Chapter 17: Volume 8

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Torture cell
Ozpin (POV)
Ozpin- "So long as this world turns, you shall walk it's face." That was the curse cast upon her. But if Salem can divide humanity beyond repair and bring all four relics back together, she believes that maybe her curse will be broken. The gods will rule against us and destroy Remnant. Once and for all.
Hazel- Nice story. But if Gretchen's death taught me one thing, it was never to trust you.
Oscar wants to take over in order to get Hazel to trust us. I reluctantly agree.
Oscar (POV)
Oscar- Her name is Jinn.
Hazel- Huh?
Oscar- You want her to come out of the lamp? Just say her name. She can still answer one more question.
Hazel- After all that, (anger flares) you're going to give Salem the password?!
He grabs my jaw and begins to squeeze.
Oscar- No.......I'm giving you the password and hoping you'll find the truth yourself.
Meanwhile still in flight
Ethan (POV)
Yang- You can't blow it up with Oscar still in there.
Vine- That creature causes more damage every minute. We cannot wait.
Jaune- Please Winter! Give us a chance to rescue him first! We.....we could be your test run. You don't know what will be waiting for you inside, right?  So we can go ahead and check it out, and look for Oscar while we're inside.
Gabriel- They'll have Malachi and myself as there as backup. The power of the Angels will be with them. All that I ask is watch over my injured comrades.
Marrow- You want to go inside that thing alone?
Ethan- What other choice do we have? Wouldn't you do it if it were Elm? Harriet? Vine? Winter, what if it were Zack?
Winter flinches.
Elm- We don't let feelings get in the way of making the right call. Trading six or eight lives is stupid.
RE- No it's not.
I look over to Ren as he spoke at the same time as I did.
Ren- He is our friend. We will do whatever it takes to find him, because we care about him. And we're not stopping there. We're getting Zack back. Demons or Grimm be damned. (Looks at Ethan) He's our friend too. And one doesn't leave a brother behind. That is the code of brotherhood.
I crack a smile.
Harriet- (scoffs) I really had you pegged as the most level headed of the bunch, but I guess you're just as naive. Feelings don't matter, the job matters. When you lose someone on your team, you move on. Replace them, like Marrow replaced Tortuga and Winter replaced-
Ren- NO! No one is replaceable.
His eyes widen. He sees something only he can see. Semblance maybe?
Ren- You don't really believe that. You are furious about losing Clover and you, you miss him.
Harriet- You don't know anything about me!
He looks each member of the Ops around the aircraft.
Ren- That's why you lost against Team RWBY. You, you try to fight how you feel about each other, so you'll never truly work as a team.
Elm- Shut up! You don't know what you're talking about!
She goes to throw a fist at Ren but Winter gets in the way.
Winter- Every calm down.
She looks at us and the Angels.
Winter- Fine. We will drop you off as close as we can to the monster.
Harriet- You can't be serious. They're fugitives and traitors and the Angels are our enemy!
Winter- I outrank you. (Looks to us) If you aren't out in time, we drop the payload. No matter what. And we will watch over the injured Angels. No harm will come to them.
Gabriel- Thank you.
Ethan-........We'll get it done.
The aircraft lands in the fields around the giant monster. The doors open and I see the some of the carnage up close. With my weapons returned to me, I unsheathe one of my swords. I take a deep breath as I prepare to step out. A have gently touches my shoulder and Yang comes into my view. All she does is smile and I instantly relax a little. She gives me a quick kiss and we're all off.
Back at Schnee Manor
Ruby (POV)
May is leaving and I'm trying to stop and come up with something on the spot.
Ruby- Wait. What about Qrow and Robyn? Well, maybe if we get them out of wherever they're being held we could-
May- No! See, you just don't get it! This is not a situation where everyone wins. Now, you all can come with me to help in Mantle, or I can drop you off near the front lines, if you still want to help Atlas. Your uncle and Robyn can't save us. We have to choose. So choose.
Before we can answer, there's a knocking at the door. We all draw our weapons and approach the door slowly. Weiss opens the hesitantly but instantly shrieks out in joy.
Weiss- Klein!

Klien- (tips hat)  Miss Schnee. I heard there was a patient here who needed my help.
Weiss- I, I am so sorry Klien. It's my fault that father-
Klein- Please don't worry my snowflake. It had nothing to do with you, and had everything to do with Jacques.
Weiss invites him inside.
Weiss- Well that's sweet of you. But wait, how did you know-
Klien- Ah, young Whitley. I'm so glad you rang. May I please see the patient? I understand it's urgent.
Whitley comes down the stairs
Whitley- Yes, she's in Weiss's room. Just go up the-
Klien- I haven't been gone that long, Master Whitley. I believe I can find it.
Klien trots up the steps leaving Whitley awkwardly standing in place.
Weiss- You called Klien?
Whitley- That girl needs a doctor. I didn't do it for you.
Weiss- I know. That's why it means to much to me. Weiss hugs Whitley and he returns the gesture. The moment is interrupted by an explosion sound coming from outside.
Weiss- Did you call anyone else?
I rush to the door and open. There's a smoking crater out front and myself, Weiss, and Blake run over to it. We look in the crater and through the smoke I see heart aching site.

Penny- I'm........(reaches out) I'm sorry.......
Her eyes close and her hand falls limp to the ground.
Ruby- Penny.......
Indigo: That's the end of this one. Hopefully you guys enjoyed it. Later indigo fam. Peace.

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