
Ruby *mind*- Whatever it is, we need to do and do it fast.
Indigo: That's the end of this one. Hopefully you guys enjoyed it. Later indigo fam. Peace.

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