Chapter 9: Volume 8

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Qrow (POV)
I'm still in jail, Jac is trying to swat a fly, and Robin is telling jokes to pass the the time. Yet here I am slouched on my bench holding Clover's pendant. I don't really pay attention to Robin's joke but I hear her wrapping it up so I cut a small smile.
Robin- And he smiles. Did I win?
Qrow- It's your game. I don't make the rules.
Robin- (notices the pendant) I'm sorry for what happened. It wasn't your fault.
Qrow- It was though. I made a deal with the darkness and he paid the price. It was all happening so fast but Clover wouldn't let up. We could've worked together against Tyrian if he just......But the thing that really stings? For the first time in awhile, I thought thar maybe I could finally be around someone, anybody without my semblance making things complicated. I mean Zack had the literal King of Sin inside of him to kinda outdo my semblance but now I don't know what he is anymore. It all seems like a child's dream. False hope.
Robin- Believe it or not, I know a little bit of what that's like. When people are worried you're gonna sniff out their secrets? They tend to push you away. It makes a real connection......difficult.
She presses her hand up against laser wall separating us and looks directly into my eyes with a feeling I'm not accustomed to.
The doors to the room open up and guards throw Watts back in here. The Ace Ops enter too and I quickly put the pendant away but Harriet saw.
Harriet- You don't get to keep that
Qrow- I DIDN'T kill him.
Harriet- Hmph. You keep saying that but it was your weapon covered in his blood.
I look away as talking won't do much good.
Robin- If you really want to know what happened Mohawk, why not open the cell and take my hand.
Harriet- Heh. If I open this cell, it won't be to shake hands.
Robin- Yeah because you don't care about the truth. You just want someone to be mad at. Easier than taking an honest look of what side you're on.
She eyes Robin's padlock and looks like she's going to unlock it.
Marrow- Harr don't.
Harriet storms off and out of here but not before shoulder checking Marrow.
Robin- (lays down) Well that was....almost exciting.
Ethan (POV)
The first signs of sunset show as we're currently on our bikes chasing after the new Grim who has Oscar. The Angels are flying above us with half of them focusing fire on the the Grim while the other half focusing on the two dudes who attacked everyone. My guess is that they're working with Astaroth. We left Mantle not too long ago and are now entering the snowy mountain tundra.
Jaune- He's going to lose us in these mountains. We can't keep up.
Ethan- And we can't shake these bastards behind us.
I look over my shoulder a see that Pauchi is maneuvering and dodging the blasts of the Angels with ease. Ōkami unsheathes his katana as Pauchi hits the gas and speeds up.
Ren- I don't how much longer these bikes can stand the cold.
Yang- Gabriel! Come on! Get Oscar!
Gabriel- We're doing the best we can! This is a Grim of the likes we Angels haven't seen before. This abomination has speed greater than ours it would seem.
Evangeline- I have a plan. Ethan would you mind?
Ethan- Ah fuck it. This bike is toast anyway.
Evangeline flys low and grabs onto my arms. As she lifts me off, the bike loses control and heads to crash into Astaroth's boys. Ōkami simply swings his sword and the bike gets cut up in two and completely misses the pair.
Ethan- Well shit.
Evangeline flys us higher and gains in the Grim a little bit.
Evangeline- Ready?
Ethan- Do it.
She throws me with all her might and I take out two blades. I crash into the Grim and stab my blades into its back.
Ethan- Alright you piece of shit. Show me what you got.
Right on cue, it starts to fly erraticlyas I hang on for dear life. It eyes the nearest cliff of solid rock and rams me directly into it.
Ethan- Argh fuck!
It bashes me into more earth as it keeps flying.
Jaune- Hang on Ethan!
Ethan- It's not like I have much of a choice here!
It see another cliff face and flies directly for it.
Ethan- Oh no you don't. Lightning Implosion.
Lighting travels from my body, through my sword, and electrocutes the Grim. It screeches out in pain as it's speed slows gradually. It bashes into more walls of rock despite the discharge. The last one knocked me for a loop and my attack ceased. It flys higher up but I still hold on. I see Yang take a natural ramp up and is now at the same height as us. She open fires on the Grim with her gauntlets. One bullet misses and grazes my cheek.
Ethan- Hey! Shoot him not me!
Yang- Sorry!
The Grim let's put a roar and centipede Grim come tunneling out of the rock and snow.

Ethan- Oh fuck me.
Ōkami (POV)
Ōkami- Well now, the creature is getting desperate.
Pauchi- Oooo more friends for Pauchi to play with!
Ōkami- Not this time. Focus on driving. I got this. Hakuzosu come forth.
A magic symbol appears on the white of the snow

And out of my symbol roses my pet, Hakuzosu

The giant Yokai chases after us and everyone as this behemoth barges through rock, making it look as soft as Jake Paul's entire career.

With Katana in hand I slice and dice centipede Grim as we pass them by. Hakuzosu gets in on the action as it opens its mouth and releases an energy beam.

We move out the way as it takes out a considerable amount of Grim, snow, and rock. It pierces a distant snowy mountain and the explosion ensues

Ōkami *mind*- With Hakuzosu out to play, that kid is as good as ours and Salem can go eat a chode.
Indigo: That's the end this one. First off, was the chode line real necessary? Come on!! Hopefully you guys enjoyed it. Later indigo fam. Peace.

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