Chapter 8: Volume 8

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Ruby (POV)
Harriet- Time to come home now Penny.
Weiss- So your first time losing to us wasn't enough?
We all draw our weapons.
Marrow- We were holding back.
Vine- We have all said some things we regret but please hear me out. (Steps forward) I know you thought you were doing the right thing when you left with the maiden power but Salem is here now. Not to mention your friend Zack Fullbuster has unleashed a new threat that nobody really knows about. And I doubt we can trust the Angels for help. Things have changed dramatically.
Penny- If General Ironwood plans to leave Mantle behind, nothing has changed.
Vine- (sigh) I thought you were supposed to protect the people, not hurt them.
Penny- I would never hurt anyone.
Elm- Well Winter is in critical condition because of you.
Harriet- And you repaid her by stealing the power that should've been hers.
Penny- But taking the maiden power was the only way to-
Harriet- If you keep refusing to do the right thing, people in Atlas and Mantle are going to die.
Marrow- You can stop all of this Penny. Just open the vault, hand over the relic, and you'll save Atlas.
Ruby- But it won't save Atlas. Salem will find her way to the relic no matter where you go. Same can be said for Astaroth. Once Ironwood opens the vault, the relic is as good as-
Harriet- One more word out of you and I'm throwing you in jail right next to your uncle, you runt.
I get angry but Penny stops me from going forward.
Penny- Leave her alone.
Harriet- (gets in fighting position) And what are you going to do about it tin can?
Penny steps forward out of the door. Harriet quickly pulls out a remote.
Ruby- Penny no!
The door shuts leaving us trapped on this side while Penny is on the other side with the Ace Ops.
Penny (POV)
The door has shut behind leaving me in a one one four situation. I have no choice but to activate my maiden powers.

Wind picks up exponentially due to my powers. I power up an attack and I send a wind wave blast right to them. All get hit and blown away except Vine who holds on to the railing for dear life. Marrow almost goes off the side of this bridge but Elm grabs him by his hammer and holds him. Harriet uses her semblance and runs up against the wind. Vine uses his powers and stretches one of his energy arms to the other railing and flips over me and lands behind me.
Penny- You will NOT hurt my friends!
I proceed to bring out my weapons.

Vine tries to grab me but my swords block his attempt. Harriet comes speeding by and starts a hit and run tactic. My swords can't defend me in time due to her speed. I focus on her and punch her in the face as she tries to zip by again. My swords prepare to end her but in shot in the back by a rocket. I look over my shoulder to see Elm was the one who fired. I go sailing back up I recover in mid air and skid to a stop. Marrow is the one who's next to attack as he charges at me with his blade. I try to slice him but he corkscrew flips over me and hits me in the back. Immediately Harriet is in the offensive as she dropkicks me in the shins and I flip forward. I land on my feet and kick her into the air and slice her in the chest on her way down. I power up my powers some more and it starts to hail. Marrow covers up leaving him wide open. I jet over towards him and hit a roundhouse kick right to his stomach resulting him going over the side of the bridge. Vine reacts quickly and grabs him with his energy arms and pulls him back.
Vine- Harriet now!
Harriet jumps on Elm's hammer and Elm rockets Harriet to me combined with Harriet's semblance. She's at my position in less than a second making me too late to react. She lays into me with rights, lefts, and kicks. I take a nasty right uppercut to the chin which makes me come off the ground. Harriet grabs my arms and brings me back down into a jumping knee strike. Dazed and hurt, she finished her combo with a impactful running dropkick
Like this

Penny *mind*- Damn. I don't know how long I can keep this up.
Ruby (POV)
We're trying to get the door open any means necessary. Weiss's Knight doesn't seem to be helping though.
Weiss- Four vs one? Cowards.
Ruby- Penny's the Winter Maiden. I'm pretty sure she can hold her own for a little bit.
Nora- We have to get out there!
She approaches the door and pulls out her hammer.
Nora- Be strong....and hit stuff.
Weiss- Nora wait!
Nora bashes the door and begins to absorb the electricity. We can see the electricity travel through her veins but she doesn't stop.

She rears her hammer back once more and drills it into the door making it bust open with an explosion.
Nora- That was.......pretty......awesome.
Her aura dissipates and she passes out.
Penny- Nora!
Penny rushes to her side and we get in front of her to defend her. Penny sets her down somewhere safe and we all rush in to attack. Vine uses his elastic energy arms to smack us all to the side besides Penny. We go off the end and I'm hanging on by the edge of the my scythe while Blake and Weiss dangle from my feet. I let go of the edge and use my rose speed semblance to catch my friends and make it back to the bridge. Once up, we see Harriet has one of Penny's swords in her hand.
Elm- Tch, let's go.
All Ace Ops retreat over the side of the bridge.
Weiss- Uh that was...
Blake- Very suspicious.
Penny grabs Nora and her hammer and we all make a run for the hangar.
We find May with the ship all ready to go until she spots Nora.
Blake- She's in bad shape. We need to get her somewhere safe. We all hop in the ship and head out.
Floating in the Darkest depths
Zack (POV)
Pitch black darkness. That is all that I can see. That is all that's around as I float on in this endless realm. So dark, so empty. How did I get here? I don't.....remember. All I remember something inside me just broke and here I am....The darkness......I couldn't contain it......I couldn't contain my life. I feel like I lost myself. The only feeling left is tiredness. I want to sleep. Sleep and never wake up. That sounds nice. At least that way I won't have to feel anything anymore. An eternal slumber.
Indigo: That's the end of this one. Hopefully you guys enjoyed it. Later indigo fam. Peace.

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