Chapter 6: Volume 8

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Dante (POV)
Dante- Just who the heck are you guys and what do you mean by your lord's "old comrades?"
The guy with the trench coat pulls out a cigarette and lights it.
Trench coat- (takes a puff) Wouldn't you like to know huh kid?
Dante- Answer the damn question!
Trench coat- Well if you were smart and actually used your brain, you would know that we sent those demons on you and that we're what you might say "The Bad Guys."
Elias- So you work for Astaroth huh?!
Trench coat- Bingo.
Dante- Tell is what you did with my Zack! Where's my best friend?!
Trench coat- No can do buckeroo. We can't just go leaking our plans to anyone who asks let alone pesky Huntsmen that'll only get the way. That's just plain stupid if I do say so myself. But what I will say is that you unfortunately have to get taken care of. So please don't make this hard and just die quickly and painlessly. Fighting is a drag.
Dante- Why you!
I dash to the guy in the trench coat and slice him down the middle. His black blood spills out onto the snow. The guy looks down at his laceration.
Trench coat- Well would you look at that. You sliced me.
The cut closes up on his own goes away like it wasn't even there in the first place.
Trench coat- Always the hard way with you heroes.
Before I can even blink, the guy kicks me in my stomach and I so careening through the window of a ruined building.
Elias (POV)
Trench coat- Kotan, take care of this will ya? And be quick about it. We've got other places to be, people to kill and all of that jazz and shit.
The orc beast thing simply grunts and begins walking my way.
Elias- Kamisori.
Highly pressurized wind congregates at the end of my war claws and I run at Kotan. I release a flurry of slashes with added power of the wind. Up and down my claws go as it tears into his flesh. For some odd reason he just keeps standing there taking the hits.
Elias- What's wrong with you?! This is supposed to be a fight is it not?!
Kotan just grunts and with one swift backhand, I go flying face first into the side of a car. My nose immediately breaks on contact and my warm blood leaks on the cold snow covered ground.
Nusa (POV)
Still smoking my cig, I watch on as Kotan picks Elias up and effortlessly rams his face into the side window of the car. Glass shards get stuck in Elias's face as he crumpled to the ground. This time Kotan picks Elias up by his hair. Surprisingly the kid breaks out of Kotan's grip and goes to impale him with his claws. Unsurprisingly, Kotan catches both claws and breaks Elias's wrists with a simple squeeze. Elias yells out in pain until his screams are cut short by Kotan gripping Elias's neck and chokeslaming the kid into the windshield of the car.

Nusa- (blows out smoke) Damn Kotan. You treated the kid like a rag doll.
The sound of shuffling brings our attention to Dante coming out the building looking all the way fucked up. He looks to his friend who Kotan laid out then looks back to us.
Dante- You bastards are dead!! I'll kill you!!!
Nusa *mind*- The kid is worked up. He's not thinking with a clear mind. This fight is already over. He's lost.
Dante comes charging at me without haste. I simply put my hands in my pocket (Orange Cassidy style) and simply wait until he gets close. Once close enough, I deliver a Spartan Kick straight to his stomach.
Like this

The kick plants him on his ass and yet he still comes back for more. This time around, I appear before him suddenly a deliver a swift kick to his kneecap causing his leg to immediately break.

He falls to the ground and grabs at his now broken leg. Annoyed with his cries of agony, I decide to silence the fool. I grab his two arms and proceed to stomp the ever living shit out of his face.

His screams of pain and agony quickly get replaced by gurgling as bones is his face breaks, blood starts leaking, and the choking on his own blood. I don't stop until all is quiet and he's just a mess in own pool of blood in this frozen wasteland.
Nusa- Done and done. What a pain in the ass. (Uses communicator) My lord, Dante and Elias have been removed from situation. Moving on to different targets.
Ruby (POV)
I've just come out the mail shoot to find Weiss punishing Nora for launching her first unexpectedly.
Blake- I never want to do that again.
May- Alright robogirl. You're up. Which way?
Penny scans the military base.
Penny- We'll go across the bridge then go left, straight, right, straight, left, up, up, right, straight, right, right, straight, left, left. And my name is Penny.
Ruby- Heh.
May- Tch.
Angel War Camp
Iris (POV)
Things aren't going as I expected. Salem is putting up much more of a fight than I expected. I can't say I'm surprised with close she is to getting the second artifact. James's betrayal is something I didn't see coming nor did I expect to fight. His robots and drones just get in the way if I'm being honest. And then there's him. The Fallen Angel Astaroth of Corruption, Astaroth. The shell which holds my son hostage. Oh how I wished I could've revealed myself when I saved him from my eldest son. But to see what my two boys have become now, it's saddening. I must save my sons starting with Zack but first, I need to get in contact with Team RWBY and Team ZEED. One of my Angel soldiers comes into my tent.
Iris- What is it soldier?
Soldier- Ma'am, scouts headed northeast into Mantle have come across to boys. One appears to be a wolf faunas, the other a human. Both in serious condition and in need of medical attention ASAP.
He shows me the live camera feed of one of the scouts. Low and behold, it's Dante Foster and Elias Stone of Team ZEED.
Iris- Get them! Bring them in immediately and take them to the medical ward! I need this done now and without haste! I need those boys to live!
Indigo: That's the end of this one. Hopefully you guys enjoyed it. Later indigo fam. Peace.

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