Chapter 4: Volume 8

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Ruby (POV)
We make it to a shipping company building under the name Snowshoe Shipping. On the way here though, I couldn't help but notice the same look of worry on the faces of Weiss and Blake. Mostly likely worrying about Dante and Elias. Weiss guides us inside the building.

Weiss- Snowshoe Shipping is a SDC subsidiary, meaning all the drones here report the the company, not the general. The pneumatic tubes allow for Dust refined in the crater to be sent up straight to Atlas. We just need to find the one for the military base.
Blake- Are there any buildings in Atlas your family doesn't own?
Nora chuckles at that comment.
Weiss- That isn't relevant at the moment. Everyone begins to search but Penny goes off on her own. I find her looking depressed.
Ruby- Hey.
Penny- I do not like it when friends fight.
Ruby- I know. Yang and I might not agree on how the best to save Mantle but-
Penny- No. I mean Winter. The general. They were our friends. But then the Ace Ops attacked you. And the general, he said people were going to die. Because of me.
I turn her around to face me.
Ruby- That was a lie and he was only saying that to hurt you.
Penny- I was the Protector of Mantle. Now, I am much more than that. And I wish I was not.
Ruby- But, you're still you Penny. By becoming the Winner Maiden you did protect Mantle.
Penny-........Thank you Ruby.
I give her a hug and we head over to Nora after she said she's found it.
Blake- Guess there's no turning back now.
May- Between our secret weapon and my semblance, you all couldn't be in safer hands.
Nora- So how do we use this thing?
Weiss- It should be simple. (Stands back first at the chute opening) If you lie back in the tube and press launch ahhhhhhhhh!!!
Nora pressed the button and Weiss was sucked away in the tube.
Ruby *mind*- Oh boy.
Ethan (POV)
We safely escorted the people to the crater and we run into Fiona and Joanna.
Fiona- You guys cleared sector 7 already? That's great. Uh.....who are they?
She points to the group of Angels.
Gabriel- I am Archangel Gabriel and this is my team. It is an honor to meet you. (Bows) We are here on the behest of Angelic Goddess Iris to help you in anyway we can. We are your allies in this war.
Fiona- Well you they trust you enough to help, then I will too.
Oscar- So where are you putting the refugees?
Fiona- We're working to get most of them settled in houses or other shelters. A large portion of the community is also trying to get old mine shafts into a livable condition.
Joanna- We've got a lot of people to keep warm. Looting the SDC refineries is our best source of dust. Fortunately no one's getting arrested during the apocalypse. Just knowing those Grimm are circling doesn't feel great. And the lack of demons seen today concerns me as well.
Gabriel- Yes we did notice that as well. The question is, why are the Grimm waiting and what is Astaroth's plan?
Fiona gets a call saying Grimm are in the east.
Yang- Did he say east?
Ethan- We're on it.
Gabriel- Ok, Samuel. Malachi. You two stay here and see if there's anything you can do help around here. Evangeline, you're with me.
Evangeline- Yes Captain.
We take off with the two Angels and take care of a flying Grimm.
Yang- Okay Fiona, that's one problem taken care of.
Fiona *comms*- Good cause we're getting reports of more Grimm coming in from the West. The Huntsmen there could really use your backup.
Ethan- Alright. Headed there now.
Fiona *comms*- Also be careful. Sightings up pure destruction followed by two individuals have appeared all around the area. We haven't been able to pinpoint their exact locations but whoever they are, they're different. Be careful.
Jaune- Will do.
Oscar- It's all the negativity. Salem's forces aren't moving but it's enough to start attracting the stragglers.
Ren- Guys, we're not finished.
Sabertooth Grimm come running in our direction, look at something, stop in their tracks and flee in the opposite as they whine and whimper.
Ren- What just happened?
Ethan- They ran. I've never seen Grimm act that way before.
Evangeline- Question is, what were they running from?
A Grimm crashes down on top of Oscar and starts biting him. It throws him with his teeth and separates him from us.
Ren- Oscar!
It pounces on Oscar and mauls him till his aura is gone and Oscar is knocked out cold. The Grimm roars and begins to morph into something else.

Ethan- A werewolf Grimm?! But how?!
Yang- Oscar!
Gabriel- Evangeline!
Evangeline- On it!
Both Gabriel and Evangeline spread their wings and soar towards this Grimm and Oscar with swords at the ready. The werewolf Grimm uses Oscar as a human shield and the pair of Angels stop in their tracks.
Jaune- But Grimm aren't that smart.
Ren- Give him back!
The Grimm looks at Ren and we can hear bones crack inside of it.
Grimm- No.
All of us get wide eyed.
Jaune- Did it just......
Evangeline-.........It talked. Captain?
Gabriel-.....I......I don't know.
The Grimm backs away with Oscar and wings protrude from the Grimm's back.

The Grimm picks Oscar up with it's mouth and looks at us. Suddenly, something small falls from above and lands in between us and the Grimm.

Jaune- What the?
Ren- What is that?
Yang- Looks more like.
The Grimm eyes widen as well as mine.
Ethan- It's a bomb!!!
As I say that, it explodes.

All of including the Grimm get blown back in all directions. Buildings get destroyed and debris goes everywhere. Once the smoke cleared two people stood in the center. A fox faunas and a guy covered in cuts and bruises.

Fox faunas- Look what we have here Pauchi.
Pauchi- Oh, and I our Lord's former friends are among the lambs to to slaughter.
Fox faunas- That and we also have Archangel Gabriel and one of his subordinates. Not mention this creation of Salem. (Presses something on his ear) My lord, Pauchi and myself just stumbled across have just come across some of your former allies, Archangel Gabriel and a subordinate, a new creation of Salem who seems to have taken quite the interest in the one who holds Ozpin. What would you like us to do?.............................................Yes sire. It will be done. 
He turns to look at Pauchi fellow.
Fox faunas- Good news Pauchi. You get to spill blood. All we have to do is make sure we get the kid.
A sick demented smile crosses Pauchi's face.
Like this

Pauchi- Pauchi gets to kill?! This is a real treat Ōkami!! Pauchi loves to kill!!! Pauchi loves to cause misery!!!! All of these little ducklings will be nothing but pieces of flesh stuck to the bottoms of my boots after this!!!! It's going to be a BLOODBATH!!!!
Indigo: That's the end of this one. Hopefully you guys enjoyed it. Later indigo fam. Peace.

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