Chapter 5: Volume 8

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Elias (POV)
Trekking through the empty streets of Mantle, the silence is deafening. The only sound is the crunch of snow beneath our boots and the occasional sound of fire escaping from destroyed cars and buildings. Every so often the sight of corpses come into our view. Humans, Faunas, Angels, Demons, Machines.
Elias- Dear god. What the hell is this anymore? Like, what in the actual fuck is life anymore? We went from students trying to achieve their dreams of becoming Huntsmen and Huntresses to this. War. A war between deities and we no fucking clue existed way back in the beginning. Back then, we had no clue a person such as Salem existed, Angels and Demons were fairytales, Ozpin was still Ozpin and he wasn't lying to us, and we had our team as a whole. I just don't fucking get it. What went wrong? Why did it have to turn out like this?
Elias- Hey, you're not off the hook either. That was cold what you said to Ethan before we left. It was unnecessary even though he was being kind of a douche. Saying what you said made you look like an ass.
Elias- Dante.
Elias- Dude!
Elias- So you're just going to ignore me?
I grab Dante's shoulder and turn him around. He gets pissed and gets in my face.
Dante- What Elias?! What?!
Elias- Fucking talk! I'm talking to you y'know!
Dante- What do you want me to say hmm?! All I'm doing is walking and listening to you bitch! Bitching about how things used to be! How you want to go back to the beginning and wish none of this ever existed! News flash, we can't! This is it! This is reality now! Ozpin is a fucking liar, Ironwood is a paranoid psychotic fuck, Salem has been fucking us in the ass ever since Beacon, and now our group, our FAMILY is more divided than it ever was! Especially this little portion of our family!  Team ZEED! (Scoffs) We can't even call ourselves that anymore. We lost Zack not once but twice! Our boy was taken from us TWICE! And this time around, we have nothing but this tiny sliver of hope that he isn't gone for good! Then there's the rest of our team! We haven't been the same ever since we decided to come back together again! I don't know if you can see it, but I can definitely see it! There's cracks in our bonds, our brotherhood! And these cracks are growing and threatening to destroy everything we've ever had between us four! Listen, I love you guys! You guys are my brothers! But this, this ain't it chief! Our bonds have been tested to the max and so far, we've been fucking failing! So I don't know. I honestly don't know if they can survive this test. I hoping to god that they do indeed survive but I honestly don't know at this point.
Elias-.........Dante listen-
Dante- Let's get back to the task at hand. We gotta find the Angel camp.
Elias- Right.......
We continue to walk in silence once again until we hear the pattering of feet. Many feet. Around the corner comes a small group of the demon race.

Dante- Four. You take two and I'll take two.
Elias- Right.
The demons let out a roar and come charging. Two of them come my way and I dash back away from Dante so I can have some space to work with. I activate my war claws as the first demon approaches. He swings his axe and I run to him and duck underneath his swing. I go for the demon behind him and swing at him with my claws. He blocks the claws with the blade of his axe. He pushes me back and rams me down with a shoulder charge. Now flat on my back looking up, both demons swing downwards to try and cut me into pieces.
Elias- Jet propulsion!
I use the wind like boosters on my feet and I blast away in the nick of time. I get back to my feet and charge at them. The first demon prepares to swing again but I use his axe as a launchpad and stomp the fool on the back of his head and neck.
Like this

He goes for now and I turn my attention to the second demon. I rush him and take out his left knee with a dropkick. He goes down to one knee and drops his axe in the process. I quickly grab his axe and raise it over my head. I bring it down and the demon's head comes clean off.
Like this

Elias- Right at the neck. A clean cut.
The other demon begins to get up and I run over to him before he does. I step on his axe before he can lift it. He raises his head and looks me in the eye. Without remorse, I shove my right claw right underneath his chin. The claw goes through the bottom of the mouth and out the top of his head. The demon instantly goes limp and I shove the carcass off of me with my foot. I look over to Dante to see that he finished up.
Elias- You good?
Dante- Yeah. You?
Elias- Yeah. No trouble at all.
Dante- Likewise.
???- I wouldn't get too ahead of yourselves if I were you. They were grunts after all.
The voice rings throughput the area and the snow and wind begin to pick up in a violent matter.

The heavy wind and snow begin to affect our field of view.
Dante- This isn't you is it?
Elias- No. Whoever or whatever is causing this must be really strong.
Two sets of footsteps draw ever so closer. Dante and I ready up for an enemy attack. We see two figures through all this snow and wind. As they get closer, we can make out what they look like. One looks like a blue orc with tats and the other looks like a regular dude with a trench coat.

Trench coat- Well well well. Look at what we have here. Hey Kotan, I think this some of our lord's old comrades or some shit. This should be entertaining.
Indigo: That's the end of this one. Hopefully you guys enjoyed it. Later indigo fam. Peace.

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